Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)Overview:The Umbrella Corporation's deadly T-virus continues to ravage the Earth, transforming the global population into legions of the flesh eating Undead. The human race's last and only hope, Alice, awakens in the heart of Umbrella's most clandestine operations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as she delves further into the complex.My Thoughts:I think the Resident Evil movies are quite good fun. Completely brainless, but fun nonetheless. I caught the latest entry today in the cinema in 3D and I have to say, the fun has carried on. Whilst the story itself is mediocre at best, it doesn't stop you being blown away by the lightning pace from start to finish and some fantastic special effects. I'm neither for or against 3D but here it worked very well indeed for the most part and added some real depth, though some of the 3D bits were a bit amiss in the fight scenes. I really enjoyed having Michelle Rodriguez back, and of course Milla and Sienna were both present too. The style has changed for the better IMO, with some nice attempts at giving it a videogame feel at times and the ending has left me wanting more with the awesome cliffhanger. Overall, it was a good laugh, and I enjoyed it. Recommended, but for RE fans ONLY. 3.5/5