I'm going through two TV Series at the same time, alternating depending on the discs I receive from my rental service.
Terminator - The Sarah Connor's Chronicle: I'm really enjoying this. I was a bit afraid at first because I couldn't see what a TV Series would add to the 3 movies but I liked the pilot and the series sort of grows on me as I'm watching. I watched the whole first season and 3 episodes from season 2. The last one I watched was a bit boring but that's the only one so far that I didn't like.
It's the one in which Cameron is defective and starts having flashbacks and memories on the life of Alison, the human she was copied from.
BSG 2004: Unfortunately I can't say the same about this series. I wouldn't say it's bad but I don't find it very good either. The doctor's character is very annoying with all his mimics. Actually I find most characters a bid cold and I can't really get to like any of them. I also find the scripts a bit strange, like they don't provide enough background on situations that are happening and it's like things are popping up all the time with not reason and no real explanation after. I don't know exactly what's missing or what's there that shouldn't be but BSG just doesn't work for me. I'm gonna watch it all but it definitely won't be as enjoyable as other series I've watched in the past.
Battlestar Galactica (2004):

The Sarah Connor's Chronicles:

but slowly heading toward a