SELECT YEAR(PurchaseInfo.PurchaseDate) AS [Year], PurchaseInfo.CurrencyID AS [Currency], Count(profiles.Title) AS [# Titles], ROUND(Sum(PurchaseInfo.Price), 2) AS Cost, ROUND(Avg(PurchaseInfo.Price), 2) AS [Average/Title] FROM (Profiles INNER JOIN PurchaseInfo ON Profiles.ProfileID = PurchaseInfo.ProfileID) WHERE ColNo<>'' AND ColType="Owned" GROUP BY YEAR(PurchaseDate), PurchaseInfo.CurrencyID ORDER BY YEAR(PurchaseDate), Count(Profiles.Title);
SELECT PurchaseInfo.CurrencyID AS [Currency], Iif(OriginalTitle<>'', OriginalTitle, Title) AS [Disc Title], PurchaseInfo.Price AS [Price] FROM (Profiles INNER JOIN PurchaseInfo ON Profiles.ProfileID = PurchaseInfo.ProfileID) WHERE ColNo<>'' AND ColType="Owned" AND price in (SELECT min(price) from purchaseinfo where price > 0 and year(purchaseDate)=$Year$ and currencyID="$Currency$") and year(purchasedate)=$Year$;$Currency$)="SELECT CurrencyID FROM Currencies"
SELECT PurchaseInfo.CurrencyID AS [Currency], Iif(OriginalTitle<>'', OriginalTitle, Title) AS [Disc Title], PurchaseInfo.Price AS [Price] FROM (Profiles INNER JOIN PurchaseInfo ON Profiles.ProfileID = PurchaseInfo.ProfileID) WHERE ColNo<>'' AND ColType="Owned" AND price in (SELECT max(price) from purchaseinfo where price > 0 and year(purchaseDate)=$Year$ and currencyID="$Currency$") and year(purchasedate)=$Year$;$Currency$)="SELECT CurrencyID FROM Currencies"
SELECT Year, Month,sum(tit) as [# total], Sum(IIf(TagName="TV Series",Tit)) AS [# TV Sets], Sum(Iif(Medium="DVD",tit)) AS [# DVD], Sum(Iif(Medium="Blu-ray Disc", tit)) AS [# Blu-ray] FROM(SELECT Year(PurchaseDate) as [Year], Month(PurchaseDate) as [Month], Count(title) As [tit], Medium, TagName FROM (Profiles p INNER JOIN purchaseinfo i ON i.profileid=p.profileId) left outer join (SELECT * FROM tags where tagname ="TV Series") as [t] on t.profileid=p.profileid where ColType="Owned" and price > 0 Group by Year(PurchaseDate), Month(PurchaseDate), Medium, TagName) GROUP BY Year, Month
But how much of an influence has the forum had on your collections this year?