Author Topic: Mapp & Lucia: The Complete Series (1985-1986) R2 United Kingdom  (Read 1470 times)


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The Show:
Based on the works of novelist E.F. Benson, Mapp & Lucia is a comedy drama set in the 1930's that revolves around the happenings of a small village called Riseholme. Emmeline 'Lucia' Lucas (Geraldine McEwan - Miss Marple, The Magdalene Sisters) is always the centre of attention at the village events, from pageants to fetes, but her world is inadvertantly turned upside down when Miss Elizabeth Mapp (Prunella Scales - Fawlty Towers, After Henry) shows up from neighbouring village Tilly. This three disc set from Network containing all ten episodes made, follows the rivalry that ensues between Mapp and Lucia as they battle for attention and supremacy. As a drama, this is rather enjoyable, and the storylines interesting and well put together. However, this is supposedly a 'comedy' drama which is where the show has a few downsides. Sometimes it concentrates to much on trying to put a joke into the story, and although the jokes do raise the odd smile, they never reach a chuckle. Certainly enjoyable, but it just falls short on laughs. Here is a quick episode guide:

The Village Fete - The first episode is obviously used to introduce us to the main characters and the surroundings. In this episode we learn that Lucia usually organises the village fete, but she is still mourning the loss of husband. However, this doesn't stop her from going into fierce opposition with her rival Elizabeth Mapp. Originally aired 14th April 1985.

Battle Stations - Lucia has now overcome her husbands death and has taken full control in the the organisation of the Riseholm pageant. Once this is finished, she decides to go to Tilling where she is wrestling with the social whirl of being in a new area. The local residents look on in a mixture of horror and amusement as Mapp and Lucia draw up their 'Battle Stations'. Originally aired 21st April 1985.

The Italian Connection - Lucia holds a charity tea party in her garden as the Tilling social life gathers in pace. Lucia and Georgie's pictures for an art exhibition are rejected by Mapp. Mr Wyse announces the arrival of his fluent Italian sister, the Contessa Di Faraglione. Originally aired 28th April 1985.

Lobster Pots - Lucia and Georgie become permanent residents of Tilling and Lucia serves the famous Lobster a la Riseholme at her house warming party, even with Mapp trying to get her hand son the recipe. Originally aired 5th May 1985.

The Owl And The Pussycat - Mapp and Lucia get lost at sea leaving the residents of Tilling bereft with the tragic loss. All apart from Major Benjy that is... Georgie and the Major receive some news about their benefactors though which will affect the entire community. Originally aired 12th May 1985.

Winner Takes All - A rumour is circulating the village about Georgie's illness and the rumour mill continues with news that both Mapp and Lucia are standing for the local town council. More rumours are also going around about Lucia's shares in a small Siriami goldmine. Originally aired 3rd May 1986.

Change And Change About - Now that Mapp is married to Major Flint, she allows her friends to assume that she is now expecting a baby, getting one over on Lucia, but Mapp's finances are in a poor state of affairs and Lucia uses this to her advantage to get back to the top of the social ladder. Originnaly aired 10th May 1986.

Lady Bountiful - In order to maintain her social advantage over Mapp, Lucia begins a host of charitable events in Tilling after finding out her stocks are doing incredibly well. The village floods and Lucia gets a proposal. Originally aired 17th May 1986.

Worship - Lucia has managed to secure her place on Tilling village council and is thrilled with news that she has been invited to become the mayoress. Lucia and Georgie are now married but Georgie begins to rethink his decision as Lucia makes more and more of 'their' decisions. Originnaly aired 24th May 1986.

Au Reservoir - The final episode shows Lucia using all her energy to help the grieving Mrs Wyse whose canary has died. Mapp's portrait appears in the papers as portrait of the year and the rumour mill is once again set in motion with news that the Duchess of Sheffield may be moving into the area. Originally aired 31st May 1986.

The DVD:
Network have provided a decent transfer for the show presented in the OAR of 4:3. However, there are minor problems. The picture suffers from some minor print damage and some scenes contain a a small amount of grain. The picture does look better than VHS (a lot better) and it has been remastered, but it still lacks a certain clarity.

The original English track in Dolby Digital mono has been included on the disc. The sound levels were excellent with no inconsistancy and the general quality was above average for eighties TV shows. No complaints.
