The Show:
George And Mildred is one of two popular 1970's sitcoms that were spin-offs from ITV's Man About The House (the other show being Robin's Nest) and ran for a successful five series. In Man About The House, George and Mildred Roper are the landlords of three young twenty-somethings and although they are not the main characters, they play a pivitol part in the show, and are part of some of the funniest moments. No wonder this spin-off was a success. This show concentrates on the pair (played by Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce) and their day to day lives, without any tennants. Unfortunately, although the show has it's moments, it is lacking some of the charm from Man About The House, and like any spin-off (apart from possibly Frasier), you feel the show is lacking something due to losing some of your favourite characters. This is recommended if you enjoy Man About The House, or any of the previous series, and people who like other ITV sitcoms from the seventies may also like it. However, this is really for genre fans only. Too many of the jokes are just unfunny and tame compared to today where writers are more risque. Anyway, the third series contains all six episodes and here is a short episode guide:
Opportunity Knocks - Jerry (Roy Kinnear) attempts to trick George into selling the house whilst Mildred is away. The episode also guest stars Patricia Kneale, Robert Raglan, Lesley Staples and Michael Wynne. It originally aired on the 7th September 1978.
And So To Bed - When the Ropers bed collapses after 25 years, Mildred heads off to buy a new one whilst George heads to the bookies to win the money. Guest stars Harry Littlewood, John Lyons and Jimmy Thompson. It originally aired on 14th September 1978.
I Believe In Yesterday - George becomes jealous when Mildred meets up with an old G.I. friend so George decides he will try and meet up with one of his ex-aquintances. Guest stars Eunice Black, Claire Davenport, George Malpas and Peter Quince. Originally aired 21st September 1978.
The Four Letter Word - Mildred and George have a couple of their rich friends round and Mildred tries to get George a job with them. However, when George finds out his friend is planning a trip to Jersey with his secretary, he convinces him to not offer George a job. Guest stars Avril Elgar, Reginald Marsh, Mimi De Braie and Jennifer Guy. Originally aired 28th September 1978.
The Delivery Man - Ann goes into labour do George and Mildred are made to help her deliver the baby. Guests stars Cass Allen, Gail Lidstone, Paul Meier and Michael Redfern. Originally aired 5th October 1978.
Life With Father - George and Mildred must allow George's father to move in with them after he is kicked out of the retirement home. Guest stars Reg Lye, Tom Hardy, Tim Barrett and Beatrix Mackey. Originally aired 12th October 1978.
The DVD:
Network have provided a reasonable transfer for the show, in the OAR of 4:3. However, it isn't without it's problems. The opening credit sequence suffers from too much grain and the colours are very light and washed out (particularly the outdoors scenes in the credits. The show itself however, is a slight improvement over the credits and is certainly watchable. There is noticeable grain, yet not as much. No subtitles have been included.
The original English track in 2.0 Dual Mono is provided here, and it's pretty good. The dialogue is clear and the music levels consistent. No complaints.