The Show:
Most people know and love Benny Hill from his brilliant performance in star laced 1969 movie, The Italian Job, in which he played Professor Simon Peach, a man who had a bit of a thing for overweight ladies. Well, most of you will be happy to know, that this is pretty much what the four episodes of The Benny Hill Show contained in this set are about - a load of sketches involving Benny Hill, plenty of double entendres and lots of lasses in skimpy clothing. Following on from Networks previous Benny Hill Annual releases (1970-1974), this disc contains all four episodes that were aired on ITV during 1975. The show is mainly full of the usual bawdy behaviour we have all come to expect from Benny Hill and the Hill's Angels (his gang of skimpally dressed ladies). Benny Hill is also joined by his usual team including: Henry McGee (Revenge Of The Pink Panther, The Italian Job); Bob Todd (Superman III, The Jim Davidson Show) and Jack Wright (The Dick Emery Show, Video Spotlight) for just over 200 minutes (52 minutes per show) as they perform many sketches and songs. This is a type of humour you don't see around at all anymore and as I was watching these shows, some of the sketches had me in tears. More comedians should go for a family show style where there is plenty to keep both children and adults amused on different wavelengths as I'm sure it would be a ratings winner and much better than all this Pop Idol/X-Factor/Ballroom Dancing rubbish that currently don our screens every Saturday evening. This release is a must for fans of quintessential Bristish comedy. You'd be daft not too.
The DVD:
Network have provided us with the OAR of 4:3. I have to admit with being very astonished at the quality of the prints. There is no significant sign of damage at all and just minor artefacting and grain. However, once again (unfortunely), Network have managed to neglect the powers of DVD by forgetting what should be a must on all releases, subtitles.
The original English track in Dolby Digital 2.0 Dual Mono is provided here, and it's pretty good. The dialogue is clear and the music levels consistent. There isn't really much need for a dolby digital 5.1 track or a DTS track on this release as it just wouldn't have the same feeling.