Author Topic: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon  (Read 19569 times)


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2010, 01:37:34 AM »
Yeah I understand that if my life was exactly like hers, I'd probably be dead depressed all the time, I suppose you could argue that Buffy is quite realistic in that sense. I  can also understand her thinking, i.e.  she doesn't want to be responsible for her friends ending up dead etc.


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2010, 02:50:50 AM »

Plot: Buffy tries out for Sunnydale High's cheer leading squad. The Scoobies at first suspect that Amy is causing all the havoc but discover that her mother, also a practicing witch, has swapped bodies with her.

My Thoughts: This has always been one of my favourite episodes of season 1. I love the fact that for one 40 minute episode the story manages to have many twists and turns, some that you really don't expect from the start of the ep. I also love the addition of Amy who becomes one of my favourite minor characters throughout the whole show (even though a lot of that time is spent as a rat). I think she is one of the most interesting characters in the show, the way she progesses from being a student who is a victim of her monther, just trying to fit in to school, and then to an antagonist in later seasons. Another thing I love about this ep is seeing the gang pull together and work in almost detective mode, it was quite entertaining seeing them piece this one together. And as always with Buffy eps, this one had some great funny lines. Such as Xanders, "I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away".

Rating: 5/5 


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2010, 09:17:57 AM »
Teacher's Pet

Plot: Xander is smitten by the substitute biology teacher, Ms French, who turns out to be a giant praying mantis terrifying enough to make vampires run for cover. Angel's warning gives Buffy a vital clue and she rescues the virgin male students—including Xander—chosen to fertilize the creature's eggs.

My Thoughts: To me this is a fairly average episode. The plot seems a little weak, and the thought of a giant bug killing off it's male students just seems a little tame compared to some of the issues that come up in this world. One thing I can say though is that I thought the design of the teacher, while in her prayingmantis form was done well. It looked quite creepy but didn't look overly fake due to the time period and budget of the show.

Rating: 2½/5


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2010, 09:27:56 AM »
Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Plot: Buffy's love life is looking up when she goes on a date with the normal Owen, but when Owen nearly gets killed during Buffy's battle to save Giles and the others from the Master's vampires, she decides that "normal" dating might be too dangerous after all.

My Thoughts: I thought this was a great episode, it worked very well to enhance the story of the 'Master' that has been lurking behind most of the episodes of this season, but also managed to include a story that was at times, very funny. The introduction of Owen was done well, he was a great character and it was almost a shame to see him go. This episode is really the first in what will be many episodes dealing with Buffy's issues balancing her slayer life with dating and I thought they did it well. The whole episode left me very intruiged of what will happen with the 'Master' in coming episodes.

Rating: 4/5

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« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 12:25:36 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2010, 12:38:21 PM »



I love the irony of them picking that particular song for Buffy to be singing. It obviously works so well for her character. A great funny scene in a fantastic episode.


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2010, 02:37:43 AM »
The Pack

Plot: At the zoo, Xander and four other students sneak into the off-limits hyena habitat and become infected by an evil demon spirit. Xander and his pack grow more and more feral until Buffy, Giles and Willow reverse the spell.

My Thoughts: I have memories of not really liking this episode all that much but after a rewatch I decided it isn't as bad as I remember. I think the idea of possesion by an animal spirit is really cool, especially that of the Hyena which is one of my favourite animals. I also like that these aren't just any Hyenas, but somewhat powerful ones that are feared by the African tribes that live with them. I also like the traits that Xander and his pack picked up from the beasts, such as learning the name of their prey then calling it out to get it's attention. I also find the fact that the pack ate the current pricipal was quite humerous, I look forward to seeing who the new one will be as I don't remember.

Rating: 3/5


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2010, 05:37:51 AM »

Plot: Sharing their first kiss, Buffy is horrified to discover that Angel is a vampire. Bent on Slaying him, Buffy learns that Angel's soul was restored by a Gypsy curse, making him unique—and reviled—among his fellow undead. Angel stakes Darla, the vampire who made him, as she attempts to assassinate Buffy for the Master.

My Thoughts: This is an excellent episode. Darla is fantastic as the antagonist here and it's great to hear about Angels interesting backstory. I've always loved the idea that returning the soul to a vampire is the worst punishment anyone can do to them and this really shows in how tortured Angel is. I also like how the story of the Master and the boy that works with him was developed throughout this ep. In a way though I was almost sad to see Darla go, she was a very cool villian.

Rating: 4/5


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2010, 06:50:04 AM »
I, Robot... You, Jane

Plot: Willow meets a boy on the Internet, but "Malcolm" is really Moloch, an ancient demon released from bondage after Willow scanned his "book" into the school's computer. With help from Ms Calendar, Sunnydale High's computer teacher, Buffy foils Moloch's plan to upload himself into a giant robot.

My Thoughts: This episode seems almost before it's time, as the topic of internet stalkers are much more prominent now than they used to be, only being Buffy this particular internet threat happened to be an ancient demon. The design of Moloch in this episode was outstanding, in both his demon and then his somewhat mecha-robot form. Both reflected a lot of time and effort put in too his look which really paid off. I mean really, how cool is this demon/robot....

I also like this episode becuase it is the introduction of 'Ms Calander' who is a character I have always liked quite a bit, I only wish she were in the show more, she is defnitely one of my favourite teachers from Sunnydale. I also love the fact that she is a 'techno pagen'.
This episode ending is one of my favourites, Buffy, Willow and Xander discussing the fact that living on the Hellmouth they will most likley never have normal relationships is priceless... and true.

Rating: 3½/5
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 06:54:18 AM by Critter »


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2010, 09:13:42 AM »
The Puppet Show

Plot: After Principal Flutie's death, the new sheriff in Sunnydale High, Principal Snyder, forces Buffy and her friends to participate in the school talent show. When a girl's heart is harvested, Buffy suspects a fellow student and his strangely talkative dummy.

My Thoughts: This episode plays off a fear that many people have, one which is almost as prominent as that of 'clowns' and that is of dummies. Dolls and dummies coming to life is something that creeps many people out so I love the twist they put on it in this episode, especially towards the end. I also love the addition of Principal Snyder in this episode, he comes off as a bit creepy but even quite unintentionally humerous on a few occaisions and is a great replacment for Flutey. I also love that this episode expanded into the closing credits with that hilarious scene from the talent show.

Rating: 3/5
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 01:38:13 PM by Critter »


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2010, 01:47:51 PM »

Plot: Sunnydale residents find their worst nightmares coming true and Buffy learns that a little boy in a coma is the cause. To solve the problem, the gang must wake him up and help him confront his fears.  

My Thoughts: The basis of this episode is truly horrifying, who wouldn't be terrified of their very own worst nightmares coming to life? The thing I love about this episode is that while these nightmares attack everyone on a personal level, some (like Cordelia) even in a humorous way, in the end they all start to expand until the entire town is falling apart. These nightmares aren't just effecting each person individually, but everyone at once. Someone can witness their own nightmare, but also, everyone else's, this of course creates a sheer panic by the end of the episode. This is also a very rare episode as it's one of the very few in which we see Buffy's Dad in the show, a character who is very much underdeveloped throughout the show, although I suppose in the end, he is not really needed. Some scenes in this episode, especially the one involving Xander and clown I found genuinely scary, although that could be something to do with the fear I have of clowns to begin with.

Rating: 4/5
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 01:51:55 PM by Critter »


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2010, 02:30:03 AM »
Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Plot: Ignored by students and teachers alike, Marcie literally becomes invisible, then uses her affliction to terrorize Cordelia and her friends. Sympathetic at first, Buffy nevertheless stops Marcie when she goes too far. Men in black come to take Marcie away.

My Thoughts: As I am a huge fan of the character Cordelia I really love this episode. This is the first time that her character really develops a great deal and it is certainly for the good. We start to see the person who is underneath the shallow 'popular' shell, yet we understand that a part of her character will always be that. I love the way that despite everything that has happened, Cordelia knew to go to Buffy when she was in danger. The story in this episode of an invisible girl is handled very well, and quite a harsh but true portayal of High School in many ways as in the real world it is enough to drive students insane if they are ignored, though I admit not invisible, that was however a nice touch. I also love that the guest star in this episode, who portrayed Marcie was actor Clea Duvall. She is an actor I have come to know and enjoy so it was good seeing her in one of her earlier roles. I also love the ending to this episode. It leaves everything hanging with a note of mystery and is almost a fun play on genres including the 'Men in Black' type characters.

Rating: 5/5


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2010, 03:50:04 AM »
Prophecy Girl

Plot: Buffy quits Slaying when a prophecy predicts she will die in battle against the Master and the Anointed One, but soon puts aside her fear and enters the fray on her own timetable and terms. In fulfillment of prophecy, the Master indeed kills the Slayer and opens the Hellmouth, but learns too late that Buffy is resilient, unpredictable—and lethal.

My Thoughts: Where do I even begin with such a fantastic episode? This really does have everything, it's the first apocolypse (of many) that will occur throughout the show and still one of the best. The discovery of the prophecy that Buffy will be killed leads to a scene of outstanding acting from Michelle Geller. Seeing Buffy fall apart and just melt down is not easy for anyone, but she pulled it off in what is one of the most powerful scenes of the series. I loved the inclusion of Ms Calander and Cordelia as having important roles in this episode. Especially Cordelia as she really pulled through for the gang, despite their rough history. The scene when Buffy wakes up and marches to battle is especially gripping with the fantastic choice of using the theme music added in the episode. I couldn't think of a better way to end such a great first series.

Rating: 5/5

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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2010, 05:44:23 AM »
Reading your posts about all the episodes is making me want to start watching my sets again.


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Re: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Marathon
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2010, 05:46:17 AM »
That's sort of what happened to me. I currently have two friends watching the series for the first time (they are borrowing my DVD's) and hearing them talk about it made me want to rewatch it as well. And I have been wanting to do a series marathon for a while now so I thought I may as well start with Buffy.