Author Topic: AWOL  (Read 84026 times)


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« Reply #285 on: October 06, 2010, 03:52:27 PM »
Best wishes to your mom for a speedy recovery, Marie.

Offline Dragonfire

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« Reply #286 on: October 06, 2010, 04:07:04 PM »
Thanks everyone. :)

I'm home right now..basically to get some sleep.  She has been admitted and my step dad is still up there with her.  The horrible pain she was having was getting under control..they gave her..rats...dilauded or something like that.  She said it didn't make it go away completely, but it was more bearable.  She even manged to doze off a little. 
They ran blood work and did a cat scan - that probably make her claustrophobia freak out.  She has one gallstone and pancreatitis.   The doc in the er said they were going to try to get everything calmed down..guess the pain and stuff.  She was also sick a few times.  She isn't allowed to eat or drink anything right now.  No clue how long she'll have to be in there or if she'll have to have surgery for the gallstone.

I'll go back up this afternoon once I sleep a bit I haven't been to bed yet.  So hopefully she'll be doing better by then and will have a better idea on how long she'll have to be in there.


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« Reply #287 on: October 06, 2010, 06:15:31 PM »
or if she'll have to have surgery for the gallstone.
Usually they'd try to destroy it by ultrasound first and hope the the remains come out the natural way.
I really hope for your Mom that it's "only" a gallstone. It hurts like hell but it's comparably easy to get rid of it.

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« Reply #288 on: October 06, 2010, 07:25:20 PM »
All the best wishes to your mom, Marie!

Usually they'd try to destroy it by ultrasound first and hope the the remains come out the natural way.
I know they do that with kidney stones, but was unaware that gallstones can also be treated by ultrasound. Thanks.

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« Reply #289 on: October 06, 2010, 09:53:12 PM »
Just talked to my stepdad.  I guess her doctor thinks she may have already passed the gallstone.  Now they are trying to get the pain to stop.  But it doesn't help matters that the pain medicine has made her sick 3 times.  And since they won't let her even drink, she gets the dry heaves, which hurt without another issue.

Anyway, I'm going to get ready and go back up.  Need to eat and then she wants me to pick her up a couple of things.  Still no idea how long she'll have to stay.


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« Reply #290 on: October 06, 2010, 11:10:51 PM »
All the best wishes to your mom, Marie!

Usually they'd try to destroy it by ultrasound first and hope the the remains come out the natural way.
I know they do that with kidney stones, but was unaware that gallstones can also be treated by ultrasound. Thanks.
Not sure if it's really ultrasound but the treatment is called ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) check here (German) or here (English)

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« Reply #291 on: October 07, 2010, 03:52:32 AM »
Thank you for the link.

I'm home for the night.  She did get sick again once after I got up there, but it had been probably close to 3 hours since the last time she got sick when we left.  So hopefully that is calming down.  The pain is better under control.  She was dozing off at times, and once she slept close to an hour..the most she's been able to sleep since it all started.  A nurse had to wake her up to check her blood sugar - she's diabetic.  We were going to leave around then, but then this other doctor came in.  Gastro something or other. 

Right from the start the guy had this..attitude and he wasn't very friendly.  No bedside manner at all.  He said it was pancreatitis - I still can't spell that - and that gallstones can cause it.  Then he said something about some mom asked what one of them was..he said it was an MRI.  She said she can't do those because of her claustrophobia.  She's tried several times in the past, even with medication, and she can't do it.  Her claustrophobia is too severe.  Well that turned Dr. Arrogant into Dr. Rude Condescending Ass.  He just started in on her about what do you mean you can't..don't tell me my job..your saying I don't know what I'm doing...shit like that.  I had to leave the room he was pissing me off so much.  I was clear out by the damn elevators  - far enough away that I shouldn't have heard him - and I still heard every word.  He just kept getting louder and insulting.  Other people walked by in the hall and could hear him.  Her room isn't in the main hall where I is sort of this back hall I guess.  I still heard him.  He wasn't yelling...said stuff you said I yelled and I promise you I didn't.  You'd know if I was yelling.  At one point he said something about how it was almost 7:30 at night and he wasn't doing this...he'd been there since 7:30 that morning ..he didn't need this..shit like that.  He took it as a personal attack or insult or something when she said she's tried to do the mri before and couldn't.  And he just went on and on and on how she was saying he didn't know what he was talking about and he was wrong and stuff like that.  Which she didn't say.  It was the time of the shift change and the day shift nurse and the one taking over the night came up when the day nurse was going over stuff.  They heard him and backed off for a few minutes, but finally went in because they had to check the iv.  Then he said I'm done and left..he was sort of stomping off.  Said to me when he went by that he didn't mean to upset her and shrugged his shoulders.  I didn't say anything but I wanted to...I would have lost it if I did I think.  My mom was in tears after he left.  Several nurses talked to her about what happened and reports are going to be filed or something.  I'm not sure.  But my mom said she never wants him near her again and the nurses said they would keep him out.  They were also going to call her regular doctor and let him know what happened.  I did speak up and tell them that I heard him all the way out by the elevators. 

She was calmed back down some when we left.  Talked to her briefly once home and she sounded like she'd been asleep again.  So hopefully she'll be able to sleep tonight.  Though they keep waking her up to check her blood sugar.  Sleeping in a hospital is almost impossible. 

I'm not a violent person, but I could happily beat the shit out of that doctor right now.  He is not getting near my mother again.  He's not supposed to be back, but I will throw such a fit if he is. 

I'll be going back in the morning and probably be there all day.  Still no idea when she'll get to come home. 


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« Reply #292 on: October 07, 2010, 05:27:13 AM »
Sounds like outrageous behavior on the part of the doctor.  I'm afraid I would not have left the room and he would have gotten a piece of my mind.

He was probably a gastroenterologist.  I'd talk to your mom's regular doctor first thing tomorrow and see if he can refer her to a different one who can check on her at the hospital.

Sounds like this guy had a long day, but there is no excuse for that kind of behavior.  I would definitely file a complaint.  Most hospitals have a patient advocate (or something similar) who will follow up on these types of things.  I'd find out who that is, and be sure to meet with them.

Hopefully, now that they know what it is, they can start treating her fairly quickly and get her out of there pronto!

Good luck!

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« Reply #293 on: October 07, 2010, 05:47:29 AM »
If I would have started on him, I would have gotten louder than he did.  My step dad was in there trying to say stuff too, but Dr. Jerk just talked over them both.

I think that's what he was...gastroenterologist.  I just couldn't think of it earlier. 
Her doctor is supposed to be in to see her in the morning. He was there kind of early today..9:30 or 10.  So hopefully he'll get in there early again tomorrow.
There were 5 or 6 nurses total who heard about it after the doctor left.  The charge nurse was one..and one who is higher up than the charge nurse.  i just can't remember what she said her title was now.  She said she was going to be writing up a report about it.  My mother did say that if there is someone else to report him to, she wants to know who it is and how to do it. 

I did talk to her again a little on the phone.  Her blood sugar, which had gone way high while this was going on, is back in normal range now.  I don't think she's gotten sick anymore.  Least she didn't say she had again, so I think that's good too.  She has dozed a bit more.  It sounds like she was starting to doze a bit while still on the phone.  She did say she was feeling a bit better too.  Also, when the nurses called her regular doc about the incident with Dr. Jerk, they were going to ask about giving her something for her nerves since she was so upset and he did tell them to give her some xanax I think it was.  So hopefully she can sleep tonight. 

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« Reply #294 on: October 07, 2010, 02:13:14 PM »
This type of behavior is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. I would not only verbally inform your mom's primary doctor, but I would submit a written complaint to the hospital's administration.

Every hospital has a written document called "patient's bill of rights". When you walk the halls of the hospital there are usually copies hung on the walls. This doctor not only violated his professional standards but violated your mother's rights.

Do not allow this man get away with behavior. Not only would I never allow him near my family member but I would demand a written letter of apology for this despicable behavior.

I can not express how outraged I am to hear that your mom was treated in this way. Write down exactly what happened and the effect his unprofessionalism had on you. your mom and others that were present. You need to take action.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 03:37:14 PM by Kathy »

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« Reply #295 on: October 07, 2010, 03:12:41 PM »
I'll probably try to write stuff down today..I'm taking a note book with me ..and at least one book.

Her doctor has already been in this morning.  He is going to send someone else to see her.  Not sure when.  Mother said that he said that other jerk never should have talked to her that way.  Also said more about gallbladder surgery..though not sure if he meant it needs to be done soon, or eventually.

I'll be going up soon.  Just had to check something online for her...need to try to eat a little even though food early in the morning doesn't agree with me usually.  Stepdad won't be there till like 3 or so because of work.

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« Reply #296 on: October 08, 2010, 03:58:29 AM »
I'm home again.  She is a little better, though still not great.  She isn't getting sick anymore and she was able to sleep a bit today.  They aren't waking her up every hour to check her blood sugar, so that helps.  She still can't eat anything though.  She's really weak and shakey. 

The surgeon was in to see her before I got up there this morning...I don't think I missed him by much.  She likes him.  Said he was very nice.  He said that once the pancreatitis is settled down, her gallbladder needs to come out.  He said if there was another attack, it could worse and more serious than this one.  I know her regular doctor will back in in the morning..not sure about the surgeon.  One of them wants her to walk as much as she can..she doesn't have a problem with that, but she is so weak that it is hard for her to walk even to the bathroom.  I'm not sure how she's supposed to get her strength back when she can't eat. 

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« Reply #297 on: October 09, 2010, 04:33:32 AM »
She seems a little better today.  Still weak, but she was able to get more rest last night.  Slept better at times today too.  I missed both doctors again.  I guess the surgeon wants to try to do the gallbladder surgery early in the week if possible.

This afternoon a nurse said that her blood work looks better.  Some enzyme level in the pancreas is down closer to where it should be.  She doesn't look as bloated either.

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« Reply #298 on: October 09, 2010, 01:22:54 PM »
It sounds as though she is slowly stabilizing. It is important that she get nutrition and fluids but those can be given in other ways if your mom doesn't eat. I hope she gets the surgery done soon and gets back home.

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« Reply #299 on: October 09, 2010, 05:39:48 PM »
Talk to my step dad about 10 minutes ago.  He got up there earlier today since he didn't have to work.  He was there when her doctor was in.  Her regular doctor.  She is now on a liquid diet.  She's been sitting up in the chair at times too.  She is off the iv stuff and getting pain pills to control the pain she still has.  From what my stepdad was saying, it sounds like her doctor was wanting her to come home for a bit and then go back up for the surgery.  The surgeon hadn't been in yet, though he told her yesterday he would be.  So we'll see what he says.  But she is getting better, so that's good.