"The Blair Witch Project and The Innocents, for example, are much scarier and more innovative than the highly lauded Psycho."
But as David Mamet once observed, if you come out of a film only admiring its cinematography, then you have probably been sitting through a lousy film.
Quote"The Blair Witch Project and The Innocents, for example, are much scarier and more innovative than the highly lauded Psycho."Oh that is priceless! He actually thinks the bloody Blair bloody Witch is better than Psycho? The Innocents has been on my wish-list for ages, as I really want to see it, but whatever. All respect has been jettisoned.
Quote from: Jon on May 13, 2010, 10:30:35 PMQuote"The Blair Witch Project and The Innocents, for example, are much scarier and more innovative than the highly lauded Psycho."Oh that is priceless! He actually thinks the bloody Blair bloody Witch is better than Psycho? The Innocents has been on my wish-list for ages, as I really want to see it, but whatever. All respect has been jettisoned. Oops, missed this part. Jon, he's not saying it's better, he's saying it's more innovative and scarier. I myself, can't respond to this, as I've seen neither of the two alternates he mentioned.
Blair Witch Project did freak me out when I watched it..though I did watch it alone in the middle of the night for some reason.It is entertaining...though I don't think I would consider it better than Psycho. Psycho freaked me out when I first saw it too.
Very good observation on Ford and Capra.
I could always see the strength in Capra's sentimentality and I see it too in The Searchers. Repeat viewings, especially if compared with other less obvious Ford films like The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, suggest he knew exactly what he was doing.
Winchester 73 stands up against almost any of his films, yet who ever talks about Anthony Mann in the same breath?
And it has to be said that The Searchers was only a decade or so before Leone and he's generally perceived to have rescued the genre. Why did it need rescuing so soon after the supposed Master had made his greatest film?