Author Topic: Playstation 3  (Read 56885 times)


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #135 on: June 20, 2010, 01:54:02 AM »
I'm in the final boss battle for Arkham Asylum and damn are my wrists sore! I have to take half hour breaks after each attempt just so I can maintain proper use of hands and wrists.

Now you worry me to go on. I already hd a hard time with Bane (although I did get him on the third attempt :whistle:).

I completed my first run through of the game before with 50% of the trophies.  :thumbup:. I will go back and do some more trophy hunting later but the game as a whole was fantastic! Don't worry, if I can take on the final boss fights I'm sure you will be fine, they are actually fairly straight foward, your wrists have to endure a fair bit though  ::).

Well done!  :thumbup:

I had fun with the glider achievement, if you haven't found that one. You climb to the very top of the clock tower and glide off. It gives you even time to get enough distance.

The one I missed was Party Pooper. Remember before the final level, you walk between the goons who clap and cheer and have little party hats? Try beating them up and winning for that award! :o


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #136 on: June 20, 2010, 02:14:38 AM »
Haha yeah I got Party Pooper Jon, it was fun kocking off all those party losers after their taunting. I did miss the glider trophy even though I spent a lot of the game trying to get it. 100m seems to be a lot more than I thought it would be as I kept trying to climb to as many high places as I could but it still didn't seem to be enough. Also I need to replay it anyway and try finish the Riddlers puzzles, those things were hard and I only got about 30% of them in the end.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #137 on: June 20, 2010, 02:18:24 AM »
I finally managed to find the Riddler trophies. Did you realise you have to go back to the start? You pass loads you can't get without power-ups, like the Bat Claw. Riddler is funny when you start getting close to the final couple... "are you using the Internet?" :laugh:

The glider is fun, but I think the very top of the clock tower is the only possible place. Couple more trophies up there too! ;)


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #138 on: June 20, 2010, 02:21:14 AM »
Haha I have a feeling that I most certainly will be using the internet in some parts. I already need to replay the whole game anyway as I completed it in normal and I want to get the trophy for completing it on hard, so I figure I can catch any of thr riddlers things during that replay.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #139 on: June 20, 2010, 02:51:33 AM »
I don't think you will, because it treats it like a new game, so you'll still need to capture your power-ups first. Unless it lets you run the hard version with power-ups from normal, but I'm sure it doesn't.

You have to complete the story and then go backwards. Actually, finding all the Spirit of Arkham's opens up a new little twist as well. See how close you've paid attention to it's seemingly contradictory comments to work out where the last one is! :devil:


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #140 on: June 20, 2010, 02:52:46 AM »
So just to clarify when I do select new game to play on hard I won't lose any of my trophies or upgrades will I? Or is there another way to start from the start?


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #141 on: June 20, 2010, 02:58:25 AM »
I just checked. Your "Normal" game is saved and should show about 89% completed. 100% will be all the trophies and all the challenge maps. :training:

If you start a new game on "Hard", it will occupy a new slot. It will not affect or share anything in your "Normal" saves. You will not have access to any power-up or trophy. I remember now, because I did start one just for shits and giggles a few weeks ago.

Achievements should be shared, so restarting the game will add to what you already have, but that's because they are stored outside the game.

This is the PC version anyway... :thumbup:


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #142 on: June 20, 2010, 03:00:58 AM »
So hang on, does that mean instead of starting a new game slot, I should just restart the one I am in?

Sorry about this, it takes a long time for me to get my head around things sometimes, especially after staying up later to watch Australia in the World Cup.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #143 on: June 20, 2010, 03:08:44 AM »
S'alright! ;D

You don't "restart". You simply go backwards. If you select "continue", Bats will be in the grounds outside of where he beat Joker. The island is deserted. Ivy's plants will still be there and you can clear those up for points if you wish, but not necessary.

You will now be able to explore every section freely. Find Riddler's maps in each part and they will direct you to the missing trophies, that's how I got them all.

And sections of the story are not quite tied up. Find all the Spirit's and you're left with an ambiguous end, so once you have them, go and see that villain who could imitate other characters. He'll remind you of someone you've probably forgotten to check on.

None of this requires any combat. It's just neat little gags to tie everything off.

But I repeat, on the PC version, I clicked continue immediately after seeing off Joker and was able to then run around picking off shit to my hearts content.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #144 on: June 20, 2010, 03:13:29 AM »
Ah okay, the thing is though I had the credit sequence start right after, I remember skipping through the credit sequence and then seeing a short cutscene at the end. But from memory I think it just went back to the place where I killed off the Joker so that must be where I work from. This is hard without the game right in front of me but I probably won't be able to use the TV until tonight. Although if I just keep going then how do I change the difficulty of the game to hard to get that trophy.

I wish they made this easier, at the end options should come up saying 'Replay this game again from the start' or just 'continue from where you are'. Instead they leave me all confused and guessing, I think the Riddler made this system!


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #145 on: June 20, 2010, 03:21:42 AM »
Almost there!  :laugh:

You are right. After the cutscene (by the way, which one was yours? It's different each time), it does return to the island and that is where you start from.

Buy you're confusing your trophies with your achievements. Achievements are not part of the game. They are part of your gamer profile, so are safe however you continue.

-Complete the game on normal, you get an achievement.
-Continue on normal, you'll get more achievements for finding all the trophies.
-Start and complete on Hard, you'll get a new achievement, despite starting an absolutely brand new story. Finding all the trophies again in hard would be moot. You'd already have the achievement.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #146 on: June 20, 2010, 03:25:43 AM »
I have been told that trophies ARE achievments. I thought it was PS3 - Trophies, Xbox - Achievments.

My cutscene just had a box of the titan product bobbing up and down in the water, looking like it was heading to Gotham City. I won't be able to play my Playstation again for a while now but I will tackle Arkham Asylum again tonight and get back to you. Thanks for all the help, it sometimes takes a lot more than one explanation for me to understand things, my old High School maths teacher could vouche for that one.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #147 on: June 20, 2010, 03:40:35 AM »
This is more important than maths! :P

You sure an arm didn't grab the box? Should be Bane or Croc...


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #148 on: June 20, 2010, 03:56:15 AM »
That's right! And arm did grab it! But it was Scarecrow! I remember his distinctive needle-fingered arm come up and grab it now that you mention it.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #149 on: June 20, 2010, 04:25:35 AM »
Not in all cases. Check this list. You want something Region B compatible, so either released in a Region B country, or if released in an A country (or far less likely, a C country), then it needs to be free of region-coding, or include a B (some are for example Region A,B).

I usually use this site to check, if a specific US Blu-ray is region coded for B.
Always good to have another option. Bookmarked! :)