Author Topic: Polanski breaks his silence  (Read 4719 times)


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 01:09:32 PM »
I haven't seen any bashing here yet.  In all honesty Jimmy, the only wrong I've seen in this topic so far is how you're trying to impose your view on something and how you're trying to prevent people from talking about something you feel shouldn't be allowed.

If you think this shouldn't be discussed then you're free to stay out of the discussion but I really don't understand why you feel so strongly about others talking about this.  How can you say it's not about a director or his work ?  I grant you that it's not about his work but it is about him.

Karsten unlocked the topic after I pm'd him because I wanted him to know that I disagreed with his decision.  As I said above, since the beginning of this forum we've been telling new members that the only rule here is that there's no rules.  It certainly doesn't look like it when one member can decide what others are allowed to talk about or not.

I didn't ask Karsten to unlock the topic, I only wanted him to know what I thought but I'm glad he did. As long as posters in the topic don't start insulting each other I don't think any topic should be locked.  There's a difference between bashing just for the fun of it and expressing hard feelings toward a person.

You posts things like "Supposed rape" or "Supposed abuse".  Polanski did abuse a 13 year old girl.  He gave her champagne and drugs and then abused her.  He admitted it so there is nothing alleged here.  One of the most renowned directors in the world is being detained while waiting for a decision on his extradition to a country he's accused of fleeing from after pleading guilty of a crime.

In my opinion it definitely belongs to a forum about movies and dvd's.  Yes, some people will have very strong feelings about this and they will post harsh comments.

So what ?

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 04:49:40 PM »
I started this thread with one intention ONLY, to give the members here who are interested in this story, a chance to read articles pertaining to this issue. There was no ulterior motive involved.

As Eric has stated, there has been no bashing of any member in this thread, just people's point of views in regards to the matter at hand.

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 08:05:53 PM »


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2010, 09:09:21 PM »
Sounds like he remains free on a technicality!   :thumbdown:


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2010, 09:27:38 PM »
Why I ain't surprise that this shitty thread will continue in this shitty way again :thumbdown:

It's unfortunate that you are incapable of accepting/debating the viewpoints of others on this topic without resorting to this type of dialog!   :redcard:


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2010, 09:46:46 PM »

I won't change my opinion of him because an american district attorney or judge is due for his re-election...

I have no idea what this has to do with anything.

And we discuss all kinds of topics, not just film.  Perhaps we should ban the "Curtain Call" thread since it certainly isn't about films?   :hmmmm:

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2010, 11:23:41 PM »
And we discuss all kinds of topics, not just film.  Perhaps we should ban the "Curtain Call" thread since it certainly isn't about films?   :hmmmm:

For the most part it is about films. I tend to mostly post obituaries for those who participated in a film.

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2010, 11:35:21 PM »
Unfortunately I believe this was probably the last chance for them to finally get this piece of dung.

My only hope now is that he dies a horrible, horrible death.

An unbelievable miscarriage of justice, where a bunch of parties were at fault. Polanski, the prosecutor, the judge, the French government, the Swiss government. They all suck.

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2010, 11:59:48 PM »
We aren't in the Far West anymore and the linching party don't exist anymore... He was judged and he had done his time, you don't like it... Big fucking deal it's your law system not mine.

He didn't do his time. He ran. I don't understand why people don't get that.

You win, dude. You should be happy. He's free. Sure I'll be praying for a plane crash where everyone survives but him on his way back to France, but what are those odds?

I'm not a fan of people who rape kids, admit to it, serve 42 days of a 90 day sentence (WTF!), run and people defend it because they make movies they like. That's insanity IMO.

But, like I said, no need to be in an uproar. Your boy gets to walk free.


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2010, 12:15:24 AM »
Dang Jimmy.... just don't read it.  ??? There's seriously no need to get so worked up over this thread. It's not like they're discussing adult ratings  :tease:

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2010, 01:10:36 AM »
My only hope now is that he dies a horrible, horrible death.

As much as I would like to see him face justice, this is a little harsh, considering the shit he's dealt with in his life.

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2010, 02:09:17 AM »
My only hope now is that he dies a horrible, horrible death.

As much as I would like to see him face justice, this is a little harsh, considering the shit he's dealt with in his life.

I'm sorry, I don't buy the 'he lived a rough life argument' at all, ever. You (general) are responsible for your own actions and there are people who've had a rough life thousands of times worse than his and aren't out raping kids. I can't get behind that excuse.

Quote from: Jimmy
But it's a Jimmy is wrong thread so it's obvious that everything I wrote will be deformed and a comment like this won't be moderated :

"I'm not a fan of people who rape kids, admit to it, serve 42 days of a 90 day sentence (WTF!), run and people defend it because they make movies they like. That's insanity IMO. But, like I said, no need to be in an uproar. Your boy gets to walk free."


Why would that be moderated? Because it's an opinion different from yours? Hey, I don't agree with you on this. I never will. As much as you dislike me calling him scum, I dislike your defending him and using sarcastic quotes around the word victim. But I certainly don't expect your posts to be moderated because I don't agree with you, nor do I think I can't go into another thread and discuss other topics with you. You're obviously passionate about it, as I am, but just because your opinion is different than mine doesn't mean mine should be moderated. I certainly didn't call you any names that I can tell.

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2010, 02:15:18 AM »

I'm sorry, I don't buy the 'he lived a rough life argument' at all, ever. You (general) are responsible for your own actions and there are people who've had a rough life thousands of times worse than his and aren't out raping kids. I can't get behind that excuse.

I'm not saying it because I excuse him. I'm saying it because your remark is extremely harsh. He didn't kill anyone, remember? But it sounds like you want him to receive the death penalty. Is he a scumbag...YES! Should he be in jail for this...YES!

But he doesn't deserve to die a horrible death because of it.  :hmmmm:

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2010, 02:17:07 AM »

I'm sorry, I don't buy the 'he lived a rough life argument' at all, ever. You (general) are responsible for your own actions and there are people who've had a rough life thousands of times worse than his and aren't out raping kids. I can't get behind that excuse.

I'm not saying it because I excuse him. I'm saying it because your remark is extremely harsh. He didn't kill anyone, remember? But it sounds like you want him to receive the death penalty. Is he a scumbag...YES! Should he be in jail for this...YES!

But he doesn't deserve to die a horrible death because of it.  :hmmmm:

YES HE DOES.  :laugh:

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2010, 06:27:10 AM »
And I continue to think there are no reasons to have this topic always open. When a topic turns as poor taste joke and uninformed hate folder it's clear it had run its course (if it had one to begin with...)

I'm sorry, but this is really hypocritical of you, especially when you wrote:

So now we are supposed to sing The Youngblood's Get Together everytime we have a disagreement or not reply when someone answer one of your post...

It's weird since no one had never made a big deal for an off topic post since the creation of this forum. In fact we were always proud to have no rules and free discussions...

when it was regarding Tarantino. This thread is really no different (except, maybe, the topic is contained to this thread).

If you don't see why it must be you certainly don't read it as I read it (it isn't because I ain't a native speaker that I can't read between the lines).

You're reading way too much into it. I can (and have) discuss this all day with friends of mine -- some online, some not -- who are just as passionate as you are. I say the same things to them and no one gets angry. If you took something personal, it wasn't intended. Don't know what else to tell you.