Author Topic: Polanski breaks his silence  (Read 4715 times)


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2010, 08:04:05 PM »
I'm really not getting into this, but in the interests of balance, can someone please tell me what the girl was doing at a drug fuelled party in Jack Nicholson's house? Jack Nicholson. He was a legendary hellraiser. By her mere presence, this girl was no angel... maybe you can excuse her on all sorts of grounds; impressionable perhaps, only went with friends, whatever. She should never have been anywhere near.

If Polanski is so guilty he deserves the sort of punishments you describe, then her parents deserve it too.

I'm sorry, I don't buy the 'he lived a rough life argument' at all, ever. You (general) are responsible for your own actions and there are people who've had a rough life thousands of times worse than his and aren't out raping kids. I can't get behind that excuse.

Just eight years before the assault, his wife Sharon Tate was one of the victims of the Manson Family. I'm not sure how you ever come to terms with that. And you're right, other people may have suffered "worse" (though that is an awful, relative statement) and not raped anyone. But there are far worse crimes too, by seriously damaged individuals who walk away on technicalities.

The case was very badly handled by a weak justice system. He committed a crime and he should pay for it, but really, I wouldn't even put him in the same bracket as a typical paedophile, a far more dangerous individual.   

Alien Redrum

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2010, 09:39:28 PM »
I took your words on it on the fact that I read more than what you intended to say :)

Awesome. I promise you I'm generally not passive aggressive. If I don't like something, I'll let you know. I definitely didn't mean anything by them. :)

But please can we let this die and not discuss it anymore.


I'm tired of debating it right now, anyway, especially since I know there will be a healthy one with me and some friends on Friday movie night. I need to save my strength now.  :laugh:

(I will be reserving the right to partake again in the future, but not for at least a week. Unless something happens. But right now I'm done. :laugh: )

Quote from: Jon
The case was very badly handled by a weak justice system.

I snipped here because I could really go on about the ped part (but I want to stick to my word. :) ), but I absolutely agree with this. I wouldn't necessary call it weak, but I would definitely say influenced.

One other thing:

I'm really not getting into this, but in the interests of balance, can someone please tell me what the girl was doing at a drug fuelled party in Jack Nicholson's house? Jack Nicholson. He was a legendary hellraiser. By her mere presence, this girl was no angel... maybe you can excuse her on all sorts of grounds; impressionable perhaps, only went with friends, whatever. She should never have been anywhere near.

It wasn't a party and Nicholson wasn't there. I think his girlfriend (Nicholson's) was there briefly, but had left. It was just Polanski and the girl (it was supposed to be a private photo shoot). That said, her mother will never be winning any Mother of the year awards. Never heard much about the father.


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2010, 10:11:53 PM »
Jimmy I'm sorry but reading some of your posts in this thread since yesterday..........I could change the poster name from "Jimmy" to "Skip" while leaving everything else as is and it would still work.  Frankly, I don't like comments such as "I hope he dies in horrible pain" but you're postings since yesterday are no better.

As Rick said, if it pisses you off then don't read it but what makes you think you can decide what people are allowed to discuss or not ? 

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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2010, 10:31:17 PM »
Wow now if I disagree with the way the thing are written here and had a polite conversation I'm compared to one of the stupidest troll on the web planet...

I can't honestly find anything to say about this...
Just take the time to re-read the topic entirely and tell me where I've said anything insulting or inflamatory...

I seriously think that my absence in august will be more than welcome for some of you...

Comparing me to this troll... this is just fucking insulting Eric. But I got the message, next time I'll keep my opinions for myself...

edit : It's my only post that I won't erase in this thread
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 02:08:24 AM by Jimmy »


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Re: Polanski breaks his silence
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2010, 10:46:13 PM »
Why I ain't surprise that this shitty thread will continue in this shitty way again

We aren't in the Far West anymore and the linching party don't exist anymore... He was judged and he had done his time, you don't like it... Big fucking deal it's your law system not mine.

That's my last comment on this shamefull pieces of shitty thread. Anyway Alien is there to dump his non sense comment...

Jimmy I apologize if I insulted you, it wasn't my intention.  I wasn't comparing you to skip, only some of your recent writings.  Honestly, would you say what I quoted above is the civil way of posting on a forum ?  

Whatever... This subject had nothing to do on a movie board, we talk about film not law or violation of the law and we aren't ET or People Magazine forums.

And I continue to think there are no reasons to have this topic always open. When a topic turns as poor taste joke and uninformed hate folder it's clear it had run its course (if it had one to begin with...)

And that's bring us back to the discussion we had the last time.  It really angers me to see how you apparently think that you can make that decision for Skip would.   I'm very sensitive to anything that resembles censorship and I think it is a sort of censorship when someone tries to decide what others can discuss or not.  As I already stated I disagree with posts like "I hope this piece of scum dies in pain" but I would certainly not say that they aren't allowed to discuss the topic at all.