Author Topic: Who likes Comics?  (Read 18774 times)


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Who likes Comics?
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:54:26 PM »
I know a few of you do. So I wondered if you knew about the "Vaults". I had the Marvel one bought for me as a gift a couple of years ago and now I've just bought the DC one and another on Batman. There's one planned for Spider-Man, I believe.

They really are marvellous. Big folder, spiral bound loose pages, delving into the history of the particular subject, with loads of trivia. Some of the stuff they've pulled out of the archives is amazing. They call them "Museum in a Book" and they aren't wrong. The real icing on the cake though are the dozens of reprinted inserts. A copy of original rare issues, sketches and free gifts (some of which seem original, like a Superman Christmas card, or actual stamps cut from covers. Even a couple of masks and posters!) that were given away with issues.

In the Marvel one, they have a copy of the original typed synopsis for The Fantastic Four, for instance. With Batman, a copy of a theatre programme on the back of which, Bob Kane had sketched his idea for Robin (hilariously, he did it almost as a letter to Batman, saying "Hi, I'm your Boy Friend". Glad he changed that! :laugh: ). Possibly my favourite is a copy of memos in the DC Vault, sent while they were preparing for Crisis. There's one that's a handwritten list of all the heroes and their dimensions, another detailing to writers how they can use or not use new characters specifically for Crisis and another scrawled message from editor Dick Giordano to Jeanette Kahn saying, "A biggie! Do we kill Supergirl?". Then a set of crude check-boxes, "Yes", "No", "Maybe". :o

Well recommended. I mean they're definitely love-fests, with no room for the nastier side of the business, but I'm actually happy about that. I was slightly concerned that Batman would be full of filler (already loads of Bat stuff in DC, of course), but it isn't at all. And this coming from someone with only a passing interest in American comics!  ;) Hope they do one for 2000ad. I know they're only 40 years old, but still. I had a fanboy moment when I found a set of gorgeous Wonder Woman cover sketches in the DC Vault by Brian Bolland, one of the best comic artists and he started on Dredd.

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 09:15:16 PM »
I don't own them, but I own a Disney style version, Id also like the Star Wars one ;P

The Disney one is pretty cool and what ive seen of the Marvel and DC ones they look great!


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 09:37:48 PM »
I'd never heard of these "Vaults" before but they do sound interesting. I guess I'd need to go to the U.S. Amazon to see what they're going for in the U.S.  I'd probably get the DC one...maybe the Batman one if it was material from before he became a nutcase...

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 11:41:53 PM »
I have other books about comic book characters that I really like, but I've never heard of these before.  Just what I need..more books to add to my wishlist.   :laugh:

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 05:26:22 PM »
I just stumbled across a comic called Runaways. It sounds interesting. Does anyone know it? How is it?


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2010, 05:31:51 PM »
Someone had actually started a thread about a movie being planned of Runaways.  But I've never seen the comic myself.

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2010, 05:41:56 PM »
Someone had actually started a thread about a movie being planned of Runaways.  But I've never seen the comic myself.

I forgot about the thread. I didn't make the connection. Thanks for pointing it out.


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2010, 08:35:27 PM »
Tom the Runaways is pretty cool story, id recommend it

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 09:27:18 AM »
I just received the first three volumes.


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2010, 02:49:29 PM »
I just took a punt on Scott Pilgrim as the film looks good and I know nothing about the story. My first reaction was underwhelming because it's simple Manga style drawing, bordering on messy and the story as I flicked through seemed a bit weak. But the proof is in the pudding and the Devil is in the details! It's actually really clever. The art has a low-key approach like the story, but that allows it to flow beautifully and the character designs are very emotive. Then there's the story itself which is a cracker! Read two pages and it'll have you hooked.

I purposefully only read one and a half so I can get something done today.  ;)

Tom, I can't remember if you said you'd read it, but even at this cursory glance, I really think it would be something you'd be into. It's a romance of sorts, via a kind of sitcom set-up; the dialogue is very real and not trying to be smart. It just is!

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2010, 03:37:22 PM »
Tom, I can't remember if you said you'd read it, but even at this cursory glance, I really think it would be something you'd be into. It's a romance of sorts, via a kind of sitcom set-up; the dialogue is very real and not trying to be smart. It just is!

Never heard of it. Though it sounds interesting. I haven't seen anything of the drawing style yet, except for the cover artworks. They are not my style though. But I probably will give it a chance anyway. The movie trailer looks fun and I like to compare comics/mangas to live-action adaption. This is also the main reason why I came across Runaways.

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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2010, 07:15:10 PM »
I am almost through with all the collected volumes of Runaways which are released so far in the "Marvel Digests" line (I have read eight out of the ten I have). Even though I wouldn't say it is a must-read, I am enjoying it.
The last volume I have read is the one with the story arc written by Joss Whedon. And it was obvious from the first panel on that it was dialog written by him there.
One of the things which bothered me in previous volumes was, that the kids seem to tell everyone they meet their life story. And we have to read it again and again. Probably to bring new readers up to speed. In Joss' volume it was the first time they made this exposition really fun. For example the second panel in this volume already had me laughing:
Evil minion briefing his boss:
Minion: Chase Stein, the oldest--all of eighteen. Despite his scientific pedigree, he's entirely dim. His trump card is a mental bond with a... I don't want to say dinosaur...
Boss: Is it a dinosaur?
Minion: Most probably.
Boss: Then say it.

Another thing which bothered me:
They have a lesbian main character who has a unrequited crush on another member of the team (I hope they keep this aspect for the movie adaption). Shortly after she made a move and got rejected, they introduce a shapeshifting alien, who says he is betrothed to her. First she didn't want to do anything with him, but after he took the form of a female, she suddenly went with him/her. I felt it was a real cop-out. This way they had a relationship for the character, which could be read as non-lesbian.
But this is also one of the things that Joss addressed in his storyline :)

After I have finished reading Runaways, I will probably check out Scott Pilgrim.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 07:33:46 PM by Tom »


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2010, 01:53:48 AM »
Ahah, I knew there was a thread like this around here somewhere. I am currently reading Runaways (I started yesterday) and have so far read the first 5 issues and love it. I love all the character and am really looking forward to continuing this series. I especially love the addition of a dinosaur in the team.


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2010, 12:26:55 PM »
As I'm sure most of you know there is shortly to be released a film version of the comic Scott Pilgrim versus the World.
So anyhoo the my favourite emporium graphic literature and comic books(also home of the friendliest till munkey's in the whole of everything) are having a signing by the creator of said Scott Pilgrim.

Following is the email notification that was mailed 'round to all on the mailing list.

Oh do excuse me. Do you have a minute?
I'm not entirely sure, but I just thought just a couple of you might want to know that on August 16th 2010 there'll be a...
Scott Pilgrim Signing At Page 45!!!
"OMG! Scott Pilgrim is signing at Page 45?!?!?!"
... Ummm. Yes, exactly so! Scott Pilgrim will be here in person on Monday August 16th to sign pristine copies of BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY.
"Oh My God. I'm hallucinating."
Something like that.
"Who wins? Do I win? I totally win, right?"
Well, you do if you turn up to Page 45 on the appointed date, at the appointed time, with your appointed ex-girlfriend or boyfriend. No admission without an evil ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
"What?!?! -- Is Stephen kidding?!"
I am indeed kidding. No exes allowed - we don't want any more fighting!
The place: Page 45, 9 Market Street, Nottingham NG1 6HY (just follow the tram tracks - in the right direction, obviously)
The date: Monday 16th August 2010
The time: 5pm-7pm
In all honesty I'd get there earlier in case a) we run out of stock, b) we get a chance to start early, and c) so many people turn up in the wake of the film that after a very short while it'll be signatures only rather than sketches. When Malley and Hope Larson signed together at Page 45 in 2006 it exceeded three hours, but this year Bryan is on a very tight schedule as dictated by his UK publishers and the film company, and we are very, very lucky to have him at all. Turn up early, buy stuff, buy more stuff, start the queue outside the door (the queue starts outside the door but not in the actual doorway, please), get someone to hold your place, buy even more stuff and then queue again. If you can't control yourself while Malley is signing your stuff (by which we mean books and prints not your, you know, stuff...) and want to buy even more books and posters then we really can't stop you. Just give us a shout: we'll be on the other side of the till with your credit card still in our hands.
We Have:
Scott Pilgrim / Page 45 Bryan Lee O'Malley & Hope Larson jam print @ £4-99 LINK  WORLD EXCLUSIVE! You can't get it anywhere else in the whole wide wibbliverse!
Scott Pilgrim Pre-Volume Six cast poster @ £4-99 LINK  EUROPEAN EXCLUSIVE! You can't get this anywhere else outside of North America!
Lost At Sea (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 1 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 2 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 3 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 4 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 5 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Scott Pilgrim volume 6 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley
T-shirts and plushes imminent.
Okay, volume six is imminent too.
Suggested reading order: one, two then three followed by four, five and, ultimately, six!
LOST AT SEA can be read at any time you choose. Now would be a good time, though.
Hopeless Savages: Greatest Hits (£14-99) by Jen Van Meter & Christene Norrie with Bryan Lee O'Malley back in print in September. Order now!
We Wrote:
Scott Pilgrim vols 1-6 (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
Scott is a clot. He really is. He's a total dumpling, and in terms of a Chinese take-away, dim doesn't even begin to sum the lad up.
He is kinda cute, though, and as the series kicks off Scott is living with gay housemate Wallace for whom sly, dry mockery is a default setting. They're so poor they even share the same bed. But Scott sleeps soundly until this girl called Ramona comes skating through his dreams - she's a delivery girl and as you well know the quickest way from A to B is to skate through someone else's dreams, right? Then Scott meets Ramona in his waking life, falls head over heels in whatever the hell that thing is (he may figure it out eventually) but is casually informed that if he wants her as a girlfriend he'll have to defeat her seven evil exes in combat!
Truly a unique series with a heart of gold, and a wit and a nintendo logic all of its own. There is not a single comic reader who could fail to fall in love with Scott, Wallace, Ramona or Bryan himself. O'Malley isn't even close to running out of innovative ideas: his visual gags keep tumbling onto the page, and so convinced are we that this book is for everyone that if you try the first and aren't immediately hooked, we'll give you your money back and even pay return postage.
You will, on the other hand, have totally failed to earn The Power Of Love, so no power-up of a flaming sword for you guys!
* * *
Lost At Sea (£8-99) by Bryan Lee O'Malley -
Raleigh doesn't have a soul. A cat stole it - or at least that's what she tells people - or at least that's what she would tell people if she told people anything. But that would mean talking to people, and the mere thought of social interaction is terrifying."
Raleigh accidentally gets invited along on a road trip with a few of her year. Never the biggest socialite in her year she slowly realises, as do they, that it's an accident that she's there, in the car, watching the world speed by.
It's such a beautiful summer, California doing what it does best, Ian, Dave and Steph turn out to be good travelling companions. The ghost of an old love pops into her head from time to time but journeys can do that to you. Even though you're getting away you're taking yourself with you.
O'Malley's art meets at a perfect point in between Andi Watson and James Kochalka and his story is somewhere near those two as well. There's one great panel where Raleigh is in the back seat of the car and Bryan's got the light just right as it fall on her face, as she stares out. And he draws good cats.
* * *
Hopeless Savages: Greatest Hits (£14-99) by Jen Van Meter & Christine Norrie with  Chynna Clugston-Major, Bryan Lee O'Malley, more.
Everything to date in one massive volume! Here's my review of volume two from 3007 BC:
The titular Hopeless-Savages are a family whose figureheads are two punk legends, each infamous in their own right before getting it on and really setting the world on fire. Now they've four children, the youngest of which is Zero, seventeen, with a fully formed band of her own. Rehearsing within earshot of her Grammy Award-winning parents proves a lot less daunting than falling in love with the only guy at college who doesn't want to get straight into her pants. Ginger's in love with her all right, and has been since early childhood, but he's reticent to the point where she has to do all the courting (indeed to begin with he's convinced that all she could want from him is a Platonic friendship which would cause him more pain than nothing at all), and Jen and Bryan both succeed in evoking all the awkwardness and frustration and desperation involved when confidence is low but there's so much to gain. Complicating things further, Zero gets grounded just as an intrusive television crew descends on the Hopeless-Savages for a Fame & Shame "Legends Of Rock" type affair, furiously blurts out a confession of love for the boy she supposes at that point to hate her, and faces the prospect of this being a prime piece of footage when the programme is aired.
Van Meter's set-up is smart: each member of the family has a clearly defined personality of their own so that Jen has plenty to play with, yet she declines to force them all on us at once, introducing just enough history to illuminate the individual's perspective on any given situation, should they care to share it. This is where the flashbacks come in, and her choice of artists proves perfect for each.
O'Malley renders particularly squidgy versions of the characters - superdeformed as the description goes for Japanese figures - and lends a real passion to the confrontations. But I also particularly enjoyed Chynna's tender sequence in which, when asked by Zero for advice, art-school brother Twitch reflects wistfully on his own prior love life, and feels (perhaps wrongly) that his succession of mistakes born of one big mistake make him wholly unqualified to comment.
My only qualms are - once again - Zero's made-up language. I don't know if the device is for euphemistic purposes (i.e. to replace swearing) but it's less than convincing. However, coming back to Ginger's initial fears, this piece of dialogue really takes the biscuit, and if you've ever been there then you'll join me in wishing we all had a little of the young lad's self-knowledge:
"I don't want to be the nice guy you hang out with while you repair the damage done to your self-image by egotistical thugs who wildly underestimate your worth. I don't want your head on my shoulder while you tell me what a great friend I am, so sensitive, just like a brother. I don't want to have to act happy for you when you go off with some charismatic idiot who - at best - thinks you're an ordinary girl... and not the treasure I know you to be. I don't want to look at you wistfully every so often, but never dare admit I've been wild about you since first grade because it would complicate your life and ruin the friendship. I've seen it. I don't want it. Sorry."
Way to go, Jen.
Can't Make That Date?
You have one other chance: the glorious Gosh! in London. Accept no substitutes.
The place: Gosh! in London opposite the British Museum.
The date: Wednesday 18th August 2010
The time: 4.30-6.30pm
Please don't get the two dates mixed up! Ours is Monday August 16th!!!!
Nota Bene:
1) Ramona Flowers sends her regrets, but unlike Scott she can't make a personal appearance this year. (That's what Gideon told us anyway.)
2) Scott Pilgrim is not actually signing at Page 45. That's all in your heads. Bryan Lee O'Malley, however, will be here in person. Will that do?
3) Normally we promise to get stuff signed even if you can't make it, so long as you pay for it in advance. This time, because of the logistics outside our control, that is merely an aspiration and on absolutely no account (sorry) will there be time for any sketches if you don't appear in person. Like I said, we are lucky that Bryan has been determined enough to sign here at all!
Page 45 is a comic shop.
We are:
Scott Pilgrim UK Central. Always have been, always will be.
Stephen L. Holland
Tom Rosin   
Jonathan Rigby
with Dominique Kidd
Page 45 was created in 1994 by Mark Simpson (1968-2005) and Stephen L. Holland (1659- ),
then kick-started with more than a little help from the glorious Dominique Kidd.
Roving ambassador: Emily Hubbard. 
Back-up brilliance: Jhelisa Taylor.
Page 45
9 Market Street
Tel: (0115) 9508045
Open Monday 16th August until 7pm, but at 7pm we absolutely must wrap up, I'm afraid. It is the law! 
"SCOTT PILGRIM has been the coolest comic on Earth ever since the very first book, and if you've never tried it, you need Scott Pilgrim in your life. There are no exceptions, which means you're not one of them. They don't exist but you do, so that'll be eight pounds ninety-nine, please."
 - Stephen 'Soft-Sell' Holland
Remember your friends! They too need SCOTT PILGRIM and they need it signed, even if they know neither of those things yet. They're still probably focussing on the L-word.
Also: go viral! Spread this email, kitty-kins!


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Re: Who likes Comics?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2010, 12:52:28 PM »
Cool, thanks for the heads up! Not sure if I'll go, but now I have a choice... ;)