Author Topic: What'ya got 2007-2013?  (Read 924989 times)


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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1980 on: September 26, 2009, 10:23:38 PM »
Five (count 'em!) are amongst the greatest films ever made!

I assume that includes Full Metal Jacket and Wild Bunch besides Raging Bull. What are they other 2? Never been a Kubrick fan myself, he has a prominent spot on my "overrated" list. And Wild Bunch? Has been ages since I've seen it, but I probably would put something like The Proposition ahead of it. Not to mention that I'm generally more interested in a different kind of westerns anyway.

Oh I think Kubrick is very overrated, but I do think Full Metal Jacket is one of his best and a brilliant take on Vietnam. That and 2001 are the only ones I really like, but Dr. Strangelove is his best for me. The Shining is good too, but unlike many who count it as one of the greatest horrors, I find it very much style over substance. Full Metal Jacket seems to have a stronger sense of irony than most war films, but certainly it's bottom of the five, if you want to be picky...  :P

Wild Bunch is one of the greatest westerns made and much as I love The Proposition, they aren't in the same league. Peckinpah's understanding of violence was second-to-none and it's a powerful work. Nostalgic and sad, as these men realise they're at the end of an era and there's nowhere for them to go. The ending is superb. Fantastic stuff.

John Boorman is another director I've generally struggled with. I find Payback (or the Straight Up version) a far better told story than Point Blank. But Deliverance is special and is just the right side of arty. Any serious role with Burt Reynolds is worth considering, but the story is powerful stuff.

Right that's three of 'em. Raging Bull, as you said, but five... what was five?  :hmmmm:

The Wicker Man of course! Possibly the best British horror film, a fundamentally disturbing story. Gets better and deeper with each viewing. Edward Woodward is marvellous as he tries to hold onto his faith. I have a feeling you would enjoy it if you haven't already seen it.

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1981 on: September 26, 2009, 10:49:11 PM »
The Wicker Man of course! Possibly the best British horror film, a fundamentally disturbing story. Gets better and deeper with each viewing. Edward Woodward is marvellous as he tries to hold onto his faith. I have a feeling you would enjoy it if you haven't already seen it.

I haven't. :bag: It has been on my wishlist for ages and moved up a little when the UK CE came out a few years ago. But neither the CE nor any other release has subtitles, and while I usually don't need them, I prefer them to be there just in case. At least that was always my excuse when it came up for review and I again decided "maybe another time".

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1982 on: September 26, 2009, 11:10:27 PM »
The Wicker Man of course! Possibly the best British horror film, a fundamentally disturbing story. Gets better and deeper with each viewing. Edward Woodward is marvellous as he tries to hold onto his faith. I have a feeling you would enjoy it if you haven't already seen it.

I am glad you said that... this way I know to give it more then one shot if I am less then happy the first time around.  :thumbup:

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1983 on: September 27, 2009, 01:07:47 AM »
The Wicker Man of course!
And that will give a chance to Pete to watch something else than the remake with Nicholas Cage. Too bad that this film will never see the light of day in its complete form...

BTW thanks for made me remember of this movie ;D
Just add the British 2 disc director cut to my order for next week.

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1984 on: September 27, 2009, 01:12:45 AM »
 :laugh: Yeah... it will actually be the first time in a long time that I got to see an original before the remake!  :P

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1985 on: September 27, 2009, 01:25:54 AM »
I just watched the trailer for Raging Bull on Youtube. Looks like a very powerful movie. And a pretty bold choice making it B&W. Surprising choice for a movie from 1980. I am going to see if I am able to fit this one in sometime between now and the end of the month.

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1986 on: September 27, 2009, 01:40:43 AM »
:laugh: Yeah... it will actually be the first time in a long time that I got to see an original before the remake!  :P

I haven't seen the original Wicker Man, but the remake sucks.


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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1987 on: September 27, 2009, 02:31:44 AM »
:laugh: Yeah... it will actually be the first time in a long time that I got to see an original before the remake!  :P

I haven't seen the original Wicker Man, but the remake sucks.

 :hmmmm: I'd heard the new version was a rare example of a remake improving on the original?

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1988 on: September 27, 2009, 03:27:40 AM »
:laugh: Yeah... it will actually be the first time in a long time that I got to see an original before the remake!  :P

I haven't seen the original Wicker Man, but the remake sucks.

 :hmmmm: I'd heard the new version was a rare example of a remake improving on the original?

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1989 on: September 27, 2009, 11:08:33 AM »
Wow, Achim, that's a generous package! Erm... I mean, the one you, er, sent to Pete...  :whistle:

Five (count 'em!) are amongst the greatest films ever made! Deliverance is a classic and suitable for your horror run, Pete. There are no monsters, but it's a psychological story and very powerful. Raging Bull? I'm not surprised you've heard good things! Possibly Scorcese's finest film. And the Wicker Man, my you have been spoiled...  :clap:

Agree with Jon about Deliverance being a horror.

That and Arlington Road are the two scariest films I've seen.

Full Metal Jacket is a fantastic film. I've lost count the number of times I've watched it. R Lee Ermey is truly marvellous in this(take his role Frighteners and x 10).

The Wicker Man
The Road Warrior
The Wild Bunch

Three really great films here to suit pretty much any mood.

Kinda wish I didn't have quite so much taped of tv to watch as I'd quite like to sit and watch a couple of these.

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1990 on: September 27, 2009, 03:05:01 PM »
Wow, Achim, that's a generous package! Erm... I mean, the one you, er, sent to Pete...  :whistle:
Well, as I said, all items have been upgraded to a newer version or even Blu-ray. The one the initiated the package (Dead Set) was sent to me twice from the online retailer. So, just putting the redundant spares to good use. If Pete likes at least half of them will be reward enough. Of course I would never send Pete garbage, he owns Sorority Row which he could send back in anger :laugh:

Pete, I have two DVD copies of Raging Bull (before getting the Blu-ray) because one of them made my player get stuck in the middle somewhere. If you should be unfortunate enough to have received that copy and your player does the same just continue with the following chapter. I think 5-10 minutes would be the most you'd miss. However, I remember that happening with my older player and I could never duplicate the problem with the newer one (sad enough finding that out after having re-purchased the item).

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1991 on: September 27, 2009, 04:18:40 PM »
 :laugh: I wouldn't send an enemy The Sorority! Let alone a friend that sends me what I may consider a garbage movie.

WELL... maybe if he sent me a musical!  :devil:

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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1992 on: September 27, 2009, 07:32:52 PM »
WELL... maybe if he sent me a musical!  :devil:
Thank God I knew better than that... :laugh:


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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1993 on: September 27, 2009, 08:23:17 PM »
I can't believe some of you guys were trying to persuade him to watch Mr. Holland's Opus the other day!  :redcard:


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Re: What'ya got?
« Reply #1994 on: September 27, 2009, 10:13:06 PM »
I can't believe some of you guys were trying to persuade him to watch Mr. Holland's Opus the other day!  :redcard:

That's not a musical  :hmmmm: