Hello everybody. This is my first time on the board. I've been a collector since 1998 and have accumulated somewhere around 980 dvds and blu rays. I just recently got a blu ray player, so i'm just getting started. Anyway, here is what I got this week. I don't usually buy this many per week I just had a little case of blu ray feaver.

Pineapple Express - Blu Ray
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 1 - DVD
Dawn of the Dead (1978) - Blu Ray
Nightmare before christmas - Blu Ray
Ratatouille - Blu Ray
Brotherhood of Blood - DVD
Army of Darkness: Screwhead Edition - Blu Ray
Robocop - Blu Ray
Transformers Season 2 part 1 - DVD
The day the earth stood still - Blu Ray
The Shining - Blu Ray
Polar Express - Blu Ray
How to lose friends and alienate people - DVD
Paul Blart: Mall Cop - Blu Ray
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Blu Ray
All from Ebay and Best Buy