I got a package from Pete today!

I have sent Pete a few boxes of DVDs in the past so Pete did this as a thank you to me. The contents...
Lotsa Luck was a TV sitcom starring Dom DeLuise that premiered back in 1973 on NBC and lasted just one season. I considered buying this once but never did...Pete sent me the first disc and I'm not sure how many episodes are on this so now I finally get to check it out.
The Kingston High is some kind of urban comedy film I'd never even heard of before. I have no idea what I'm in for here.
RV might be considered your typical zany Robin Williams comedy (I'm guessing as I haven't seen it yet). The DVD does have some nice extras so I'm hopeful, especially since a quote calls it "spectacularly hlarious". I'm not sure who this quote is from but still...
Blade Runner: The Director's Cut--I saw the original version of Blade Runner in theaters when it was first released. The cover calls this "The original cut"...does this mean it's the same version I saw originally? I'm not sure.
Kung Pow!: Enter The Fist is a movie I've seen posters of but apart from that, I'm not sure what to expect...some kind of goofy martial arts comedy, I imagine.
Bad Santa--This is the unrated version so they're actually billing it as "Badder Santa". I prefer my Christmas movies wholesome (as in Miracle On 34th Street and It's A Wonderful Life) but I do like some of the cast so I'll give it a shot...and I don't really have all that many Christmas movies anyway.
Alex & Emma is a romantic comedy that I know Pete didn't like (I've seen his review) but I'm hopeful since I do like the leads (Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson) and I see it's by Rob Reiner and I've liked several of his movies. Then again, I've not seen anything new by Reiner in several years so maybe he lost it...kind of like what happened to Mel Brooks? We'll see.
The 6th Day is some kind of action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger...I actually don't have many of his movies. There are some good review quotes on the case including "Two Thumbs Up!" (Ebert & Roeper, I imagine?) so I'll be glad to check this out.
King Kong is the new version by Peter Jackson (director of the Lord of the Rings movies). This is a full-screen version and also only has one or two limited extras (like the shooting of a Volkswagen commercial). If I really like this, I know I can get a widescreen copy for $5 at my local Wal-Mart...

So lot's of TV viewing for me in days to come...