Wait for Jon
Bait not taken
Coming out the same year as Kill Bill, Oldboy is an absolutely superb film, but with many similarities; ergo, Tarantino fans would enjoy it, so the label is a fair way to get an arty, subtitled foreign piece out to a new audience.
Matthias, I cannot implore you enough to reconsider In The Mood For Love. I said after I reviewed it, that I felt it was something you could enjoy and you have just reinforced that view. Not because I'm trying to get you hooked on Asian cinema, but simply because it is a film with a truly beautiful heart and a lyrical pace. I'm sure Antares would agree with me there at least!
At least this is an alternative to piracy.
I may never buy a DVD again.
I stand corrected...http://www.criterion.com/boxsets/743-eclipse-series-23-the-first-films-of-akira-kurosawa
Piracy is easy to solve if the governement stop to play the fools, pass real tough law, put some of those criminals in jail for a long time, give very high fines and force the internet provider to give them the download and upload traffic of their clients.