Author Topic: Kick-Ass *****  (Read 35750 times)


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2010, 12:00:28 AM »
Oh now I see it, it must have been in my blind spot before. How outragous is it, I actually couldn't believe I was reading something so stupid. My favourite part was when he listed everything people said about him on Twitter becuase that's the only part that actually made sense.
This part in particular got to me.., "The fans have clearly failed to spot the phallic symbolism in the opening scene between them, where he is educating her for later life and deliberately desensitising her by shooting at her with a gun - though I’d have thought the sexual implication should be clear, even to non-Freudians."
I mean for Christ sake's. You would think Big Daddy was pointing a penis at Mindy by the way he goes on. It's a wonder to me sometimes how idiots get the right to express their opinions in published works.


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2010, 12:13:59 AM »
The thing is there are examples of action films adding a sexual sub-text and he is right about the phallic symbols. But not in Kick-Ass! Ever! Stupid man.

Thing is The Daily Mail have an anti-Twitter/Internet policy at the moment: A few months ago, Stephen Gately of Boyzone died suddenly and everyone was very shocked. Essentially he died from adult cot-death. Despite this being a documented and very real condition, and despite there being no other evidence, The Daily Mail published an editorial by Jan Moir who basically dismissed Gately as a drug-taking homosexual and inferred that everyone knows that the way gay people live contributed to his death. :-X Obviously this was in awful taste, literally the day after the news broke, and it seemed like every celebrity on Twitter queued up to give the paper and Jan a good kicking. They weren't prepared to deal with this new media revolution and responded in the only way they knew how, which was to publish a special on idiot celebrities who waste all their time being boring on Twitter!  :laugh:


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2010, 12:19:18 AM »
The Daily Mail or a load of tosh in black and white.


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2010, 12:24:27 AM »
Not being British I really have no idea about the Dail Mail Jon but from what I have read they seem very over the top. Chris Tookey himself seems to contradict them as he has been interacting with his haters directly through a facebook page called well, 'Christopher Tookey is full of shit', despite the reports from The Daily Mail that facebook gives you cancer.
You may have seen this before but I thought it was hilarious and very well done so I will post it just in case.

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2010, 12:40:00 AM »
Everytime I follow a link to a british newspaper the same question appear in my mind after reading the content... Do you have a perfectly normal newspaper who doesn't get outrage at everything, who isn't filled with a lot of royalty gossips or had topless girls in it (not that this one is a negative)?


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2010, 12:47:54 AM »

I haven't seen that before! It's great. Jimmy, I think our tabloids are fairly unique. In the USA they have the National Enquirer, but everyone tends to accept it's rubbish and doesn't take it seriously.

But here in the UK, The Sun and The Mirror seem to be the most popular, instead of the serious papers like The Telegraph and The Guardian. While The Sun/The Mirror aren't as bad as the Mail, they will blatantly lie to sell papers. But yes, in answer to your question, we do have quality reporting as well. It's just most people seem to prefer this sort of crap.

They aim for sensationalism and get people fired up so the real issues are lost in hyperbole, especially on immigration. The Times might tell us that we're letting in too many immigrants and it will cost us in taxes and public services; The Daily Mail will happily tell us that Britain is being overrun by knife wielding maniacs hiding on trucks and we're all going to murdered in our beds, before all our jobs are taken by Poles. It's absolute crap. We do have issues with how many asylum seekers we should let in, but we aren't being attacked!

You might be aware of the period in the 80s where some films were held as "Video Nasties" and banned. Child's Play was the most notorious. Well, revisionist history now seems to agree that actually, very few films were banned after all and it was all bollocks cooked up by The Daily Mail. Their "BAN THIS SICK FILTH" headline has become the slogan for people taking the mickey out of them... ::) For all the arguments over censorship, I actually think the BBFC should be commended for keeping a sensible head on throughout that period.


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2010, 12:58:44 AM »
HAs anyone read Scott Pilgrim? The trailer for the film was on before Kick Ass, and I'm curious as to what the books are like.

The thought of Kick-Ass 2 worries me. I just can't see how they could possibly top the first one, which means it could be a big let down after the original.

I don't think that you need to worry too much.

Mark Millar is so creative that sameness shouldn't be a problem.

I got so caught up in the other stuff, I forgot to quote this so it didn't get lost.

I like the look of Scott Pilgrim, but I haven't read the books. Something about them kept making me disregard them, but I know they are hugely popular.

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2010, 01:15:46 AM »
We sure are not really familliar with this kind of journalism here. Of course some of our newspapers are bad (they have the word "de" in their name and end with the city were they are publish), but the French Canadian are way too friendly to like this type of thing (unless they are from Quebec City :laugh:).

Same thing with the movie banning... Very few movies are banned here, the only thing I can think of is the Bumfight serie (of course child pornography is banned like anywhere in the world). We are really permissive, sometimes I feel that we are like the Scandinavian countries on this (but the federal governement had a list with many title that are available in many store wich is kind of funny). As for the video nasty list some of the titles included like The Boogeyman, Dead & Buried, Don't Go in the Woods, Don't Go Near the Park, The Evil Dead, The Funhouse or Night of the Bloody Apes (just to name few) make no sense to me. But I was never a big fan of the "think about the children" mentallity...  


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2010, 09:07:31 AM »
That could be The Daily Mail's tagline: "Think about the children" ::)

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2010, 12:43:27 PM »
Hello, my name is Dave and I'm a Daily Mail reader :bag:.

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2010, 03:51:05 PM »
Oh dear.  :-X 

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #56 on: April 17, 2010, 07:31:16 PM »
'tis true I am :-[.

I do dislike their constant harping on about video nasties etc., especially everytime the Bulger case comes up and they harp on about the fact one of the fathers had rented Child's Play 3 even though there never was any proof or evidence that either of the boys had seen it, but generally find the news reporting to be acceptable. I have tried many newspapers over the years but never one that made me want to stop the Mail.

However I do like Mr. Tookey's reviews. If he dislikes a film then usually I will enjoy it ;D.


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2010, 08:05:05 PM »
...I don't actually buy newspapers anymore :/ I read them online.... usually the Guardian,.... I hear alot of these papers are going to start charging for online viewing  :redcard:


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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2010, 08:57:48 PM »
Why not? They're running a business and, tabloids aside, we desperately need professional journalism on the web.

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Re: Kick-Ass *****
« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2010, 09:16:39 PM »
Why not? They're running a business and, tabloids aside, we desperately need professional journalism on the web.

I've never started reading a newspaper. Since I'm not a morning person I awake at some point after my second cup of coffee - when I'm already at work. Since I work on a computer all day I regularily check some news sites online.

There are only two magazines I'm reading. One is Der Spiegel, a weekly magazine with background analyses of politics and the economy and such. The other is the c't, a bi-weekly computer magazine.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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