Author Topic: I've been fairly inactive here lately...  (Read 2182 times)

Offline GSyren

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I've been fairly inactive here lately...
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:40:18 AM »
...and there are several reasons for that. For several weeks we had a really intensive heat wave, and with no a/c (not really cost effective with usually very few really hot days) I was just too tired to do much of anything other than passively watching films and TV shows.

The next reason is my getting a Chromecast, and at the same time taking a free month trial with Netflix. They don't have many films that interest me (at least not here in Sweden). They do have some interesting TV shows, though, so I've spent quite some time watching those. Warehouse 13 is a show that I have considered buying on DVD, but now I have been watching it on Netflix instead. I've just started season 2. Looking good so far. I've also been watching a few episodes of Alphas, Terriers and Californication. And season one of the British show Line of Duty.

I really like Chromecast, though, and I hope we get more iPad apps that support it.

Offline Blair

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Re: I've been fairly inactive here lately...
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2014, 10:46:06 PM »
*reads your Subject title* You say that as if the place has been buzzing with a ton of activity and you have missed out.   (You haven't missed much, unfortunately.)

Warehouse 13 and Alphas are two shows that have been on my "to watch" list, but my list is way too long now, so I have no idea when I might get to them.

Glad to know that you are doing well other than the heat. (I have been melting the past month or so myself.)
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No need to check it often.
I update it only twice a year!

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Offline DSig

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Re: I've been fairly inactive here lately...
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 10:56:12 PM »
Warehouse 13 was very fun for the first 2, 2.5 seasons then it got kind of weird (really weird).  But it straightened out in season 4 and 5.  Some great shows but I can do without some of the arcs.  I enjoy very much going back and watching it.
I also liked Alphas.  Never understood why SyFy canceled it ... but then why do any of the networks do what they do <shrug>
Thank you