Author Topic: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!  (Read 15449 times)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2010, 07:03:12 PM »
Thanks Hal, but I was talking about the Comic Book version :)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2010, 11:52:52 PM »

Offline Achim

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #92 on: May 30, 2010, 10:03:54 AM »
Cool! my favourite Shakespeare play is King Lear... id Like to see that if it exists

There are several DVD versions available.  This is one of them.  UPC #733961-717198:

King Lear

I believe Akira Kurosawa's Ran is also, of sorts?


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #93 on: June 16, 2010, 03:01:06 AM »

All New Tales from the Crypt #2 (2008)

Format: Paperback

Writer: Marc Bilgrey

Artist: Mr. Exes

Summary: "The Garden" is the shocking tale of a man named Richard, who is promised beautiful women waiting on him hand and foot in paradise, all in exchange for completing one simple task. "The Tenant" is the grim story of a man who wouldn't care for those whose building he owned, yet when the dead still decided to stick around to complain, wouldn't he change his attitude?

My Thoughts: Well, when I started reading this I was disappointed. I thought I found one of the original Tales from the Crypt comics. Yeah, keep dreamin'!! ::)

Still, I found these stories've all seen the series!! :P I don't have much to say other than that, but it could stand better art. Pretty cool scary stories for before you go to bed. 4.5 out of 5 rating.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #94 on: June 23, 2010, 03:58:58 AM »

Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man Battle SmokeScreen (1982)

Format: Paperback

Writer: unaccredited

Artist: unaccredited

Summary: One-shot anti-smoking comic, was later retold in 2005. Spider-Man teams up with Storm and Power Man to battle the Villain Smokescreen.

My Thoughts: This, I have to say, is an awesome public service. Back then, comics were all for the kids, and this sent a good message. I guess it hits a little close to home with both of my uncles smoking and my late grandmother being diagnosed with cancer herself after quitting for around 13-14 years, dedicating herself not to smoke when my mother was pregnant with me.

Morals aside, this is also an entertaining story. A young man going down the wrong path. A tale we watch movies about or hear on the news too often, but it still rings true. 5 out of 5 for the greatest public service comic I've ever read!! ;)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #95 on: August 11, 2010, 01:40:52 AM »

Web of Spider-Man #11 (1985)

Format: Paperback

Writer: Bill Mantlo

Artist: Bob McLeod

Summary: After defending a young lady as Peter Parker, not Spider-Man, the neighborhood thinks of it as inspiration and creates the "Peter Parker Patrols" as a local watch program.

My Thoughts: OK, I only found one problem, maybe someone can enlighten me? Contrary to the cover, Spidey wears his usual red & blue costume. Why is he in black on the cover?? From what I was looking at online, for the most of the series he is wearing black, so I guess it makes sense. Thing is, and correct me if I'm wrong, isn't cover art supposed to reflect what happens inside the comic???

Ok, that besides, it was a fun story. Showed some trouble between him and Mary Jane, and at this point they are married (contrary to now. UGH! Sorry, still mad) but the dudes he beat up as Peter are stink-bombing his apartment and other such things. Pretty funny. :laugh: Not so much for him, but still! Had some action, had some love, and one part even got into, what I think would be, the psychology behind why kids join gangs and stuff. Like I said, the only thing I didn't get was the cover art. Its a good 4.5 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #96 on: August 11, 2010, 11:02:32 AM »
Thing is, and correct me if I'm wrong, isn't cover art supposed to reflect what happens inside the comic???
Not exactly.
The main purpose of the cover art is to sell the product.
Obviously the publisher thought that "Venom" sells better than good old Spidey.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #97 on: August 11, 2010, 01:39:53 PM »
Though the way she said is the way it SHOULD be... it don't always work out that way unfortunately.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #98 on: August 11, 2010, 02:24:53 PM »
Though the way she said is the way it SHOULD be... it don't always work out that way unfortunately.
Agreed on the "SHOULD".
But according to the "logo" in the upper left corner this book is part of a "Venom"-series, so it makes kind of sense to present it with with "Venom" on the cover.
All else might have irritated the customers that wanted to buy this special series.

Actually this "cover doesn't reflect content"-problem is not limited to comic books. Especially Polish DVD-covers are notorious for having nothing to do with the content.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #99 on: August 11, 2010, 02:28:59 PM »
At another site a friend pointed out that there are red & blue reflections on the black costume, and she thinks it incorporated it there.

I personally still think it was just for effect...

Either way I"m not gonna dwell on it. :)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #100 on: August 11, 2010, 02:55:44 PM »
This argument has actually been parodied on many covers on marvel comics... I cant remember what comic it was but there was a picture of Wolverine and it had him saying "Im only hear to sell the comic"

;p I think its pretty funny haha


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #101 on: August 11, 2010, 04:27:03 PM »


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #102 on: August 11, 2010, 05:20:05 PM »
I never thought about that before, but now you mention it, when I used to collect Spider-Man comics in the 80s, the cover very rarely matched the story. In fact, it was often self-referential, with Spidey stopping someone robbing a newsagent or something and there'd be Spider-Man comics on the shelves. ::)

Just another point against American comics! :P 2000ad almost always has specially commissioned art for the cover to represent one of the stories inside. They often use different artists too, so you get an interpretation of the character. 

Offline Achim

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #103 on: August 12, 2010, 03:30:12 AM »
In the special features they pointed out how unusual it was at the time that the Watchmen comics didn't have an action shot on the cover. It was just a seemingly random image. In fact, it was the first panel of the comic, mostly close-up shots of relevant items.

Movie posters often do the same, showing us something that doesn't actually reference anything in the movie. I guess B-movies more often than others.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #104 on: August 13, 2010, 02:43:46 PM »

Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl - Volume 1: Noogies (2009)

Format: Hardcover

Writer: Roman Dirge

Artist: Roman Dirge

Summary: A girl who has died continues to live her life, despite the fact she constantly unwittingly causes havoc and meets supernatural/weird people.

My Thoughts: Ok, my friend lent me this before school ended, so I was really waiting a while to review this! :laugh:

The drawing style is that would would image animating a short cartoon, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying it. Basically what happens is she's cute, even though she's dead, and then Lenore ends up accidentally killing something. A lot of what's in here is weird, but that's the fun of it.

For example, in this volume,

(click to show/hide)

Pretty enjoyable, pretty weird, and really cute! A nice 3.5 out of 5. Maybe a 4.