Author Topic: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!  (Read 15451 times)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2010, 01:08:43 AM »
cool, thanks!

I'll try to check them out tomorrow. First stop, see if it applies in my subscription to DCU...then... (whispers to myself and leaves the room)


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2010, 10:44:21 AM »
Free. The price I really like and weekly(usually)



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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2010, 07:29:29 PM »
I always did like free comics!  ;)

Looked at the art, flipped through. Will read it later. Very busy. Think I'll review that next, though. We may have another ongoing review aside Spider-Girl and Hit-Monkey!!

Edit: Scratch that, there is a mini I wanna do first, I've been itching to talk about the fruit pies and the chimpanzee!!! ;)

Don't get it? You will once you see it guys, and I think I'll stick with my old-new-old-new pattern by putting another mini after it, a little newer, like 2003. After that I'll get to it. :D
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 07:43:00 PM by addicted2comics(:P) »


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2010, 09:35:53 PM »
ok, well, these aren't as old as I thought they were. I expected it to be in the range of the 1970s (Bad guess) turned out to be in the 2000s. Still, I'm going to break my usual pattern and go with more relatively new comics because I've been itching to tell about #3.


Spider-Man/Human Torch #1-5 (2005)

Format: Digital

Writer: Dan Slott

Artists: Ty Templeton
            J. Rauch

Summary: It's five all-new, old-school adventures featuring your favorite web-headed hero and his pal, the walking matchstick! Follow them through the years - from high school to present day, from the Negative Zone to the Coffee Bean, from Dorrie Evans to Mary Jane Watson-Parker. It's all here!

My Thoughts: Well, this is personally a favorite mini of mine. You get to see these guys go from rivals to near brothers in this. You do in thw whole series of books too, but this is pretty much a person's crash coarse! ;)

In issue #1, their rivalry is pretty much at a high when Johny hires Pete to take pictures of him. Heh heh, its no wonder in issue 2 they switched places to walk a mile in each othjers' shoes. Those kinds of competitions are always fun to read. Spidey in the Neagative Zone? Human Torch against Kraven the Hunter? Haha! The old swith-eroo plot never gets old! :laugh:

Issue 3 you may wanna get comfy for. Spidey is obligated to drive around a Spidermobile!!!! :laugh: And then there is a strange obsession with fruit pies going on with Spidey, and then some monkeys from the Red Ghost takes the car!! Don't get me started on the fact that in this issue the Human Torch is teaching Spidey how to drive!! Here's a little scene just because I can't resist.

(They get ready to leave to chase after the Red Ghost)

Spidey: Torch, wait!

Torch: What?

Spidey: I haven't learned how to parallel park yet!

Torch: Oh, brother. Back out of the curve, now head back and...what are you doing? Not that way!

Spidey: Stop that! You're making me nervous!!

 :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Ok, my lines may be a little off, but you get the idea. Issue 4 is probably my least favorite. I get that the mini is a recap of all the past years, so I have no idea where we are plot-wise, but Spidey is back in black, which is something I never really liked, no matter how cool it looked. (I always favored the old red & blue anyways) And when the Black Cat gets in the mix, I always liked how she would try to get him to join a crime spree with her, but here she is supposedly rehabilitated and asks for Johny's help, and from there its a jealousy story. Kinda ruins the ride for me.

The lastm issue is right up there with #3. Pete finally tells Johnny he's Spider-Man. Just the situation and the look on Johny's face that says I can't believe I didn't see it before!! just had me laughing, and when Pete listed all the other people who knows his secret, it was hilarious to see Johny nearly bang his head against the Statue of Liberty!! :laugh:

All in all this series had its good parts, its bad parts, its hilarious parts, but it was nice to see these two mature over the years, even if it was just five issues. Though it was good, there were some serious parts that bugged me that I don't think I'll get past unless I actually read all those years of comics so I'll actually understand how they came about doing what I didn't care for. this is about a 4 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2010, 09:51:40 PM »
These do sound like fun stories.  That's one reason I quit reading comics for the most part about a decade ago...comics just weren't fun to read for the most part.  They had actually gotten rather grisly, killing off character after character.  I preferred back when they were fun.  I remember vaguely that Spidey did have a Spider-Mobile back in the old days, too, though I'm not sure I was reading his comic at that time.  I always wondered why the heck he would even want a car when he could get around much quicker by swinging amongst the rooftops.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2010, 09:55:44 PM »
That was explained in the recap. After saving a guy, he had to make a deal to sponser the guy's motor, so he had Torch design him a Spidermobile. Guess he decided he might as well have fun with it!!


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2010, 01:59:10 AM »

The Marvel Saga: The Official History of the Marvel Universe #16 (1987)

Format: Paperback

Writer: Peter Sanderson

Artist: Ron Frenz

Summary: Experiance another segments of the Marvel Origins as we see the origin of Dormammu, how Wonderman became the Vison, why Reed and Sue named their son Franklin, and much more!

My Thoughts: Going story by story, I never realized that the Vision was anything more than a robot until reading this. After reading the Fantastic Four story the first time, until I knew what a Skrull was months later I wasn't sure what to think, but it all makes sense to me now that I have more experiance. The Dr. Strange origin thing was confusing at first, but very interesting. I liked the X-Men origin, and the battle between the X-Men and the Avengers I would have liked to have seen, only this is the only issue of Marvel Saga I own. Pity, it would have been a real good battle to read about. All in all the writing was good and the art was fair, though I feel I may be a bit hard on it considering being from the 80s it might not be up to today's standards, and my copy's a little worn. I think this comic's worth a 4 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2010, 10:11:08 PM »

The Astounding Wolf-Man: Volume 1 (2007)

Format: Paperback

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Artist: Jason Howard

Summary: Gary Hampton, a CEO is mauled by a werewolf  while on a family vacation. Gary tries to use his powers for good and to be a superhero, despite having an evil curse.

My Thoughts: Well, first off, sorry about the giant type and pic, that was the best I could do without a resizing tool on my computer. As for the story....

I find it very interesting how this company tries to mix supernatural beings with other superheroes. Aside from Blade, I didn't see that happening, but it worked!! I especially loved the various feuds happening at once: vampires vs. werewolves, superheroes vs. Gary, Gary vs. his vampire friend. (Long Story) There was quite a bit of gore, and some material people would find inappropriate, but all in all it is a very fun series. I just hope my school library approves it so I can read more! Then again, I may just be on edge because it left me on a cliffhanger! :P Its a solid 4.5 out of 5.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2010, 08:57:20 PM »
OK Britt... I want to see the Wolfman one now. :P


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2010, 01:20:36 AM »
sorry dad, not sure I can show ya!! :P

May post a new review tomorrow.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2010, 10:30:07 PM »
sorry for the delay

The Death of Captain America (2009)

Format: Hardcover

Writer: Ed Brubaker

Artists: Steve Epting, Mike Perkins

Summary: A virtual Civil War has begun thanks to the government's Hero Registration Act, and speaking was going to be Captain America, leader of the rebels, until he was assassinated. SHIELD and heroes everywhere mourn the loss and search for the killer who apparently worked for the Red Skull, and Bucky, Cap's old sidekick, has decided to take the costume himself as a new Captain America.

My Thoughts:  :thumbdown: Let me start off by saying I hate the concept of the Hero Registration Act. Booooooo!!! :yucky:

Still, being fair to the story, Iron Man, a current head of SHIELD, is actually mourning the loss of his friend. I would have thought so before, but Civil War has twisted so many things. Its good to know some haven't changed. I won't reveal everything about this set, but the suspense, drama, action, everything packed into this set will definitely keep you reading. This is one of the major events that have turned the Marvel Universe upside-down. This is a solid 5 out of 5 for sure.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2010, 06:15:50 AM »
The Death of Captain America (2009)[/center]
Don't worry folks, he won't really die. He is about to appear in a movie filmed this year :phew:


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2010, 04:29:18 PM »
Actually, he did really die in the comics, but in Marvel, no one stays dead for long!!


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2010, 12:28:14 PM »
sorry about the lack of oldies but goodies. I need to look some more up online, but a couple more is coming your way from my school library!


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Comic Book Review Thread!!!!
« Reply #59 on: April 09, 2010, 12:40:32 PM »

Cat Burglar Black (2009)

The Plot: Silver-haired orphan K. is a prodigious young thief who struggles with the legacy and implications of her larcenous talent. Her enrollment in a peculiar young women's academy promises respite from her troubled upbringing, but soon reveals a direct link to her own mysterious past as her skills are pressed into service for an unknown goal.

My Thoughts: This is a fun comic....though K's look reminds me of the Black Cat every time I see her. And a thieving school with only four students? Ok then...

This comic is filled with mystery, giving all background for K and a mysterious treasure just in Chapter 1! Mother Claude, the head of a thieving ring K was a part of earlier in her life, plays a part I never would have seen coming!! Still, I think it could have been done better. The girls disappear one by one, and K thinks they're running away? Though the feel of the book is a 4 or 4.5 range, these problems lean me toward a 3.5 out of 5, but very close to 4.