Unfortunately our councils are renowned for ridiculous and petty decisions and by-laws, mainly for political correctness. One thing I always think about America is how many flags you seem to have, but I couldn't hang the Union Jack because it "offends minorities". You can get away with waving the St. George England flag, but only because people think you're supporting the blasted football.
Others include: banning the book Charlotte's Web because it's about a pig and might offend minorities; calling a blackboard a "whiteboard" because it might offend minorities; not teaching Religious Studies because it might offend minorities (spotting a pattern?); you can't say "brain-wave" in case it offends epileptics (you have to say "word shower" instead).
No-one can really enforce this rubbish, except in places like schools or even police stations. Thing is, I've known a lot of "minorities" and disabled, and none of them have ever expressed disgust at our vulgar ways.

When I visited Arizona a couple of years ago and went to Bryce Canyon, I was shocked because there were very few barriers and you could go straight off the edge if you so wished. There were just signs that said "Falls from here have caused death". In the UK they'd have built a sodding great fence all the way around!