Funny story to tell this morning.I realize Brittany is getting older. And she even told me she didn't want as much candy this year. I still gave her a basket with a nice selection of candy... but also bought her a present that she will be able to keep as well. But I wasn't going make it that easy.
When the time came to decide what to do for her... I was pretty much drawing a blank. So I went to Google and searched "Easter Ideas for Teenagers" And I read something that just clicked

I liked this idea and I will do it. A person posted on a forum about making the Easter Basic as usual (with less candy now)... and instead of using the Easter Grass in the basic to buy a nice T-Shirt and put that under the candy.
So I went out and found a T-Shirt I new (well believed) she would like... and I did my thing. So when she got up this morning I told her that the basic is on the Kitchen Table (as usual)... she went out there. And I told her... not as much candy as usual... but a nice selection. She said I did it perfect.

Then I told her there is a present too... but she has to find it.

I swear... she went of searching... and searching. I finally had to narrow it down to the kitchen for her. And the search continued. When I finally had to say... I didn't know I hid it that good!... why don't you take a break from searching and check out what candy I got you! She looks in her basket and she still didn't find it!

I actually had to tug at it a little in front of her!

That is when she said... "Oh I thought that was a pillow case or something!"

She must of thought I just forgot to get any Easter grass!

Anyway... this is what she found...

Team Marvel T-Shirt that features Iron Man (Tony Stark), Hulk (Bruce Banner) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). She decided to wear it today... so I snapped a picture of her in it...

And yes Roger... I know... it is blue!