Author Topic: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Complete Second Season marathon  (Read 35409 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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I am afraid to read this thread as I never seen season 2 yet (just the first 1 or 2 episodes of the season)... but my set is arriving later today. Looks like you all are pretty much done with the season? Think I should just tack my reviews onto the thread as well? Or you think it would be better for me to do my own separately?

Offline Achim

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I am afraid to read this thread as I never seen season 2 yet (just the first 1 or 2 episodes of the season)... but my set is arriving later today. Looks like you all are pretty much done with the season? Think I should just tack my reviews onto the thread as well? Or you think it would be better for me to do my own separately?
I certainly don't mind if you add them here, but since mine and Matthias' and my reviews are almost in sync and yours won't, but that's not entirely important and has been done like that in other threads. Then again, Matthias still has 5 and I have 3 more to do, at your speed you'll finish before us :laugh:

I could also link to your thread (similar to what I did for Tom) and then just add your ratings to the first post. Up to you :)

Offline goodguy

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Then again, Matthias still has 5 and I have 3 more to do, at your speed you'll finish before us :laugh:

Actually, I finished the series last weekend, but somehow couldn't muster up the energy to write reviews. I will try to rectify this within the next days.

Offline Achim

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Oh, and I thought you were still help up and that's why I didn't watch it yesterday...

I might be watching the last disc tonight, and then again I might not... In the latter case I'll get to it next week.

Offline Achim

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20. To The Lighthouse
Fearing for his life, Sarah stashes John in a safe house, away from Derek and Cameron. John Henry realizes he is not alone.

My Comments:
With the previous episode having wrapped up some of the story arcs this one felt almost like a little reboot; rather weird for the third to last episode. The first half half is spent to re-establish characters in their current state and setting up everyone's position. Sarah abandons Cameron and Derek, feeling they are not safe for John, and wants to hook up john with Charlie instead. Derek and Cameron realize that they have been set loose and therefore have to bond in order to get back on track. The previously hinted at third party makes itself known to John Henry and has Weaver and Ellison nervous. But then thinks kick into gear and suspense and action ensues as the noose tightens around John and Sarah (separately) and Cameron and Derek are attacked.

this reboot just before the end is a bit odd, but I assume this last set of three episodes will work as a tight trilogy of sorts, wrapping up most remaining story lines. The gap between Sarah and John is than it ever was which makes the separation from Cameron and Derek feel all the more dangerous. Sarah again keeps too many secrets from John, trying to protect him yet driving him away from her. The ending is just like it should be for the opening of the closing trilogy, with loose ends and cliffhangers all around.

Offline Achim

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21. Adam Raised A Cain
When John attempts to rescue Kaliba’s latest target, he finds himself closing in on Weaver, but at what cost?

My Comments:
In continuation of the previous episode things continue to go down the drain for Team Connor. Slowly but steadily Connor's and Weaver's path are getting closer, with the third party lingering nearby.

The episode is nicely bookended, starting at the same place as it begins, bringing two brothers as close as they can possibly be. We then come to a very nicely set up scene, where terminators close in on John Henry's friend Savannah, with him anxiously trying to help her out by means of the home security camera system and talking to her on the phone. He gets almost emotional throughout the scene, yet is immensely curious about the other machines he sees. Weaver is almost letting her guard down with Ellison when she points out to him that she cares more about his well being than of her "daughter". Another scene I strongly enjoyed was when John discovers who Savannah is, resp. who her friend is.

As with most trilogies, the middle part continues on the path the first one set and has to hold back for the grand finale (at least I hope that's what's going on here).

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Offline Achim

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The Connors come face-to-face with Weaver in a confrontation that shakes John to the core and changes his fate forever.

My Comments:
I didn't see any of this coming. Some of it was hinted at, probably more than once. Also a big surprise was how little action there was. I enjoyed every second of this episode (except for the very last one, actually), a perfect blend of character moments, emotion, action, funny moments.

An excellent finish, which ends the series properly and makes good sense; although it had me think to get most details of it. ...I obviously struggle to write about this one as I feel anything could be a spoiler and all of it deserves to be experienced fresh when viewed for the first time. (Yes, we spoiled most other episodes, but somehow for this one it feels different.)

Offline Tom

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I enjoyed every second of this episode (except for the very last one, actually)

What was the last second again? And why didn't you enjoy it?

Offline Achim

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I enjoyed every second of this episode (except for the very last one, actually)

What was the last second again? And why didn't you enjoy it?
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Offline Tom

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For some reason I do not recall that.

Offline goodguy

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It was a bit on the sappy side, but I'm comfortable with giving them some artistic license without getting to hung up on the technicalities.

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I don't recall exactly when I started to guessing it; I think I was pretty sure around the John Henry history talk with Ellison in the elevator. But there were a lot of other little things that pointed into that direction early on.

Offline Achim

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Unrelated, but since I am typing. Today I looked at both sides of the Keep Case cover of this and noticed at first that Cameron can be seen on front and back. Then I realized that she can be seen with Team Connor on the front but with Team Metal on the back  :o :hmmmm:
I just remembered having made the above statement and wanted to confirm how much sense the covers actually make, after the last episode. :thumbup: Good stuff.

I don't recall exactly when I started to guessing it; I think I was pretty sure around the John Henry history talk with Ellison in the elevator. But there were a lot of other little things that pointed into that direction early on.
Looking back, there was indeed several instances in the last two episodes that pointed towards that. So while the actual reveal still came somewhat surprising, I was able to go with it immediately. I guess re-watching the entire show in the future will reveal many more earlier on.

Offline Achim

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Matthias, are you still posting the last few reviews? If not, maybe at least post your ratings so I can add them to the first post in the thread?

Offline goodguy

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Matthias, are you still posting the last few reviews? If not, maybe at least post your ratings so I can add them to the first post in the thread?

:bag: Probably not, so here are my ratings:

2x18 Today Is The Day Part 1   
2x19 Today Is The Day Part 2
2x20 To the Lighthouse
2x21 Adam Raised a Cain-
2x22 Born to Run-

An excellent finish, which ends the series properly and makes good sense;

It does all come together nicely (and see, Sarah's dreams make sense now) and works well within the general themes of the story. As an ending it is great; as starting point for a new season I'm not so sure. The cancellation happened after the season was aired completely, btw. Josh Friedman himself hasn't said anything about the S3 storylines, but Thomas Dekker has dropped various hints:

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Offline Achim

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If you mean the "dream" sequence where she saw the hunter killer, then yes, that made more sense then I initially expected.

I actually feel it's good that they stopped after season 2. I think that continuing the stroy lines after this ending would be rather tough to pull off and some of the stuff Dekker apparently said confirms that it's possibly just more of the same, but maybe cheesier at that. But then, we may never know.