Author Topic: Trailer Park  (Read 10148 times)


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« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2008, 10:26:15 AM »
One of the very best graphic novels ever written ever. Impossible to film, but nobody told Zack Snyder and it's looking good! :thumbup:


Offline Achim

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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2008, 02:32:05 PM »
The Incredibles Watchmen tells the story of a world where costumed heroes have been outlawed, but a small band are brought back together after someone starts picking off their now retired contemporaries.

...sorry 'bout that. I had/have no idea what Watchmen is, but the trailer sure looks exciting. Zack Snyder seems to stand out more and more; when he made Dawn of the Dead I thought he was just a hack (despite the film being quite acceptable), but it appears he knows what he's doing...


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2008, 02:48:39 PM »
The Incredibles Watchmen tells the story of a world where costumed heroes have been outlawed, but a small band are brought back together after someone starts picking off their now retired contemporaries.

 :laugh: I thought that sounded familiar!


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2008, 04:29:29 PM »
Watchmen is an astonishing book, both in story/characters and how it is presented. It's bulk is set in an alternate 1985 after America won the Vietnam war... ;)

Yes, boiled down to basics, The incredibles wouldn't be far wrong, but Watchmen is morally and aesthetically much darker and challenging. For instance, Rorschach (the one with an ink splodge for a face) is basically a sick bastard, however, in the story he's the only one actively investigating the murder of The Comedian (guy getting kicked through the window in the trailer).

It's a very adult, character based story and many wonder if it can be translated faithfully, but so far Snyder seems on the right track. That said, they've already had to drop the "comic within a comic" pirate story which forms parallels with the plot, though it will be included as an extra for the DVD apparently.

I can't recommend it enough and you really should be buying it. The author Alan Moore, also wrote the original versions of From Hell, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, all of which he has disowned so far as the films are concerned. Because Hollywood regularly cocks up his stories, he hasn't given this his blessing either. Ironically it could be the most faithful thus far.


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #49 on: August 02, 2008, 05:37:48 PM »
Oh my. Fancy this one...



It's the American remake of this, which just happens to be one of my all time top ten films.

Really don't think that I'll bother with the remake

Well, you really built me up for a fall! One of your all-time top ten films? Why? :tease:


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2008, 12:48:22 PM »
Oh my. Fancy this one...



It's the American remake of this, which just happens to be one of my all time top ten films.

Really don't think that I'll bother with the remake

Well, you really built me up for a fall! One of your all-time top ten films? Why? :tease:

Partly, I suppose that in places it had the same creep factor that I'd found with Ringu and Ju-on.
Then again, nobody had been hyping this up like so many other films do so I went into the cinema with no expectations. Yes being the only one in the theatre when it was playing was a bit of a buzz too.


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #51 on: August 04, 2008, 08:46:35 PM »
Oh my. Fancy this one...



It's the American remake of this, which just happens to be one of my all time top ten films.

Really don't think that I'll bother with the remake

Well, you really built me up for a fall! One of your all-time top ten films? Why? :tease:

Partly, I suppose that in places it had the same creep factor that I'd found with Ringu and Ju-on.
Then again, nobody had been hyping this up like so many other films do so I went into the cinema with no expectations. Yes being the only one in the theatre when it was playing was a bit of a buzz too.

Wow, a lonely cinema could be the making of any scary film! :o


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2008, 12:28:14 AM »
I know Eric's feeds pull a lot of trailer links now, but I still felt this was worth highlighting.


I like Zwick's other movies. Big, glossy and perhaps over earnest, but still, always solid quality.


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Re: Trailer Park
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2008, 04:29:16 AM »
I know Eric's feeds pull a lot of trailer links now, but I still felt this was worth highlighting.


I like Zwick's other movies. Big, glossy and perhaps over earnest, but still, always solid quality.

Looks as thought hat could be really good.