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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2008, 11:16:49 PM »
My Opinion: Could he or couldn't he catch the guy, too? Did he let him die or was he simply too late to save them both? There are people on the internet that claim that he let the guy die - but we haven't seen what really has happened. The writers decided to not to show it to us. Thus, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
And even if. This Clark Kent isn't the regular Superman guy. Superman is a boy scout, he's perfect. This Clark is far from perfect and he himself admits that freely. Additionally, perfect is boring.

I've never watched Smallville, but all the versions have suggested at some point that the young Clark Kent could and would give into to anger. It wasn't explicit in the movie, but he admits to his dad that he wants to use his powers to win. That's a slippery slope right there!

I think the best character for this idea is Doctor Who. His refusal to ever use a weapon or let anyone die (even the Master) makes for some great scripts. Mind you he isn't against a bit of explosive anger from time to time, he's just never ever vindictive.

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2008, 03:16:01 PM »
Disc 5

Synopsis: Lana is having a very special bachelor party: She went out bowling with Chloe. But then Chloe witnesses how a young man is kidnapped. When she starts to investigate this, the young man suddenly reappears without having any memory about this incident. Later he dies in an accident. Someone is tagging and killing meteor freaks - and Chloe is probably one of them.

My Opinion: This was interesting. Chloe a meteor freak? Had she really not known? Did she ever used her power? What power is it? That opens a can of possibilities. I also really like to know whether Tobias could see that Clark was different even though he is no meteor freak.

Synopsis: This is the day. The great day. The one day. The day of the Lexana wedding and even Clark is invited. But will they actually go through with it? Two don't want that marriage two happen and two want it to happen. By the end of the day, who will have tried to protect who?

My Opinion: The "Lana finds out" episode. I really liked the idea to show this day from the POV of every character involved. And I am wondering what Lionel's true intention was when he threatened Clark's life. He remains a dubious character whose true allegiances remain to be seen.

And here the key scene:

Funny thing is that I've watched this scene so often that I immediately could spot the (small, yet existent) differences in the dialogue when it is shown from Clark's perspective - and that happened before this scene.
But Chloe's accusation isn't quite true. He has put his heart on the line before (Reckoning) and it got her killed within a day.

Synopsis: Lois seriously needs to write a new article in order to receive her paycheck. Luckily for her she finds Clark's and Chloe's research about a Zoner in the trash can. Soon after she finds herself in the arena of a fight club and there they fight to the death. But her opponent is none other than Clark.

My Opinion: This was the "Wrestling" episode. Another kind of script that is to be found in a number of shows (Star Trek: Voyager's Tsunkatse anyone?), for reasons I do not know.

Synopsis: Lex uses Chloe's mother to influence other meteorite freaks. But she resists and "contacts" her daughter who in turn tries to find her.
Meanwhile Lana learns that her entire pregnancy (which ended in a "miscarriage" a few weeks ago) has been faked. She never was pregnant.

My Opinion: It's fascinating how Lex manages to alienate everyone, even his own wife. It's also fascinating to think about how things could have turned out since Hydro, if Clark hadn't assumed that she was pregnant. Most likely the writers would have found another way to keep them apart. :(
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 03:47:06 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2008, 08:34:39 PM »
Disc 6

Synopsis: The widow of a former Green Beret doesn't believe that she's a widow at all. She believes that LuthorCorp - Lex - has taken her husband and she wants him back. If not, then Lex will die in the sewer system where he's kept. Clark tries to rescue him but a bomb goes off and they get trapped. Now they have to find a way out - within 20 minutes, before all the other bombs go off, too. And that's not the only problem: The sewer system is swarmed with Kryptonite.

My Opinion: I don't believe that Clark did anything wrong in his relationship to Lex. He tried to help him where he could and he only protected the secret of his origins. But Lex has always been obsessed. First with his father, then with Clark and since the second meteor show with aliens. There wasn't much Clark could have done about it. But it was an interesting conversation they've had.

Synopsis: Lana gets shot in the "Daily Planet" and is brought to the hospital. Then Jimmy gets attacked and when he wakes up, he's a reporter in the year 1940 with Chloe and Clark being colleagues. There he meets Mrs. Lana Luthor who thinks that her husband is going to kill her. And Clark seems to have a secret second identity.

My Opinion: I was never into these old Hollywood movies nor am I much interested in crime stories. Thus this wasn't my kind of story.

Synopsis: When Senator Burke tries to shut down Lex's project, Lex orders an assassination. One of his 33.1 soldier prototypes does the job but leaves a witness: Lois. Lois and the prototype - who was a Green Beret in an earlier life - know each other since he has been the first boy Lois has ever kissed. Confronted with memories of that former life his programming goes haywire.

My Opinion: Too bad that Clark had to kill him, but maybe it's for the best. Now he can rest in peace.
Another thing that I have found interesting was the way Martha got the seat on the U.S. Senate. First she inherited the Senator's seat from her husband and now she practically inherited it from Senator Burke. Is that actually possible under U.S. law or is this Smallville fiction?

Synopsis: Lex has gotten his hands on a phantom and he hopes that he can use it to build his army. Lana is leaving Lex. Lois gets herself stabbed and bleeds to death. Clark tells Lana everything and loses her again. Martha leaves for Washington. The phantom is mimicking Clark and is at least as strong as he is. Lex is arrested for murder.

My Opinion: Wow. What an end. And they've created a very intersting constellation: Lana is dead. Chloe and Lionel looked quite dead. Martha is leaving for Washington. Who remains? Jimmy, Lois, Lex and Clark. And none of the survivors knows about Clarks secret (Martha excluded).
But I never believed for a second that Lana is dead. That explosion looked too fishy. And I didn't want to believe that Chloe simply died - even if it was in such a sacrificing way.

The Season - My Opinion: This was a great season. This one and the fifth are my favourites. The Green Arrow was a great addition to the show and the Zoners were way more interesting than the average FotW. I also liked the more darker tone of this season. The stakes have been raised and Clark's tasks have grown beyond the rescue of the damsel-in-distress.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 08:58:52 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2008, 09:07:03 PM »
Since the seventh season hasn't been released on DVD yet, I consider any following post a SPOILER!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 09:09:57 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2008, 09:58:50 AM »
Season 7

Synopsis: Clark and Bizarro-Clark are still fighting and they break the dam in the process. This nearly drowns Lois, Chloe, Lionel and Lex but all are saved one way or another. Only Chloe is declared dead in the hospital but mysteriously rises from the dead. With Bizarro, everything is in reverse mode: Kryptonite is his power source but the yellow sun is his weakness.

My Opinion: Clark defeated him a bit too easy for my taste, especially since Bizarro was just juiced up with a huge amount of Kryptonite and also because one didn't see what the Martian Manhunter did with him. But at least there are a lot of puzzles left to be resolved, e.g. the new female arrival, Chloe's abilities, Lex's newfound enlightenment and Lionel's disappearance.

Synopsis: She's been in stasis for 18 years. Her ship lay on the bottom of the reservoir lake until it was emptied due to the battle. She is Kara, Kal-El's cousin and also a member of the house of El. And now she has to learn that her home planet is destroyed and that Kal-El is no small child anymore. And the military has her ship and if they manage to open it, it will self-destruct with the force of a nuclear bomb.

My Opinion: Now he's not alone anymore. I've only seen a few episodes of this season and I have no idea how it will turn out, but I am aware of the fact that Kara will become Supergirl in the Superman mythology.
But I hated to see how they stomped over Chloe just to push Lois. That seemed unfair.

Synopsis: Lana's back in town - and not so dead as she was presumed to be. Clark is more than happy to see her, but his life has also changed. He has to teach Kara how to "blend in" with the Humans and she does this by entering the "Miss Sweet Corn" beauty pageant.

My Opinion: This was a funny episode to watch. I loved the character "Kara" from the start. She's such a good counterpart to Clark. He needs to see that there are other ways than his own (a lesson Green Arrow also tried to teach him).
But I am still missing the "theme of the season". Since the fourth season it has always been clear from the start what the season would be about. Isobel, Zod, the Zoners. I don't believe that it will be a "Kara season" but I have yet to see anything else coming up.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 10:23:02 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2008, 03:46:47 PM »
Synopsis: A FotW who should be in Belle Reve reappears in Smallville and claims to be healed. Unfortunately she can't remember anything since the time she became infected. Chloe doesn't see that as a story but as a means to "cure" her, too. But the doctor isn't who he appears to be.

My Opinion: Great appearance of Dean Cain who was Clark Kent/Superman in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, a show that I also watched until it was cancelled.
What I didn't like was the fact that the Martian Manhunter has become Clark's "waste disposal". The writers have found an easy way out of any kind of plot without needing to think about it.

Synopsis: The "Warrior Angel" movie is being made in Smallville. But someone seems to have a grudge against the lead actress and tries to kill her. Why? Because "if you're destined to save the world, you're destined to be alone". But when Clark saves her (again) he's being watched and now Lana becomes the target for that very reason.

My Opinion: I really liked the talk about the world of Hollywood and the world of comics and how they differ regarding happy ends. But Smallville and other shows like Buffy have shown that happy ends are no automatism anymore. And sometimes I wished for more happy ends again.

Synopsis: Kara is looking for the crystal that was in her spaceship and she nearly crashes with a plane over Washington. But she gets caught by a government agent who knows her weakness because he analyzed the ship prior to its self-destruction. Now she's forced to relive some forgotten memories about her father and her aunt Lara - Kal-El's biological mother.

My Opinion: Now it gets soap-y. Zor-El (Kal-El's uncle and father of Kara) loves Lara and makes his daughter forget about it... And how fast she's learned to break into high security government computers. Impressive. Not.

Synopsis: A "lightning accident" gives Lana Clark's powers without taking his. Now she can experience what he is able to do. And she uses it to "procure" incriminating evidence against Lex and she brings it directly to the "Daily Planet". When they deny to print the story, she tries to finish Lex off once and for all but - surprise! - is stopped by Clark.

My Opinion: Lana is slipping over to the dark side of the force. :( But I really don't think that Clark is the one to blame. Sure, he lied to her over a long time, but he never betrayed her and he never did anything to hurt her (although sometimes he managed to do it anyway). These dark traits have either been there forever or she has picked them up during her time with Lex. But I liked to see that Chloe is watching out for him and that she gave Lana an upfront warning about it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 04:21:03 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2008, 09:38:03 PM »
Synopsis: After she's called out to him, Clark uses Kara's crystal to create a copy of his mother. But he also unknowingly creates a copy of Zor-El. Zor-El wants to create a new Krypton and for that he has to purge mankind from the face of the Earth. And he tricks Clark into accepting blue Kryptonite and suddenly he is mortal again.

My Opinion: I still think that Zor-El is way to cliché. But it's good to see that Clark still can convince people to the right thing instead of what's easy.
This was the last episode that I've seen before. From now on, everything is "new".

Synopsis: Clark is back from the Fortress where his father held him since the struggle against Zor-El. He joins forces with Lana to bring Lex to justice. Meanwhile someone threatens to blow up Chloe if Lois doesn't write an article about a man who is somehow connected to both Lex and the "Daily Planet"'s editor.

My Opinion: Lex must be a really desperate man to pull a stunt like this. And once again he managed to alienate the person he cares about. But I loved to see Chloe and Jimmy back together, yet I am worried about the look in his eyes when he learned the truth about her being a meteor freak.

Synopsis: Clark has never returned from the Fortress but instead Bizarro has taken his place and he tries to find a means of protection from the yellow sun. For this he seeks out Brainiac who is still very weak but its mental capabilities are completely unaffected. He points him to a Kryptonian who's been living on Earth for more than a hundred years and who might be able to help Bizarro. But when "Jor-El" learns of Bizarro's return he releases his son.

My Opinion: I have to admit, I didn't see that coming. Clark has had so many changes of heart that I didn't see through it when he teamed up with Lana in the previous episode. And I think it was a great idea not to reveal in the previous episode that Clark wasn't Clark. I also liked to see Brainiac again.
Now I am waiting for Gene Hackman to make a "Special Guest Star" appearance. I mean, everyone else has had a guest appearance, with Helen Slater (Kara/Supergirl in Supergirl) as Lara in two episodes of this season and now even Marc McClure as Dax-Ur, who played Jimmy Olsen in the Superman/Supergirl movies.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 09:50:17 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2008, 11:58:40 PM »
Synopsis: Oliver is back in town and Chloe helps him stealing data from Lex' computers. But then they are stopped by a new female vigilante. This person believes to do the right thing and stealing even from the rich isn't the right thing in her opinion.

My Opinion: It was totally funny to see how Lois tried to cover for Oliver by "distracting" Chloe and Clark from the not-so-secret-anymore chamber in Oliver's apartment. But I was sad to see that it didn't work out between them. That proves again the statement about the destiny of superheros.

Synopsis: After Lois and Lex have found Kara (who has still no idea who she is), Lex gets a bullet directly into his head and nearly dies. The only way to find Lois and Kara is to get into Lex's head and Clark goes on this "journey".

My Opinion: It's good to know that even in Lex is a part that tries to fight against his own destiny. Although the chances are practically non-existant that he will ever win this fight. And the sad irony of this episode was that Lionel told his son that he loves him, but I think Lex is way beyond the point where he cares about that anymore. In the earlier seasons this was the one thing he wished that his father would say.

Synopsis: Pete's back! And he has meteor-enhanced abilities now. But he has no intention of hiding them. He doesn't want to live like Clark. But publicity comes with a price and sometimes that price can be too high.

My Opinion: I honestly didn't see that coming. I really loved this "special guest appearance" of Sam's. And apparently not everything has changed. Pete has found himself in pretty much the same situation as he was in the episode where he's left the show.

Synopsis: Someone stuns Clark with tasers and Kryptonite and puts him in a cell surrounded by Kryptonite. In order to find and help him, Chloe and Lana consider bringing Kara to the Fortress, to have her memory restored. Meanwhile the daughter of Dr. Swann approaches Lionel and threatens him to reveal informations about a secret society called "Veritas" and proof that Lionel murdered the other members.

My Opinion: That didn't quite add up. It sounds unlikely that Lionel has known about a "traveler" since before the first meteor shower. Granted, he always has shown an interest in Clark, but if he actually knew about an alien, it wouldn't have taken him five years to figure it out, especially when it was he who engineered Clark's adoption. Additionally the sudden secret connections between the Queens, the Swanns, the Teagues and the Luthors didn't sound right, especially since meetings between Lionel and Virgil Swann have been onscreen.

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2008, 08:50:26 AM »

Synopsis: Brainiac tries to make Kara work with him, but she refuses and is supported by Clark. But he doesn’t take that refusal lightly. He attacks Lana and thus forcing Kara to accompany him. Meanwhile Lex is remembering long forgotten things, memories from before the day of the meteor shower.

My Opinion: I don’t really know what to think of it. It is actually thrilling but it also feels as if the writers suddenly recognized that they don’t really have a master story for the season and thus came up with this “Veritas” arc.


Synopsis: Lex throws his father out of the windows and kills him. Now he has both keys to the thing that is in a bank vault in Zurich, which allegedly allows him to control the “Traveler”. And Lex’s right hand has just found out who that traveler actually is. But Clark knows now of this threat to him but he tries only half-heartedly to prevent Lex from getting to it, since he’s just lost the third person who represented a father figure to him and Lana’s still not responding to anything.

My Opinion: I knew that woman signed her death warrant the minute she learned about Clark. I didn’t know who would kill her but I simply knew that she wasn’t one of the persons who would “forget”. And sadly I was right, the good Lex ultimately lost his fight and now Lex has finally arrived on the dark side, from which there’s no coming back. :( It’s also sad to see yet another actor of the original cast being gone.


Chloe is a terrorist who infiltrates government computers for an unknown group. Olson, James Olson is a government agent and he has the assignment to find out, what she’s doing and who’s she working with. Meanwhile Clark tries to find out, where Kara and Brainiac have gone and how a new page could have appeared in Dr. Swann’s notebook, dated back to 1989.

My Opinion: This was another great episode which I enjoyed a lot, especially the cloak-and-dagger “game” by Chloe and Jimmy - including the inevitable Tango. And she really looked awesome again in that dress. During her time at the “Daily Planet” she had some questionable hair cuts, but now she’s the total cutie again.  Drooling !


Synopsis: Clark has decided to give up. He knows that Brainiac is on Krypton in the year 1989 and that he will kill baby Kal-El. And Clark has decided that it is the best for everyone if he had never arrived on Earth. And suddenly he hasn’t. No one knows him. Chloe is getting married, Lana lives in France with her husband and her children and all is well. OK, Milton Fine is advisor to President Lex Luthor who plans to start a global thermonuclear war, but who’s nitpicking?

My Opinion: Season’s end comes nearer and it gets better and better. This was a great “what if?” episode. It was a bit sad though, that we didn’t see Jonathan or Martha, it would have been great to seem them on the show again. And I found it a bit unrealistic that both Kryptonians could be shot by Lex. The moment Clark was hit, Kara should have been warned and been able to duck any shots taken at her. But since it was only a dream (or something similar), I will let it slip through. ;)


Synopsis: Lex may have the Kryptograph but he has no idea what to do with it. Then he gets attacked by a man who carves a kryptonian symbol into his chest. But both Lex and Clark are guided to the Saint Christopher’s Cathedral in Montreal - Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers - and there they meet someone who is supposed to be dead.

My Opinion: It’s always fascinating how people try to keep something extremely well hidden, yet they leave a trace of bread crumps to follow. Granted most people would have failed to recognize that music and no one but Lex happens to live in that certain mansion, but why leave a trail when only the wrong people can follow it?


Synopsis: Kara damages the plane on which Edward Teague - the last survivor of the Veritas clan - is flying to South America and in the resulting crash he dies. Then she reveals her and Clark’s identity to Lex and finally she points him to the Fortress. But the real Kara has never come back from Krypton, this is Brainiac again. And now Clark wants to stop him once and for all. But can he also make it to the Fortress in time, before Lex starts to control him?

My Opinion: This was a great season finale again and I am wondering what will happen next, considering the news of who will and won’t come back for the next season. I am glad that they didn’t make a killer out of Kara. She also has a destiny to fulfill. On a philosophical level there could be a discussion of whether or not Brainiac/Fine was a sentient life form and Clark did actually kill him instead of just destroying a machine. But sometimes you simply have to make the hard choices, I believe Spike would understand. ;)

The Season - My Opinion: This season had a lot of interesting episodes, yet until the Veritas arc it failed to have a destination to go to and the Veritas arc - as I pointed out - didn’t quite fit. It raises too many questions about the behaviour of the people involved (Lionel and Genevieve Teague for example). What I also noticed about this season is the regular absence of regular cast members. Kara, Lois Jimmy are all in the opening credits yet there were numerous episodes where they didn’t make an appearance. I got the feeling that they didn’t know what to do with them.
The following is about the cast of season 8 and thus “spoilered”:
(click to show/hide)

The End. (for now)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 11:58:52 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2009, 09:38:38 PM »
Last week I felt the urge to watch some Smallville episodes again and decided to do a theme: "I am an omnipotent being and have the power to show Lana who and what Clark really is, before she marries Lex."

So I watched:

1x01 Pilot - Sets everything in motion, shows Clarks origins and his weakness to Kryptonite.
1x04 X-Ray - Clark gets x-ray vision.
1x21 Tempest, 2x01 Vortex - Lana brings Witney to the airport and gets caught in the tornados.
2x02 Heat - Clark gets heat vision.
2x03 Duplicity - Clark reveals his secret to Pete.
2x04 Red - Clark under the influence of red Kryptonite.
2x10 Skinwalker - Clark finds the caves and is told the story of "Naman".
2x16 Fever - Martha and Clark get sick by Kryptonite spores, Martha is pregnant and a blood sample of Clark is taken.
2x17 Rosetta - Clark understands the kryptonian language and learns about Krypton and Kal-El.
2x22 Calling - Dr. Walden wants to stop "the last son" from becoming the ruler of "the third planet".
2x23 Exodus, 3x01 Exile - Clark destroys the spaceship, Martha loses the baby, Clark goes to Metroplis under red K.
3x02 Phoenix - Clark has to clean up his mess, including the providing of another blood sample.
3x03 Extinction - Lana condemns all meteor freaks but expects Clark to confide in her.
3x10 Whisper - Clark gets super-hearing.
3x22 Covenant, 4x01 Crusade - Clark becomes Kal-El and goes on a hunt for the three stones.
4x08 Spell - Lana becomes Countess Isobel and magicks can hurt Clark.
4x11 Unsafe - Alicia returns and marries Clark under the influence of Red K.
4x12 Pariah - Alicia dies and Chloe learns Clark's secret (partly).
4x19 Blank - Clark loses all his memories and Chloe becomes his tour guide.
4x22 Commencement, 5x01 Arrival - Clark completes the stones, builds the Fortress and Chloe learns his full secret.
5x03 Hidden - Clark dies and becomes super again.
5x11 Lockdown - Two cops hold Lana and Lex hostage to get the ship and Clark knows that his relationship with Lana is falling apart.
5x12 Reckoning - Clark tells Lana everything, proposes and then she dies.
5x22 Vessel, 6x01 Zod - Lex becomes Zod and Clark lands himself in the Phantom Zone.
6x02 Sneeze - Clark gets super-breath.
6x06 Fallout - Clark fights his first Zoner.
6x10 Hydro - Chloe is keeping everyone's secret, Lana is pregnant and Clark has to protect Oliver's secret.
6x11 Justice - Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Cyborg (Victor Stone), Aquaman (Arthur "AC" Curry) , Impulse (Bart Allen), Watchtower (Chloe) and Boy Scout (Clark) fight against Lex's project 33.1.
6x13 Crimson - Clark crashes the wedding rehearsal under the influence of red K.
6x15 Freak - Chloe is a meteor freak, too.

6x16 Promise - The wedding.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 09:28:56 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #55 on: December 12, 2009, 11:08:26 PM »
Because I was in the mood I just watched the first season over the last week. Ignoring the obvious Dawson Casting, I never really noticed (until now) how many age problems especially the first season has.

These are the years established in the show: Clark's arrival: 1989. Lex's age then: 9. Beginning of show: fall 2001. Birthyear of Chloe: 1987. School year depicted in first season: Freshman.

Given the school year and Chloe's confirmed BY, everyone was about 14-15 at the beginning of the first season.

Yet everyone is already driving cars on a very regular basis.
Lana becomes assistant manager in a café.
Lex seems to have never gone to college (he's 21 at the most).
Whitney joins the USMC yet it has never been established that he's at least a Junior (but since they are talking about Graduation, I assume he's already a Senior and thus 3 years older than Lana).
Chloe and Clark have known each other for years, but it's also established that she moved to Smallville in 8th grade (one year before the show starts).
Whitney and Lana have been together for years (likeliness for a 14year-old who just joined the same High School as her boyfriend?).

Still enjoying it, though. ;)

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2010, 05:05:04 PM »
What's even more interesting about this episode, are the discussions on the internet about it. For example, people were seriously offended that he didn't tell her about his true nature before they were sleeping together, because he is an alien. There were sentences like "If Lana were my child I would want to know that she's sleeping with an alien.".

Here we go again: KryptonSite: Major Problem with Clark Kent's Sexual Mentality

For example:

Quote from: Britas15
I can hardly type. That's how angry I am right now.

And what I find to be truly repugnant about what the show's currently doing, is that they're sending the message that since Lois is keeping PROFESSIONAL SECRETS from Clark (secrets that, as an investigative reporter, she has every right to keep), then that somehow makes Clark keeping a SECRET ABOUT WHO THE FRAK HE REALLY IS okay.

Nuh-uh. Not even close. Nowhere near. Not at all.

I cannot even begin to tell you how upset I am right now. I am utterly beside myself.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 05:06:48 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon #2
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2010, 05:27:45 PM »
He shouldn't be sleeping with Lois at all...

Quote from: Mallrats
T.S. Quint: But they're engaged.
Brodie: Doesn't matter, can't happen.
T.S. Quint: Why not? It's bound to come up.
Brodie: It's impossible, Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle the sperm? I guarantee you he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry his child?
T.S. Quint: Sure, why not?
Brodie: He's an alien, for Christ sake. His Kyrptonian biological makeup is enhanced by earth's yellow sun. If Lois gets a tan the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like Wonder Woman has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid. The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a kryptonite condom. That would kill him.
T.S. Quint: How is it that I go from the verge of hot Floridian sex with Brandi to man of steel coital debates with you in the food court?
Brodie: Cookie stand isn't part of the food court.
T.S. Quint: Of course it is.
Brodie: The food court is downstairs. The cookie stand is upstairs. It not like we're talking quantum physics here.
T.S. Quint: The cookie stands counts as an eatery, eateries are part of the food court.
Brodie: Bullshit. Eateries that operate within the designated square downstairs count as food court. Anything outside, of said designated sqaure, counts as an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking. Now, if you're going to wax intellectual about the subject...