Author Topic: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon  (Read 25115 times)

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2009, 05:38:43 AM »
I saw some of Ben 10 something or other once.  I had no idea what was going on.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2009, 10:00:40 AM »
I don't think I've ever watched Full House. Although I know the Olsen twins were quite young in it.
IIRC when the show started they were practicly babies, being pushed around in a baby carriage.

Yeah... she was... here is the cast from about season 1... maybe early season 2.

She is of course the one John Stamos is giving a kiss to.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2009, 01:46:31 PM »
 :slaphead: Doh, forgot that at the time they actually shared a role :laugh:

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2009, 02:08:14 PM »
Yeah... they shared the role of Michelle. But later on in the series Uncle Jesse had a set of twin boys. Maybe that is where your confusion came from.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2010, 03:43:43 AM »
ok, well this is a box set so I'll have to tackle how to handle reviewing it. I think one post per nights' work. So here are the reviews for episodes 1-3 of "The Spectacular Spider-Man."

The Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 1, Episodes 1-3

The Plot: In episode 1, Survival of the Fittest, Spider-Man takes on the Vulture who targeted Norman Osborn and the Enforcers, who were hired by the Big Man to take out Spider-Man.

In Interactions, Max Dillion becomes Electro in a freak accident and searches for a cure. At the same time, harder still, Aunt May set a strict curfew for Peter and he can't catch a break on taking pictures of himself for money.

In Natural Selections, Dr. Conners becomes the Lizard, and in the end, all trust is lost from his friends because he apparently left the antidote effort to take pictures.

My Thoughts:The first episode was really funny. A continuing joke was he just couldn't keep track of his shoes!! When I watched it with dad, we couldn't stop laughing when he landed on top of Vulture and yelled "SURF'S UP!!!", especially when dad added in "you know, he really does have an unfair advantage when surfing." All in all, it was a classic Spidey set-up, although it never reeally got into the oigin in the pilot, which is just fine. This episode is a 5 out of 5.

Interactions, it was weird how they redid Electro, which is something I really didn't mind at first, but looking back it got annoying. There wasn't as much humor, but it was still fun, especially when he was racing just to catch the bell before he was late again. I give it a 4.5 out of 5.

In Natural Selection, Conners became a Lizard, and once again in the company I was in, the was a laugh-fest when Lizard stuck to the walland Spidey yelled, "Hey! Wall-crawling's my schtik! Start spinning a web, buddy, and I'll sue!"
All the same I was never really a big fan of the Lizard but I think the series does it well. I give it a 4 out of 5.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 12:27:23 PM by addicted2comics(:P) »


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2010, 02:24:04 AM »

The Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 1, Episodes 4-9

The Plot: Episode 4, Market Forces, is where the Shocker comes out to play. At the Bugle Peter is getting the hang of making money from Spidey pics and learns the need for tomato juice after being in a dump!

The next show, Competition, Flint Marco becomes Sandman and Peter tries out for the football team.

The following, the Invisible Hand, Alex O'Hirn becomes the Rhino, and Peter finally gets his date for Midtown High's Fall Formal.

Episode 7, Catalysts, we finally get to see the Green Goblin rear his ugly head. The real kicker is Peter had to leave Mary-Jane at the dance while he plays hero, of coarse things don't go as panned in the end.

The next one, Reaction, the Octopus finally turns bad when the doc gets electrified and decides no more "Yes Mr.Osborn, Please Mr. Osborn, I'm sorry Mr. Osborn." Pete choses to go to the carnival with Liz Allen after MJ decides to go with Flash Thompson.

Finally in episode 9, The Uncertainty Principle, Spidey and "The Big Man" fall into a trap when the Green Goblin returns with a phoney junk drive that would incriminate the Big Man on Halloween. In the end, the hints are over, and we know the face of the Green Goblin.

My Thoughts: I got a lot done today so I'll make this kinda quicker. Market Forces was a pleasure to watch, a lot of humor with stench and talk of responsibility, I give it a 5 out of 5.

Competition was you basic episode of football tryouts, and I was none too impressed with the Sandman. It had the basic humor and styling though, so I give it a 3 out of 5.

The Invisible Hand had some really good jokes, like Rhino's ramble when he's nearly passed out in the steam tunnel. I give it a 4 out of 5.

In Catalysts, it was pleasant to see MJ how she's supposed to be, and not a total nice girl like she was in the movies, real mysterious and dramatic. The action was good and it was cool to see all the pressure finally build up in Harry to see him drink the "Globulin Green" perfomance enhancer. I give it a 5 out of 5.

Reaction was pretty cool, but nothing all that impressive. It had all the basics, but that's just about it. I give it a 3 out of 5

The Uncertainty Principle, it had an unusual team-up which is really daring in a cartoon like this, the Big Man, aka Tombstone has to trust Spider-Man to take down Goblin. G.G. is revealed to be Harry Osborn, though to some who are all caught up on Season 2 you would see there are......contridictions. ;) I give it a 4 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2010, 03:53:22 AM »

Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 1, Episodes 10-13

The Plot: Persona: Spider-Man teams up with the Black Cat in order to take down the Chameleon, but soon discovers it'll be easy to tell each other apart, because he accidently adopted alien life in the Conners' lab.

Group Therapy: The Sinister Six: Electro, Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Shocker, Sandman, and Rhino, try their best to take down Spider-Man, all the while Aunt May has a heart attack and Peter discovers the suit lives.

Intervention: When trying to get rid of the life form in his suit, Peter is trapped in his own mind with the symbiote, balancing his own emotions.

Nature vs. Nurture: Eddie Brock has become madder than ever at Spider-Man and Peter Parker, so the symbiote bonds with him to become Venom. Venom kidnaps Gwen and puts her in danger on top of one of the giant Thanksgiving Day Parade ballons.

My Thoughts: Persona was always a favorite of mine. The Black Cat and Spider-Man relationship was always fun, but in the show it added on to the humor and awesome style with major plot lines. I give it a 5 out of 5.

Group Therapy was fun. Alot was funny, but I feel it was really a darker toned episode, which I'm ok with, though not something I particularly enjoy. The action was well-done and had a big finish. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Intervention was really unique, more of a falshback episode, showing the Spider-Man's origin and why he does what he does. Again, it was really darker, but well suited to the plot. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Nature vs. Nurture was long awaited as a favorite villain for many people enter the scene: Venom. I like how Venom had a "Torture him First" attitude toward destroying Spidey, which led to threatening Aunt May and kidnapping Gwen. This episode also has a big finish. I still give it a 4 out of 5.

Added notes about the series: Well, off hand I gotta say they had JJJ nailed, no way they could do it better! There are life lessons, humor, style, and depth, so I highly recommend this show!!!


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2010, 06:41:09 PM »

Spiderman (2003) - When Sparks Fly

The Plot: The return of Electro means a disturbing romance, as whenhe returns, believing she loves him, Electro kidnaps Sally and tries to electrify her like him so they can be together. It's up to Spiderman to stop him.

My Thoughts: I looked through the Valentine's section on On Demand and honestly this is one I have to keep watching. True, the animation can annoy you, being in CGI. (Always reminded me of a video game!) But, the humor is there, it's a story that really grabs you, and there's that ever-disturbing obsession factor that people can't resist but to watch, and also lets Harry Osbourne question the fact he sees of Spiderman killing his father. I give it a clear 5 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2010, 02:48:27 AM »
Ok, so I already posted reviews for Spectacular Spider-Man Season 1, so why not Season 2? I'm spending the weekend with a few episodes per post reviewing the second year, you know, since I noticed a distinct Spider-Man theme in this thread. Problem is, it has to come from Youtube, reason being season 2 isn't out on DVD yet, but I'll take what I can get!!! ;)

Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 2, Episodes 1-3

Blueprints As tensions mount between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy as they shared their first kiss, then never held a conversation with each other since. At the same time, Mysterio is attacking the technology world - - - by way of the Master Planner. Cameo appearance by Stan Lee.

My Thoughts: It was a particularly funny episode, considering movie callbacks like Spidey blindfolding himself saying " - and may the spider-sense be with me." There was a bar room brawl like in the old westerns, and it was funny watching Pete try figure stuff out sneezaing his brains out. Of coarse that could just be me and the fact I just got over (or am in the proccess of getting over) a big-time cold. Mysterio was always a solid character for Spidey to fight, gotta gicve it up and say its a good 5 out of 5.

Destructive Testing Dr.Conners gives Peter his internship a second chance, but Miles Warren lines his pocket turning Serge Kravenoff into a lion-like Kraven the Hunter to hunt down the only prey that has eluded him: Spider-Man. Kraven was firsat tipped off by none other than the Master Planner. In Spidey's other life, Pete still hasn't patched things up with Gwen, but Flash was hospitallized in a State Championship Football game.

My Thoughts: Well first off, I gotta say what they did with Kraven was weird. My dad keeps complaining they made Kraven a cat!! It doesn't bother me as much. I thought it was the funniest thing ever when Kraven's spear ripped Spidey's pants to expose thermals with hearts, but he had a reasonable explanation, so whatever. :laugh: A lot of things are going on with this episode, which is good. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Reinforcement It is Christmas Eve, and a new Sinister Six composed of Kraven, Mysterio, Electro, Vulture, Rhino, and Sandman is recruited by the Master Planner to take down Spider-Man, supossedly better as it wears him down little by little. In Pete's life, he decides he needs to be more focused as Gwen still holds a grudge for not talking to her after their kiss.

My Thoughts: I gotta say, when my father and I watched this last Christmas, we had to pause it a few times to breathe from laughing too hard when we tried to listen to Spidey banter with a burnt tongue!!!!! One thing to look out for in this episode is in the criminal rehabilitation center, you see Cletus Kassidy, who would later become Carnage. Unfortunately the series never got that far. Its a hilarious episode that everyone would enjoy, especially around the holidays, or even months after like me!! :P No question about it, this episode gets a 5 out of 5.

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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2010, 01:43:25 PM »
I will have to watch these with you sometime. I still say I don't like how they did Kraven in this series. But yes... the Christmas episode is hilarious!  :laugh:


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2010, 12:12:54 AM »
Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 2, Episodes 4-8

Shear Strength The Master Planner kidnaps Gwen Stacy to force her father, policeman George Stacy, to give him ultimate access to the New York (and world) computers.

My Thoughts: This was a pretty cool episode. As Spidey saves Gwen, you really get to see how much he loves her (SPOILER ALERT!), because he was ready to give in and die, but when he saw Gwen, he summoned the strength to save them both. Then things really get complicated when Liz kisses him too. Gotta say I love the drama, the plot twists. This whole series really keeps you interested. As for this episode, I was a little concerned how little "Peter Time" there was this time around, but that's cool. I give it a 4 out of 5.

First Steps Flash Thompson celebrates his birthday just as Harry Osbourne returns from his "vacation". The Sandman is tired of attempting the big score, and decides to steal from an oil tanker to finally get it. Spider-Man thinks he's hallucinating Venom has returned.

My Thoughts: There was a lot of character growth in this episode. Sandman shows what he's willing to give, when he's willing to do the right thing. Liz gave up the stereotype "cheerleader" persona by openly dating Peter. Flash is starting to realize being a football star doesn't win you everyone. One thing I didn't like, or didn't at first, was the tags in between scenes to guests recording themselves at Flash's party. I don't like being interrupted, but it turned out to be very entertaining, and as I've seen the entire series before, I know this will be repeated, and I've come to look over it. I give the episode a 4 out of 5.

Growing Pains J. Jonah Jameson's son, John, was infected by the symbiote from that trip to outer space, spores all inside his body. They caused him to grow with immense density, earning the name Cornel Jupiter.  which later affected his brain. Also, Venom has returned and is impersonating Spider-Man.

My Thoughts: This is actually a favorite of mine, because of a one-liner I can never seem to get out of my head. "Hey, Cornel Stupider! Is it true you get denser by the minute?". :laugh: The tag, as I said it would repeat, for this episode is kids auditioning. This is actually a cool turn for the show to take because as much as a "play" it is for the characters, it shows opinion and standpoints that are present in the show. The end of the show kind of ruins the ride for me with a cliffhanger, where Venom tells everyone Pete is Spider-Man. I just never cared much for the "exposed secret" angle in any plot in a superhero show. Just a pet peeve of mine. I give it a 4 out of 5.

Identity Crisis The word is out that Peter Parker is under suspicion of being Spider-Man, everyone he knows is being harassed/questioned, and Venom is still on the lose.

My Thoughts: It was an ok episode. I said in the previous "My Thoughts" thing how I felt about this plot, but I think they did the best possible with it. The reporters always get under my skin though, like with Gwen. "Hey babe, what's it like kissin' a freak?" Ugh. Don't get me wrong, there were good parts, like the tags that seem to be between the scenes of each episode, everyone's reactions to being asked if Pete was Spidey, especially Aunt May's, "Am I being punked?" LOL!  :laugh: Still, this episode is about a 3 out of 5.

Accomplices Silvermane and Silver Sable, Tombstone, they want one thing: a junk drive that'll make an army of Rhinos. The Rhino and Spidey end up teaming up to destroy the drive and prevent a gang war.

My Thoughts: Ok, first I'll let you guys in on something. Back on the Christmas episode, Spidey interrogates a guy named Patch. In this episode he was revealed to be an undercover Daily Bugle reporter. You can also see in this one Rodrick Kingsley, who would later become the Hobgoblin, but again the series never got that far. Now enough with the Easter Eggs, it's a cool episode all in all. It really got me laughing when Spider-Man was grossed out by the fact that Silver Sable and Hammerhead dated. (Not that I blame the guy! :laugh: ) Not much happened in the "Peter" side of his life, though it is becoming more and more apparent that George Stacy realized who he was, but intends to be a friend to him. I give this one a 4 out of 5.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:39:20 PM by addicted2comics(:P) »


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2010, 12:38:06 AM »
Spectacular Spider-Man: Season 2, Episodes 9-13

Probable Cause The Enforcers upgrade themselves: the Shocker, Richochet, and Ox, and go on a crime spree for the Big Man, Tombstone.

My Thoughts: Pretty cool episode. It was really funny hearing the theme as elevator music, plus the fact that Ox was singing along. :laugh: There was character growth, Flash got the girl, and Sally cared about if Pete was blown to bits. It also had a cliffhanger of Harry looking at globulin green, which signals the return of the Green Goblin. Still, it's not one of the better episodes, I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

Gangland On Valentine's Day, the three armies at war: Doctor Octopus's team of metahumans, The Big Man's crooks, and Silvermane's followers are at war ready to declare to new ruler of the criminal empire. Meanwhile, it seems that Peter's date is joined by the date of all his school aquatainces.

My Thoughts: It was a pretty fun episode. A thing to look out for is a couple getting engaged during Pete's date was the couple he webbed together in Season 1. "You can thank me later, dude!" and I think he would. :laugh: It hadf funny moments, the fight scenes kept you glued to the scene, and Liz saw, with the help of Gwen's new makeover, that Pete still had feelings for her. Still, one part I hated about this show was the opera music, I mean, the story is set up so it makes sense, but that's just the one type of music I can't stand. :thumbdown: Still, its a cool episode, so 4.5 out of 5.

Subtext Liz's brother, Mark Allen, is transformed into Molten Man to pay off a gambling debt.

My Thoughts: It was an ok episode. One thing I can't wrap my mind around was the style they did this in. The episode focused on one battle, and kept using flashbacks to tell the story. This being, idk, the fifth time I've seen this it doesn't bother me, but first time I watched it, it was hard to follow and I had to watch the same a couple more times. Other than that it was pretty good. I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

Opening Night While a MidSummer Nights' Dream plays at Midtown High, a prison break is occuring while Spider-Man tests out a new specially-designed cell, and every guy who got out is after the web-head. The Black Cat is willing to help, but under one condition - - her father goes free, the man who killed Uncle Ben.

My Thoughts: Well, right off the bat I gotta say this "who killed uncle Ben" event is a lot better than the way they made it in Spider-Man 3, cuz lets face it, it was said again and again, Sandman just wants a big score. He wouldn't kill. It was fun watching Spidey torment the guys he already put away, and was it really surprising the Mysterio in prison was just another bot? Really, any episode with the Black Cat is a favorite of mine, and it was cool seeing her actually angry at Spider-Man, instead of just trying to be with him. I give it a 5 out of 5.

Final Curtain Gwen and Peter finally decide to get together, but as the Green Goblin has returned, and it has become apparent Harry wasn't the Green Goblin after all, the mystery plagues as time's running out to find who is the Green Goblin?

My Thoughts: Where do I start? It's good Peter sorts out his feelings. Since it's an awesome ending, I won't reveal who the Goblin really was, but in this season (or possibly series) finale, all the questions are answered and the action really keeps you on the edge of your seat. No question about it, this is a 5 out of 5.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 11:11:24 PM by addicted2comics(:P) »


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2010, 11:04:33 PM »

Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1970s Volume 1

The Plot: Cartoons from the 1970s untie in a 2-Disc release featuring all your favorites!!!

Episodes:     Bold = Watched

1. The Jetsons - Space Car

2. The New Adventures of Batman (The Batman Tarzan Adventure Hour) - Pest

3. Tarzan Lord of the Jungle (The Batman Tarzan Adventure Hour) - Tarzan and the Colossus of Zome

4. Hong Kong Phooey - Car Thieves

5. Hong Kong Phooey - Zoo Story

6. Goober and the Ghost Chasers - Assignment Ahab Apparition

7. Speed Buggy - Speed Buggy Went That-A-Way

8. Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch - Double Cross Country

9. Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch - The Infiltrator

10. Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch - The Stunt Show

11. Yogi's Gang - Greedy Genie

12. Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan - Scotland Yard

13. Roman Holidays - Double Date

14. Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space - The Nemo's a No-No Affair

15. The New Scooby-Doo Movies - The Ghostly Creep from the Deep

16. The Funky Phantom - I'll Haunt You Later

My Thoughts: Well, I actually probably saw all these episodes over at my grandmother's house, since we have Boomerang. All the same, the bolded episodes are what I watched with my father in his 70s marathon. As to what I thought of them....

Starting with Batman, it was really enjoyable. Reminds me a lot of that old Batman Adam West movie, coarse that's probably because its the same actor. :P That and the thing with Robin's cooking was hilarious! Although, I know Batmite can be really funny, but COME ON! THE WHOLE SERIES?!?!? That is just too much Batmite!! Thank goodness there was only one episode.......

Hong Kong Phooey was always a favorite of mine. Glad to have that on the set. Josie and the PussyCats was a pretty good series in my opinion, I don't care if others see it as a Scooby-Doo rip-off. (Even though it was, I'll admit it, but it was still pretty good! ;) ) The New Scooby-Doo Movies......oddly enough I had this episode on DVD beforehand. Really liked having the Harlem GlobeTrotters in the mix.

Funky Phantom. First off, was every cartoon stuck recycling voice actors? I mean, Scooby-Doo is to Josie and the PussyCats as Funky Phantom is to Snagglepuss. Other than that, it was very entertaining. And funny. There were a few moments where I caught myself laughing out loud......for example, a ghost afraid of ghosts? Kind of an old joke, but it works. :laugh:

After watching most of these, I'd say this DVD set is a solid 4 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2010, 05:20:27 AM »

Teen Titans: Season One, Disc 1


1. Divide and Conquer
2. Sisters
3. Final Exam
4. Forces of Nature
5. The Sum of His Parts
6. Nevermore
7. Switched
8. Deep Six

The Plot: A team of five superheroes: Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven, take on villains such as Mumbo and graduates of the Hive academy (such as Gizmo and Jinx), as well as fights within the team. This disc also includes the first team-up with honorary Titan, Aqualad.

My Thoughts: Well, I borrowed this from my local library, and my first thought was MAKE MY DAD WATCH IT WITH ME!!! You can ask his opinion on it later. ;)

Teen Titans is actually one of my favorite series from when I was smaller. I never minded the anime styling unless the reality breakage was really annoying for the situation, but for me that was rare, I'm fairly tolerant. Some of the most memorable episode were in this few, like "Switched", where Starfire and Raven are locked in each others bodies, and "Deep Six", the first appearance of Aqualad.I'd say these 8 episodes are an average of about a 4.5 out of 5.


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Re: Addicted2comics(:P)'s Official Review Thread - T.V. Show Editon
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2010, 05:48:32 PM »
You know I love the Teen Titans comic, its probably one of my favourites... although I now read Titans instead ;P (which is basically grown up teen titans)

The series was always kind of strange to me, like I don't know... infact the only thing I remember liking on it was in one episode, Cyborg is playing a computer game and says "I don't know who you are or where you from but I just kicked you virtual; butt" ...