We've initiated a DNS transfer which may cause a temporary failure to resolve invelos.com correctly. To temporarily correct the issue, edit your hosts file to point to the correct IP. Add the following lines to your host file: invelos.com74.53.166.114 www.invelos.com74.53.166.114 static.invelos.comYour "hosts" file is usually at c:\Windows\system32\drivers\etcThe domain resolution switch is occurring now, so it should resolve correctly soon. Until then, these changes will bridge the problem.
Ken posted this work-around at Invelos:Quoting Ken Cole:QuoteWe've initiated a DNS transfer which may cause a temporary failure to resolve invelos.com correctly. To temporarily correct the issue, edit your hosts file to point to the correct IP. Add the following lines to your host file: invelos.com74.53.166.114 www.invelos.com74.53.166.114 static.invelos.comYour "hosts" file is usually at c:\Windows\system32\drivers\etcThe domain resolution switch is occurring now, so it should resolve correctly soon. Until then, these changes will bridge the problem.I tried it and it worked for me.
Here we go with the points!
Speaking of points...I'll give an extra once that gorgeous dog avatar of yours comes around!
Quote from: Kathy on December 07, 2007, 05:21:09 PMSpeaking of points...I'll give an extra once that gorgeous dog avatar of yours comes around! Asked doggie to come back, but she sticked tongue!