Author Topic: DVD Profiler Help  (Read 30642 times)


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2009, 12:43:45 AM »
...You dont need to move a computer just the router.... you only need to connect the PS3 to a router not a computer.....

You need to see if your PS3 is having incompatibility issues with your router or if your PS3 is not working correctly.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2009, 12:47:34 AM »
Sorry I just had to google what a router was. When I said I was bad with technology I meant it haha. I'll ask Bob later on if we can try that, the router might have to stay in his room though I'm not sure if I can move it.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2009, 01:46:31 AM »
I think you should leave the router where it is, connected and working. I can imagine your set-up as I've seen a few myself and it could be fragile! I know what Emma means, but whatever the result, it would be fairly inconclusive unless you got the exact same error.

In your previous post you mentioned the bit you'd found on DNS and switching the primary and secondary. That is definitely worth a try. If Bob knows his way around DNS settings, let him loose on it. :thumbup:


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2009, 01:58:01 AM »
Haha Jon, you should only see the set-up in that room. It looks like  NASA space station in there and Iv'e been told that Bob's computers can never be turned off because they run the mail server for about half the businesses in our town or something. Therefore you can imagine how hesitant I am thinking of trying to move a router out of there.

I think switching the primary and secondary DNS may be worth a shot, I'll ask Bob to help me with it when he gets home.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2009, 02:09:52 AM »
The worst cabling in a server room I ever saw was so bad we couldn't reach the servers properly. And in the middle we found a router suspended in mid-air!  :laugh:


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2009, 02:19:03 AM »
Haha wow that's impressive. Bob's used to be insane, about half the room was all cables and stuff everywhere but Mum eventually made him clean and organise everything. It's not not nearly as bad, everything is over in one corner and all the cables are hidden.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2009, 02:46:31 AM »
I got bored so I took some photos of Bobs (now clean and tidy computer set up).

Some of Bob's computers.

And the mess behind them.

I'm actually amazed at how clean he managed to get it. But yeah as you can see, not easy to take a router out of a set up like that.

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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2009, 05:48:45 AM »
Can you try the setup thing I mentioned in my post on the first page?

It can be found in the Settings sections, I believe right above Test the Network Connection. I apologize if I missed your reply that you did that already.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2009, 06:13:42 AM »
Okay everybody it is official. It just is not going to work. I have had proffesionals in the field looking at this for two days now and if they can't do it no one can. It's basically down to a compatibility issue and until we get a new Wireless Access Point they are certain nothing can be done. Thanks for all of your help anyway, I feel I learnt a lot in this thread.

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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2009, 06:33:25 AM »
Sorry to hear the outcome.

Hope you can get online soon, there is some good stuff in the PlayStation Store and online gaming is fun at times.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2009, 06:45:13 AM »
Thanks Achim, aparently a new Wireless Access Point can be 100-300 bucks so it may be a while before we experiment with getting one.

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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2009, 06:58:27 AM »
Thanks Achim, aparently a new Wireless Access Point can be 100-300 bucks so it may be a while before we experiment with getting one.
That sounds too high to me, but I am not sure what your currency's value is :bag:

If there is someplace you can plug it in, you could maybe buy a long enough network cable and run that to the nearest Switch/Hub/Router or whatever. That should be cheap enough.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2009, 07:01:05 AM »
If there is someplace you can plug it in, you could maybe buy a long enough network cable and run that to the nearest Switch/Hub/Router or whatever. That should be cheap enough.

Hmm it would have to run through the TV Room, kitchen, living room, hallway and into another room to reach the space station. Not that it's impossible though, we have some rather long cables. My desktop itself runs of a cale rather than wireless and that cord goes through two rooms.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2009, 09:57:38 AM »
...My recommendation is before you go out and buy another router to Google it first to check if its compatible with the PS3, you will find that some are not compatible and some have problems and some work fine.


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Re: DVD Profiler Help
« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2009, 10:26:07 AM »
Okay everybody it is official. It just is not going to work. I have had proffesionals in the field looking at this for two days now and if they can't do it no one can. It's basically down to a compatibility issue and until we get a new Wireless Access Point they are certain nothing can be done. Thanks for all of your help anyway, I feel I learnt a lot in this thread.

No, it can be done, but your home network sounds out of control! And wireless access points are expensive, but if this is a normal house that's overkill. I can see a Netgear router in that first picture. If that's the Internet point, get Bob to swap that out for a wireless version. PS3 will be compatible with Netgear, it's the next points in the chain that will be stuffing it up. The existing WAPs could still work and you might be able to have a second wireless network that the PS3 can use. Netgear Wireless routers start at about £40 here; what would that be in your money?