All that, despite the fact that I think Kristen Stewart is a really good looking girl (when she doesn't look stoned out of her mind) and I would totally buy a movie with her in it just to look at her....
Now I'm not saying monsters shouldn't "evolve" - I love the "new" zombies for instance - but there's a line where it's just too much. And from what I've heard, Twilight crossed it. Which makes me not even willing to give it a chance.
She is also a very gifted young actress who got famous with the wrong movie. Especially The Cake Eaters (2007) and Speak (2004) are worth checking out. Both have her starring as the lead.
I don't think I've ever been as emotional invested in a movie as much as you seem to Critter. I'm sure my dealing with day to day triumphs and tragedies in critical care makes me unable or unwilling to get worked up over a film. I couldn't, no - I don't want to - waste that much emotional energy on something not real.
Maybe a wolf on a massive amount of steroids! But this isn't the first time I seen in Vampire movies that a vampire could turn into a werewolf. Seen it in several... one that comes right to mind would be Fright Night. Evil Ed.
They called it a "pet rock" and it made its inventor a millionaire in 6 months. Seriously.
but sparkling is going to far. And the way it looked in the movie was horrendous.
It reminded me of that terrible body shimmer moisteriser stuff that is marketed at tweens under some Hannah Montanna label or something like that.
You're too young to remember but there was a time that people spent millions of dollars to buy a rock...yes a rock. They called it a "pet rock" and it made its inventor a millionaire in 6 months. Seriously.
All that, despite the fact that I think Kristen Stewart is a really good looking girl (when she doesn't look stoned out of her mind) and I would totally buy a movie with her in it just to look at her....Is it just me, or does Kristen Stewart almost always looks stoned/high/whatever in just about every picture taken of her? <shivers>