Author Topic: Movember  (Read 849 times)


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« on: November 06, 2009, 12:52:08 PM »
Not that I normally ever appeal for money, but if anyone reads this and feels inclined to donate that would be great. Just as good (especially for the fellas) is to read and raise awareness.

Hello everyone,

I am growing a moustache this year for Movember.  I have put down my razor for one month (November) to help raise awareness and funds for men's health - specifically prostate cancer.

What many people don't appreciate is that one man dies every hour of prostate cancer in the UK, more than 35,000 men will be diagnosed this year and that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK.  Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved and I am hoping that you will support me and our Sheppey rugby club ‘RAMS’ team as a Mo Bros or Mo Sista.

To donate to my Mo, you can either:

*    Click this link DONATE and donate online using your credit card, debit card or PayPal account

*    Write a cheque payable to 'The Prostate Cancer Charity - Movember', referencing my Registration Number 79856 and mailing it to: Movember - The Prostate Cancer Charity, First Floor, Cambridge House, Cambridge Grove, London, W6 0LE.

Movember is now in its third year here in the UK and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Charity.  Check out further details at: www.

If you are interested in following the progress of my Mo, click here www.

Let's 'change the face of mens health.'