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Topic: Charmed Marathon (Read 35786 times)
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #75 on:
July 14, 2008, 02:30:10 AM »
Disc 4:
13. Charmageddon
The conflict-free Utopian world can only be protected if the Avatars control who lives and dies. Leo gives up his life when he is unable to persuade The Charmed Ones that the Avatars kill innocent people.
My Thoughts:
A good episode... this is part 2 of the episodes that puts an end to the Avatar storyline. If I remember right... there is no more episodes dealing with the Avatars through-out the rest of the series. Which I am cool with... as I never cared for this storyline anyway.
14. Carpe Demon
An ex-demon professor candidate for Magic School causes a media frenzy when he falls under a spell that makes him believe that he is Robin Hood and that Phoebe is Maid Marian.
My Thoughts:
Even though you wouldn't know it by the description... this is actually a Valentine's Day episode. I like this character of Drake... his whole character does nothing but lightens up the show... he is a really fun character type. Shame he didn't last longer then he did on the series... of course I could see that he would get old pretty quick... but one or two more episodes with him would have been fun.
15. Show Ghouls
While trying to help the Lost Souls of hundreds of victims who died in a catastrophic fire at a cabaret, Phoebe and Drake (Billy Zane) transport themselves back to the night of the fire and are stuck in the year 1899.
My Thoughts:
Even though it is a decent episode... it is not one of my favorites. no real reason for it... just didn't strike me as very good.
16. The Seven Year Witch
Piper ends up in a coma after a vicious demon attack and her spirit is stuck in the cosmic void between life and death. Moreover, she is surprised to find Cole (Julian McMahon) waiting for her.
My Thoughts:
OK... even in this episode I still hate the Cole character. But this is a really good episode.I like how they handled the whole Leo's punishment thing. It made for a really good story.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #76 on:
July 14, 2008, 05:49:38 PM »
Disc 5:
17. Scry Hard
Zankou (Oded Feher) is determined to find the Nexus and release the Shadow, the ultimate power. For their own protection, Piper and Leo are magically miniaturized and trapped inside a dollhouse.
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode. The first really serious attempt by Zankou.
18. Little Box Of Horrors
The mythological Pandora's Box falls into the hands of a shapeshifting demon who wants to open the box and release all the wickedness it contains. The Charmed Ones must find the Guardian who can return the released evil spirits to the box.
My Thoughts:
This is a good... but standard episode. Not surprising they got around to doing an episode about Pandora's Box. The show is pretty good about hitting all the big mythology items. (or whatever you would call it).
19. Freaky Phoebe
A power-hungry sorceress switches souls and tries to gain control of the Underworld while armed with Phoebe's identity and power. Phoebe, a prisoner in the sorceress's body, is accidentally vanquished by her sister.
My Thoughts:
This episode is alright... but I think it could have been better. Definitely not one of my favorites. In this episode Paige gets her first true charge as a whitelighter. Which of course they are able to work into the episode where they need his help.
20. Imaginary Fiends
Baby Wyatt's imaginary friend is actually a demon trying to gain his trust to turn him evil. Piper's spell inadvertently brings an evil 25-year old Wyatt back from the future who now wants to crush the good in baby Wyatt.
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode. I really enjoyed seeing the older Wyatt again. Wish they were able to fit in Chris as well. We get to see both a good and evil version of Wyatt in this episode. You can tell someone that don't watch the show wrote the plot to this episode... as the Evil Wyatt did not want to "crush" baby Wyatt... just the opposite... he had to be sure he was safe and away from his family so he would stay good. if he destroyed baby Wyatt.. he would have destroyed himself as well.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #77 on:
July 14, 2008, 08:17:30 PM »
Disc 6:
21. Death Becomes Them
A menacing confrontation with the undead Innocents that The Charmed Ones were unable to save allows Zankou (Oded Fener) to take control of the Book of Shadows.
My Thoughts:
This is actually part one of a two part season finale. A really good start... I do like this Zankou character. He makes for a good demon to fight the sisters.
22. Something Wicca This Way Goes
Zankou (Oded Feher) steals Phoebe's premonition power and thwarts The Charmed Ones' attempts to reclaim the Book of Shadows. The sisters realize that the only way to stop Zankou may be to sacrifice themselves.
My Thoughts:
This is a good finale. I would say the best of the series... or not even great... but enjoyable. It almost was our series finale. And it would have made for a decent series finale... but I am glad it wasn't as I definitely prefer the series finale we ended up with.
Over-All Season 7 Thoughts:
Over all this was a pretty good season... but far from the best season. I felt the Avatars... while enjoyable... would have never made for a season long enemy. So I am glad they came up with Zankou... he was much better in that spot. Unfortunately just like every season before it... there is no Charmed related extras in this set. All you get is a few trailers for other series the studio wants you to buy on disc 1.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #78 on:
July 15, 2008, 12:23:49 AM »
Charmed: The Final Season
Get ready for the ultimate ride in supernatural entertainment! In 'Charmed': The Final Season, the magical Halliwell sisters Phoebe (Alyssa Milano), Piper (Holly Marie Combs) and Paige (Rose McGowan) face their biggest challenges in love, life and death as they try one last time to fulfill their destiny! Join them in their fight to protect Leo from the Angel of Death, and witness their devastating battle when demons conspire to take over the Underworld! 'Charmed': The Final Season's 6 discs deliver 22 episodes of nonstop thrills, suspense and a climactic finale! The 'Charmed' Ones are ready. Are you?
Disc 1:
1. Still Charmed & Kicking
Presumed dead, the Charmed sisters start a demon-free existence with new identities, but Paige can't escape her Whitelighter instincts and answers the call of a young witch named Billie.
My Thoughts:
A decent season opener. Even though I know why they had to do it the way the did... I didn't care much for the whole "disguise" phase at the beginning of this season. We get our first look at the new witch in town, Billie. Even though she is left as a mystery in this episode. Finally we get extras on a season of Charmed. And this particular episode has a commentary track with Kaley Cuoco who plays Billie... the newest addition to the Charmed family.
2. Malice in Wonderland
The Charmed Ones come to Billie's rescue when she tries to stop Haas, a young demon who wants to lure the sisters out of hiding and take over the Underworld.
My Thoughts:
Another decent episode. In this one Billie joins up with the Charmed Ones.
3. Run, Piper, Run
When Piper's adopted appearance as a woman wanted for murder gets her arrested, the sisters and Billie set out to clear the woman's name.
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode. First time in my memory that the main storyline didn't involve demons. They are actually trying to right a human wrong.
4. Desperate Housewitches
Piper's son, Wyatt, is kidnapped by Mandi, a demon in disguise who wants to use the boy's powers to bring back The Source and create the perfect demon family.
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode. Probably my favorite episode on this disc. In this episode The Charmed Ones finds out that Magic School has been taken over by demons. And they need to once again deal with The Source. At least this time it was settled in only one episode.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #79 on:
July 15, 2008, 01:42:10 PM »
Disc 2:
5. Rewitched
Billie jeopardizes the Charmed Ones' new lives when she uses her powers and is caught by Homeland Security Agent Murphy, who suspects the Halliwell sisters are not dead.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... and now the entire world knows that the Halliwell sisters is alive. I am glad they ended all that disguise stuff... I never liked that part of the storyline to start with.
6. Kill Billie: Vol. 1
After Billie freezes in fear upon seeing her demon target, The Dogan, she opens up to The Charmed Ones about a Halloween long ago when a demon kidnapped her sister.
My Thoughts:
Really good episode... and another Halloween one. I keep forgetting about this Halloween episode... as it is really low key... Halloween is not the main focus of the storyline.
7. The Lost Picture Show
Paige's Whitlighter father, Sam, asks for her help when his charge, J.D., escapes from Vaklav, a demon who holds people hostage inside an evil photo collage.
My Thoughts:
This is a good...but standard episode. It was entertaining to see someone who has been in captivity since the '50s react to how much things has changed in 50 something years.
8. Battle of the Hexes
Phoebe and Billie discover a belt with superpowers that can turn the sexes against one another, while a power-hungry female demon uses Billie to achieve female domination.
My Thoughts:
This is just a plain fun episode. A bit silly... yes... but fun. This time it is Billie's turn to be turned into something. She gets turned into a super powered feminist that wants to destroy all men.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #80 on:
July 15, 2008, 07:04:57 PM »
Disc 3:
9. Hulkus Pocus
When Billie is infected by a government-created virus that causes magical beings to "hulk out," Piper and Leo race against time to find an antidote to save her life.
My Thoughts:
This is another episode that I found a lot of fun. This time we have all 4 of the girls turning into something. This time it is a virus running rampant in the magical community that makes magical creatures (including The Charmed Ones) to become hulk like creatures shortly after the change the infected creatures die.
10. Vaya Con Leos
Piper turns to The Elders and The Avatars to save Leo from The Angel of Death, while Phoebe and Billie hunt for Billie's sister and meet Burke, a demonic bounty hunter who freezes his victims into trophies.
My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. And time to say goodbye to Leo for several episodes. For some reason Brian Krause (Leo) was not signed for the entire season like he was for the previous seasons. So this season we only got him for half the episodes. They handled it pretty well they made it be emotional... but kept the possibility of him returning.
11. Mr. & Mrs. Witch
When Billie discovers the power of projection, she inadvertently transforms her parents into cold-blooded assassins who are then hired to kill the CEO of a powerful company.
My Thoughts:
A good episode... but not great. Really was just a standard episode. Though it does go a little further into the Billie/Chrissy storyline.
12. Payback's a Witch
Paige tries to help Henry's parolee, Nick, get a loan at a bank, but when the loan is denied, Nick crashes his car into the bank and holds everyone hostage.
My Thoughts:
A good episode... but not great. Billie is still on a warpath trying to find her sister. And Paige discovers her powers as a whitelighter is increasing when she heals Henry.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #81 on:
July 16, 2008, 12:25:17 AM »
Disc 4:
13. Repo Manor
When The Charmed Ones consider moving, they're forced to stay under the same roof by a demon that miniaturizes and imprisons them inside a dollhouse replica of the Manor.
My Thoughts:
This is another good... but standard episode. Pretty much everything in this episode we seen in previous episodes... just brought together into a single episode... we have The Charmed Ones being shrunken and placed into the Dollhouse.... demons impersonating The Charmed Ones... all been done before.
14. 12 Angry Zen
Piper searches for information about Leo and discovers a message from Lo Pan, a monk and keeper of a sacred Buddhist staff containing the power of influence.
My Thoughts:
A good episode.. and something different this time as well... Buddha's Staff. Also in this episode Billie finally finds out how to find her sister.
15. The Last Temptation Of Christy
Paige is torn between dating mortal Henry or a magical suitor who proposes marriage, while Billie finds her sister, Christy, who has been held captive by demons for several years.
My Thoughts:
A good episode... Billie and Christy takes care of the Demons that kept Christy captive for all these years. Even though all is not as it seems. Also in this episode Paige and Henry get engaged. I like the Henry character... but it seems like they are rushing it a bit. Of course that is understandable since they knew this would be the last season... and only had so much time to tie everything up.
16. Engaged And Confused
Paige and Henry's cold fee put their engagement in jeopardy. Meanwhile, a demon kidnaps Christy in order to lure The Charmed Ones into attacking the Triad and prevent them from taking over the Underworld.
My Thoughts:
A Really good episode... Christy gets taken again... but not for long this time. Plus we find out more about what the Triad is up to. Unfortunately you can feel the show coming to an end... all the loose ends being tied up a little more with each episode.
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #82 on:
July 16, 2008, 04:24:00 PM »
Disc 5:
17. Generation Hex
Piper is forced to take charge when Leo's teen proteges come to the manor seeking refuge from the demons that have overtaken the Magic School.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. Piper has to figure out how to vanquish demons that are unvanquishable. We also learn how powerful Billie and Christy are together.
18. The Torn Identity
Phoebe must choose between mortal or magical love, while Piper interrogates the demons who killed Billie and Christy's parents to prove that they were connected to the "Ultimate Power".
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. They continue to work on tying up loose ends. I am so glad they knew ahead of time that the series was coming to an end. We see some clips from previous episodes here... as well as Billie is starting to believe that The Charmed Ones are loosing their way.
19. The Jung And The Restless
When Pheobe and Piper formulate a plan to get Leo back, Christy traps them in a dreamstate to prove to Billie that the sisters' "inner-truths" are driven by selfishness.
My Thoughts:
The series ending really coming together. I am enjoying every minute of it. Even though Billie still has her doubts she decides to go along with Christy.
20. Gone With The Witches
Billie and Christy team up to destroy the reputations of The Charmed Ones and force them into hiding in the Underworld.
My Thoughts:
This is a great episode leading into the final battle. The whole magical community has lost faith in The Charmed Ones now. I think they are doing a really good job at telling the story of what will be the last battle for the sisters.
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Posts: 17685
Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #83 on:
July 16, 2008, 06:25:59 PM »
Disc 6:
21. Kill Billie: Vol. 2
In order to defeat Billie and Christy, The Charmed Ones conjure The Hollow, the most powerful force known to man, which leads to a devastating battle.
My Thoughts:
This is the first half of the big battle.... a battle that goes terribly wrong. This was done very well... was a great episode.
22. Forever Charmed
Piper enlists Coop's help to travel back in time and change the events that lead to the deaths of Phoebe and Paige.
My Thoughts:
What can I say other then this is an awesome ending to an awesome series. This episode is full of emotion from the beginning to the end. I loved everything about how this series ended... how it ended for the sisters... and how it ended for Billie. If there was one thing I had to complain about it would have to be the fact that they couldn't bring Prue back... not even use a picture of her. But unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. And I do understand that they just weren't able to do it.
Over-All Season 8 Thoughts:
I feel that the series ended on a high note... I really enjoyed the season from beginning to end. The new cast fit in well. All the stories were enjoyable. And I loved every second of revisiting it. The DVD release is great for this season too. For the first time in the entire series we finally got some extras! Although there is a downside to this set. And that is with the opening theme. For some reason they decided to replace the opening theme to some generic music. Now this is no big deal to me personally because I am not a music fan... and I do chapter skip past the opening anyway... but I do know this is a big deal for a lot of people... so felt the need to mention it here.
I really had a great time with this marathon... and almost feel like starting all over again with season 1! But I won't do that... it is time to focus on another show. So look for my next marathon on the TV Series Birds of Prey real soon!
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #84 on:
November 19, 2009, 02:27:40 AM »
Looking through my old posts... and look what I find... proof that I do actually complete these marathons... eventually!
Of course this being Charmed had nothing to do with it!
Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #85 on:
November 19, 2009, 08:38:22 AM »
Im not a fan of Charmed.
But, I have a friend who is obsessed and I mean obsessed! she has everything to do with it, books, dvds audio books, clothes, bracelets everything...I guess I just never saw what anyone else did :S but then I was never a fan of things like Buffy or Angel or Supernatural :S anyway! ;P congrats on completing a marathon Pete!
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #86 on:
November 19, 2009, 11:03:19 AM »
I have always loved the series... from the first moment I discovered it. It was one series I got the DVDs as soon as they were released. And one of these days I would still love to upgrade to the Complete Series set in the "Book of Shadows".
Of course a big part (no.,.. not the only part) of what I love about the series is the women!
Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #87 on:
November 19, 2009, 04:25:09 PM »
I could never get into Charmed, even though I wanted to.
Just like getting into Sienna Guilroy is tough as well...
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Re: Charmed Marathon
Reply #88 on:
November 19, 2009, 07:26:23 PM »
I watched the show when it first came on and I really enjoyed it. I started getting ....annoyed with certain things as the show progressed though.
(click to show/hide)
Like how Piper and Leo were together then something would happen to pull them apart..that just bugs me..and everything with Phoebe and Cole got to me as well.
In the last few seasons I only watched every once in a while..and I didn't see the last season at all. I know the time slot had changed at some point and that was when I mostly stopped watching. Maybe around season 6..can't remember now. I'll probably get the DVD sets someday.
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