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Topic: Bones (Read 8206 times)
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Bones
Reply #45 on:
September 24, 2013, 11:53:37 PM »
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Since you havent seen much (yet) i dont know how much i want to say, since i dont want to spoil anything for you. But Cam is getting hacked angle (Angie trying to find out who's behind it all) Cam losing all her money etc. And she cant even wildly guess its Pelante? Well.. I dont know. Arent these the smartest people in the country? And for Sweets, it looks like he's leaving the team for a while. Interesting angle being played up there i think. And the only words Booth and Angie had wasnt great. And Angie and Bones had a talk about stuff (at Bones's place) and i'm not sure if i like where its heading. I think things are going to boil over. But i dont know if he will tell her the truth tho. But something must happen, or its disapointing. (Since it looks like they heading that way) If this was a movie, it would all end up with Angie and Booth sleeping with each other. (Dont see that happening tho) Dont see Angie and Booth as the cheating types. And i dont see Booth confiding in her either. I think thats Bones who he confides in (if thats even the correct term) I cant put my finger on it, but something is going to happen. I got a feeling that something big is going to happen. Just dont have a clue yet. Just have an uneasy feeling about something.
And Hart Hanson. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, dont screw us over this time! Thank very much! Really appreciated!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones
Reply #46 on:
September 25, 2013, 12:15:19 AM »
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I'm really not concerned about spoilers for Bones right now. I've gotten to the point where I'm not as...invested anymore. Hanson has screwed me over one to many times with them. And yes, he is saying in interviews now that there is a wedding..not some dream or whatever. But. After everything else he's done over the years, I don't trust anything he says. And even if it is a real wedding, I could see him messing up something about it where it ends up being bad. We already have issues over how he put them together...what if he does that sort of job with the wedding? I just don't trust him anymore.
At least Angela is trying to figure out what is going on with Cam being hacked or her identity stolen or whatever they are doing there. Yes...exactly my point. These people at the Jeffersonian are supposed to be the best in their fields. They have shown how smart they are before, yet now none of them think that maybe Pelante - a guy who has already shown he knows how to screw with people using computers, including managing to steal every last penny that Hodgins has evidently - is behind it? After everything else they have seen him do, no one suspects him. There must be something in the water killing their brain cells or something..how else can you explain them all getting dumber? Oh wait..it is just the writers being lazy again...making people selectively stupid or brilliant, depending on what they need to make their stupid ass story work. Sorry....this crap is just really getting on my nerves. Knock it off already. If they want to go and create a character like Pelante that they claim is so wonderful, then do it correctly and don't half ass it. At the very least, even if Angela can't find the proof yet, have them suspect that Pelante is behind it. Anything else makes them all look like idiots.
With Angela and Booth...I don't necessarily see it as him confiding in her exactly. More like her kind of attacking him again about what his backing out of the engagement is doing to Brennan... Her being more forceful in what she is saying..well..maybe getting a bit nasty with him over it - just from the little bit I have seen, Angela seems pissed about what he did, so I can see her constantly ..well..bitching at him for it - just really telling him off about it..maybe even saying something along the lines of if you don't love her anymore end it and don't string her along...and then he just snaps back something about how Pelante made him do it. So not really confiding..just him snapping back after Angela's bitching at him for what he is doing to Brennan. It does seem like they are setting things up to get very, very ugly before this is done. Very ugly. Which could impact friendships in the future.
Oh yes..I agree with what you are saying to Hanson. I just don't have much....faith that he won't do it again someway.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Bones
Reply #47 on:
September 25, 2013, 09:22:42 PM »
I will keep stuff in spoilertags, in case other people doesnt want to get spoiled.
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First thing first, before i black paint the whole situation. Kudos to Bones, the people behind it. The people in front of the camera, behind the cameras. They are going on their 9th season! Thats just amazing! Better then most. But i dont like whats been happening from season 8 and now. Looks like they had too much dinner and treats. And is starting to get a bit full. And its kinda shows IMHO, in the writing and acting. So i'm a bit torn about the whole thing. Now, over to whats happening..
So, Sweets is leaving for an unknown time. "Need to do other stuff" will he be back? will he be gone at all? Whats up? And with Angie "trying" to help Cam figure the shit out. But i smell a "WOW" moment later on in the season. At least, thats what they try to. (It looks like) "WOW, OMGZ ITS PELANTE!!" Ehm, we know that allready Hanson! So please dont drag it out for 10 episodes. Since we all know what will happen. And for the wedding, it looks like it will be the real deal. And i'm with you Marie, please dont screw it up!! But it would be so typical to have Pelante involved in the episode. And somehow the reward is the wedding. (I hope i'm wrong!) And for Booth and Angela, i see two outcomes. 1, things boils over. They have this fucking huge fight and they kiss and make up. And they will have a stronger friendship out of it. 2, they (like in the movies) end up sleeping together. I would go for the option 1, but after season 8 and seeing the writing. I'm actually not sure anymore! I hope for Bones's sake, that they dont do the dirty together. But meh.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones
Reply #48 on:
September 26, 2013, 02:40:08 AM »
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I haven't even seen much of what is going on, and it seems pretty darn obvious to me that Pelante is behind what is going on with Cam. Heck, he already basically did that to Hodgins. I can totally see them trying to make it some big ...surprise or revelation that Pelante is behind it, but it is not surprising in any way shape or form. The jerk is a freaking computer hacker genius who can do anything with a computer. Of course he is going to be behind it. It is so unbelievable that no one has thought that Pelante is behind it even if they can't prove it yet. They all know the miserable little shit is still out there, and Booth for sure knows he's still up to crap.
There have been too many times when Hanson has said that certain things would happen...and they sort of did, only to get ripped apart or something. Like when Booth said he wanted a relationship and then started going on about finding someone else when Bones said she wasn't ready yet. I'm trying to to...be too pessimistic or ..jinx us or think the worst. But, that is what I have come to expect from Hanson. Really, after everything else they have done, it wouldn't surprise me if there is a wedding, but they pull that crap when someone shows up and starts shooting during the ceremony... or they actually manage to get married and then someone shows up and starts shooting...or there is an accident during the honeymoon or on the way to the honeymoon and one of them ends up at death's door. IT almost seems more believable that something like that would happen instead of a normal wedding.
I can see Angela and Booth having a really bad fight about what is going on. I can see her really letting him have it. I think it is just a matter of time before she finds out what is going on and I could see her still being ticked then even though she kind of gets the position Booth is in with Pelante and the random people being threatened. I don't think they would end up sleeping together. Neither of them seem like the type to do that or do that to Bones..especially Angela. She is too loyal to Bones to do that. Unless they completely screw her character up...which I suppose, unfortunately, isn't out of the question.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Bones
Reply #49 on:
September 26, 2013, 07:38:01 PM »
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Hehe, first of all dont be mad at me!
Its Pelante being behind Cam's hacking. We know it, they dont know. But 2 years ago, they would nail the guy after half an episode. They are building this plot up to be like this fucking huge thing, and i think Booth knows deep inside. But i think he's blocking it out somehow. And with how things is being played out right now. I hope\think that they will kill him off. Booth shoots him or something. But i'm afraid that the big payoff would be like Pelante is sent off to Egypt or where the fuck he's at now. And we all will be like "wtf?!" And ofcourse at the wedding. And Hart Hanson & co, has delivered for almost 9 seasons and thats great, but it looks like they are starting to get full. I think if not lazy, but satisfied. I think they maby are satisfied with the legacy they have made Bones to be. And so far, from season 8 and the two episodes in this season it kinda shows in the writing. Is a bit sad really. Because Bones was\is a great show. And i dont think Hanson would really put Booth and Ange together for a one night fling. (Well, i hope not) but now i really dont know. Maby to get some more tension in the air. I dont know anymore. I would be interesting to know what Hanson think about this season, and if he knows if there will be a season 10. Or if he too thinks this is the last run.
So many questions.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones
Reply #50 on:
September 27, 2013, 07:04:21 AM »
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They are building Pelante up too much. There is the danger that they have built him up so much - he's untouchable basically - that no matter how it ends, it won't come close to the....hype the writers have built up for the character. Like he slips in his own shower, knocks himself out, lands face first, and then drowns in the half inch of water in the bottom of the shower or something...and he'll lay there decomposing for days or even weeks before he's found...or something equally as assine. Or he's in some random car accident or something. Yes he would still be dead, but that would suck. We wouldn't get squat for closure, and neither would the characters. But at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if some nonsense like that happens. Even if Booth hunts him down and takes him out, it has gone on too long and it may not ....work well enough. They really haven't done that well with these long reaching arcs. Gravedigger was ok, but then again, they went and had the sniper guy take her out. So...there was some build up there, and then..not much. And Gormonagon - not sure how to spell that. That really was not handled well, especially how Zach fit in. Hanson and the writer's blamed that on the writer's strike, claiming they had to cut the storyline down because of that, which made the story weaker. I really wonder when they decided to throw Zack in. He doesn't fit in to the one episode where the accomplice was almost caught. So they haven't exactly ....handled these longer story arcs that well in the past. Something has been done badly in all of them and Pelante isn't any different. I don't know..maybe the writers just aren't that able to create a longer, more complicated story. Heck, they have even bungled the various relationships in some way too. And Sweets and whats her name is another one - I can't remember her name for some reason. They have bounced around for several seasons now. Daisy. I remembered. lol. Anyway, they just don't handle the longer, more ambitious stories well. Or relationships. Hmmm....I'm thinking that even something tied to Bones's mother didn't fully work once some of that came out. That reminds me..where the heck is her brother now? Her dad has turned up a few times, but they haven't even mentioned Russ in a few years that I can remember.
Maybe the writers are running out of ideas or something. Ohhh..that kind of reminds me. Last fall sometime I read a little interview ..I think it may have been with Hanson. He was asked if there would be a Christmas episode. He said no because Christmas episodes don't seem to fit the show and they don't do them well...something like that. I think they missed an opportunity there..Christine's first Christmas could have been interesting and cute. But no. They don't do Christmas. I'm not saying they would have had to have the case and everything focused on Christmas...but it could have been going on...a few scenes of them talking about it...Booth wanting to decorate and stuff for Christine while Bones didn't see the point..something like that.
I have read some things about how some people think this will be the last season of the show ..I really think I read something from Hanson where he said something about there not being plans for this to be the last season or he had plans for more seasons...something like that. If so, he and the writers need to take a good hard look at the quality of the scripts they are going with now. If they don't fix some things, the show won't last beyond this season. And if they can't - or won't - come up with better stuff than Pelante...well...then maybe it is time for it to end. They could take some hints from Castle on how to deal with relationships, and the longer story arcs too. What they have done with Kate's mom is loads better than anything Bones has done.
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