Author Topic: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)  (Read 116706 times)


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #75 on: October 29, 2009, 11:15:07 AM »
Sixth Sense and Unbreakable were amazing. Signs showed weaknesses, mainly in directing action (i.e., he can't) and that made me reconsider Unbreakable. Is it slow and ponderous because it's supposed to be, or is it because Night doesn't know how to do anything else?

I think, he's worried that he's found a format that makes money and if he changes it... he will either become a bad director or loose money.


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2009, 11:16:57 AM »
Jeepers Creepers - 2001
Director - Victor Salva
Running Time - 91 minutes
Stars - Gina Philips, Justin Long

Many people have heard the song “Jeepers Creepers” it is a song that would not make me think “Horror movie”  But it fits perfectly in this film.

The film follows Trish (Gina Phillips)  Darry Jenner (Justin Long) as they drive through Florida home to there parents house, after letting a van pass them, they drive past a house where the same van is parked and a man looks to be throwing bodies down a pit.

After the driver tries to ram them off the roadside, Darry decides the best thing would be to go back and check these bodies, Yep you guessed it another character with SVS “Stupid Victim Syndrome” Trish holds Darrys feet as he lowers himself into the pit, but as some rats appear and scare Trish she drops her brother down the hole, Oh dear.

Victor Salva is such an interesting story teller and Jeepers Creepers is possibly one of the scariest films ive seen in a long time, it actually unnerved me, which is quite an effort. The opening is similar in style to a Romero film, but the often the film leaves a lot to be desired as its plot is very uneven, much like his previous film Clownhouse, Sadly it shows Mr Salva has not learnt from his mistakes. Victor Salva's well publicised past can only help in making this film scarier.

I think overall Jeepers Creepers is a good movie, visually its a very well made horror film, the walls of the pit combined with the noises and darkness make this part extremely spooky, combined with a new horror monster make this film a perfect Halloween night film.


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #77 on: October 30, 2009, 02:19:29 PM »
Jeepers Creepers 2 - 2003
Director - Victor Salva
Running Time - 104 minutes
Stars - Ray Wise, Eric Nenninger

Did Jeepers Creepers warrant a sequel? Yes I think it did, Jeepers Creepers 2 is set a few days after the original film, during the 23 days “it” gets to eat.

A farmer living alone with his two sons is tending the fields when suddenly hears the cries of his youngest son Billy, who has been grabbed by a scarecrow which has come to life sprouting wings, father and son stand there in shock.

Cut to a school bus, inside are the championship basketball team, some cheerleaders and coaches. Suddenly a tyre explodes, caught in the tyre is what looks like a hand made shuriken made of bone. Trying to keep calm, they crawl on when yet again another tyre explodes, with the same weapon sticking out of it... this time, it contains a familiar belly button, that of Darry from the first film.

Re-watching both of Jeepers Creepers and Jeepers Creepers 2 I don't understand why people dislike them so much, Yes the ending is disappointing in the original but surly that was purposefull to make sure the sequel wasn't set to far in the future?  And yes Victor Salva is a controversial person on the film world, but he knows how to create a suspenseful situation.

Jeepers Creeepers 2 is a great film sequel, something that is not often seen in the horror world, there are talks of a Jeepers Creepers 3 set 23 years in the future, with Victor Salva set to write and direct again, I'm sure this will be just as good as the previous incarnations.

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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #78 on: October 30, 2009, 05:12:16 PM »

Salva had sexually molested Nathan Forrest Winters the principal actors of Clownhouse who was 14 years old at the time. He isn't cure and he is always a risk for the society.

If I want to watch a movie full of bare chested young men, I will watch a David DeCoteau's movie at least he isn't a criminal. 


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #79 on: October 30, 2009, 06:03:11 PM »

Salva had sexually molested Nathan Forrest Winters the principal actors of Clownhouse who was 14 years old at the time. He isn't cure and he is always a risk for the society.

If I want to watch a movie full of bare chested young men, I will watch a David DeCoteau's movie at least he isn't a criminal. 

hmm, I didn't say he was cured, I think the fact he has many scantly clad young men in his movies makes them scarier, but I think even with everything in his past, there is no denying he is a good writer.

*heeds Jon's warning and puts the stick away*


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #80 on: October 30, 2009, 07:32:06 PM »

At least we can agree on the film. Oh, hang on... :hmmmm:

Jeepers Creepers started well, but I thought the last third or so was dreadful. It was the bit where she runs it over with the car and then reverses over it again. It was that very moment it went down hill for me. The sequence in the police station was a joke. I would have liked the ending if they could have kept up the suspense of the first act. Didn't bother with the second one.  :shrug:


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #81 on: October 30, 2009, 07:59:29 PM »

At least we can agree on the film. Oh, hang on... :hmmmm:

Jeepers Creepers started well, but I thought the last third or so was dreadful. It was the bit where she runs it over with the car and then reverses over it again. It was that very moment it went down hill for me. The sequence in the police station was a joke. I would have liked the ending if they could have kept up the suspense of the first act. Didn't bother with the second one.  :shrug:

I agree! the ending was terrible, but id recommend the second one, and its relativity cheap now so even if you hate it XD its ok!

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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #82 on: October 30, 2009, 08:52:19 PM »
The first one was fun to me and I think Emma's review is quite on the spot.

The second one felt a bit like a cash in to me;  although, considering, it was decent. Somehow I like that ending...


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #83 on: October 30, 2009, 09:19:19 PM »
I just wish the first one could have had the courage to finish what it started. As I've said elsewhere, American horror is frankly a bit shit for the last few years and this could have been a serious exception, but no, they blew it, like they always do.


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #84 on: October 30, 2009, 10:15:12 PM »
Sadly, think it ended that way because the sequel pretty much carries straight on from it.

It was good but it could have been great!

... Although Justin Long has always felt wrong in the role of Darry... more so after seeing him in Walk Hard as George Harrisson.

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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #85 on: October 30, 2009, 11:01:05 PM »
As I've said elsewhere, American horror is frankly a bit shit for the last few years and this could have been a serious exception, but no, they blew it, like they always do.

As I've repeatedly said I'm not a horror fan or expert, but your recent talk about "authentic horror" made me think of Friedkin's Bug (2006). That to me was an exceptional movie. So "they" don't always blow it, just most of the time. And you know the saying about 90% of everything...


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #86 on: October 30, 2009, 11:08:25 PM »
As I've said elsewhere, American horror is frankly a bit shit for the last few years and this could have been a serious exception, but no, they blew it, like they always do.

As I've repeatedly said I'm not a horror fan or expert, but your recent talk about "authentic horror" made me think of Friedkin's Bug (2006). That to me was an exceptional movie. So "they" don't always blow it, just most of the time. And you know the saying about 90% of everything...

True, there are always exceptions, but it's the mainstream I mean. The stuff everyone hears about and gets promoted is all the same boring pap. Back in the 70s, you could see a link between all the releases. Anger and irony mostly, possibly because of Vietnam. But now the only link is identikit teens and money. I haven't seen Bug, but know enough of it to know you're right. Cronenberg's Spider might be the same. The thing is I like to be entertained and my horror have a sense of fun and accessibility, but the big studios think that means it has to be generic.

It's like with Vantage Point. I'm not exaggerating when I say it could have been a modern classic and a worthy update of Rashomon. But do you know what's more important that such endeavours? Car Chase! Yeah! :shrug:

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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #87 on: October 30, 2009, 11:44:31 PM »
True, there are always exceptions, but it's the mainstream I mean.

Hm, I would have thought of Bug being almost mainstream. Unlike Spider (which I haven't seen), it got a wide release in the US. And if there is any name that (for me) links back to a classic 70s horror movie, it would be Friedkin.


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #88 on: October 30, 2009, 11:59:49 PM »
True, there are always exceptions, but it's the mainstream I mean.

Hm, I would have thought of Bug being almost mainstream. Unlike Spider (which I haven't seen), it got a wide release in the US. And if there is any name that (for me) links back to a classic 70s horror movie, it would be Friedkin.

Absolutely and The Exorcist is one of my favourites, so I don't really know why I've let this pass me by. I was going by the fact it got a very limited run in the UK. The movie industry can be very odd! If the creator of The Exorcist can't get decent press, who can?


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Re: Emma's Film Reviews (snowcat)
« Reply #89 on: November 01, 2009, 11:06:51 AM »
Cloverfield - 2008
Director - Matt Reeves
Running Time - 84 minutes
Stars - Michael Stahl-David, T. J. Miller, Jessica Lucas, Odette Yustman

As a big fan of monster movies, I was pretty excited about Cloverfield, when it was released there were reports of motion sickness due to the handheld camera technique used in the film, obviously these people nicer watched “Dragon Wars” at the cinema I admit the first couple of minutes made my head spin, but I got used to it.

The film is presented to look like a video file from a digital camera, it starts with a title “the following footage about to be viewed is of a case designated "Cloverfield" and was found in the area that was formerly known as Central Park" it starts off with a Rob and Beth, waking up. Previously best friends it seems they have ruined it by sleeping together, typical movie cliché style.they talk about the day they are about to have. This day is intercut into the film occasionally.

The film cuts to the Robs brother Jason borrowing the camera to record a going away party whilst recording his girlfriend Lily we here many a story about Rob and Beth etc cut to the party and the camera is handed to friend of Robs Hud who records for the rest of the film, he was supposed to be getting goodbye messages for Rob at the party, as Rob is moving to Japan (home of giant monsters) and a video is been made so he can remember the night and his friends. It seems the plot has thickend between Beth and Rob, Rob did not call Beth back and she is so angry she bought another date, after an argument she runs off home just before...

An earthquake hits, the power is knocked out and everybody runs to the roof, Now I don't live in a country where earthquakes happen, but surly running around is not the best idea? Anyway. On the roof a large explosion is heard, with that the party goers all run downstairs spilling onto the street In time for the Statue of Liberty's head to roll on past them. But what is attacking them? How will they escape? Watch it and find out.

I enjoy Cloverfield, when I first watched it I thought “I could watch this again I bought the special edition DVD on release day and have tried to watch it again 3 times, I find myself getting bored with it now. What id have like to have seen is where the hell the monster came from, obviously whilst watching the film its intentionally left out. The characters are well developed and there idea to “Go save Beth” is probably stupid considering the ending. Anyway, all in all a good movie, but I have increasing worries that it is metaphor for something else.