Author Topic: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary  (Read 44839 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #120 on: February 06, 2010, 10:08:32 AM »
Bones 5x14 The Devil in the Details
That was a really cool case with interesting guest characters and a fascinating victim. What I also liked was how Bones fell for that loony's play and how the chief psychiatrist confronted her because of her vilification of psychology. I also loved Bones's & Booth's talk about "reassurement" at the end.
I just wonder how many Angel jokes David Boreanaz got during the production of this episode. ;)

Cougar Town 1x14 All the Wrong Reasons
This episode had again the right mixture of fun and seriousness in all three stories it told. And I liked all three stores, though I have to say that Jules's/Ellie's was the least interesting.
Funny thing, I feel a certain vibe between Laurie and Travis but I think that is a major no-no on the show (but I bet it would have fascinating consequences).

Leverage 2x13 The Future Job
It was surprising to see Parker so ... human and sad to see her so sad. But the coolest part in the episode was not the final con but the initial con to get him hooked - though I didn't understand how they pulled off that thing with the cop. But the rest: great. ;D

The Good Wife 1x13 Bad
I loved it that they let it in the vague whether this guy killed his wife or not. In any case he was an interesting and shady type. I also liked the developments in Peter's trial and how the attorney "deconstructed" both witnesses.
I like the balance between the case-of-the-week and the arc about her husband.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 10:54:38 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #121 on: February 06, 2010, 04:47:41 PM »
Burn Notice 3x12 Noble Causes
Michael does the Steven Seagal! A microwave actually seems to be a good weapon.
I love it how Michael can be pressured into doing anything Fi or his mother want him to do. It makes it so much more ironic when he's playing/being the tough guy towards the bad guys.
"To save time, just press popcorn!"

Supernatural 5x13 The Song Remains the Same
I enjoyed this episode a lot, it was nice to see the young Winchesters again and for her mother to see her grown-up children even though the reset button was punched in the end.
But this episode had one major logic flaw on Dean's part: He said being murdered is not the same as to have never been born. But the end result is pretty much the same. If he really thought that it would be necessary to sacrifice himself and his brother he might as well have Anna let kill his brother and stop the Apocalypse this way.

Smallville 9x11 Absolute Justice
I was a bit anxious after I saw the pictures of the Justice Society member costumes because they looked so comic-like. On screen they still looked a bit out of place but they fitted much better into the scenery.
I liked the whole story because the points made about "family" were true, Martian Manhunter got his powers back and Tess has a new (dubious) part to play in the events to come.
I think I'm going to watch it again soon.

The Vampire Diaries 1x13 Children of the Damned
Oh the irony. When Elena sleeps at Stefan's house she sleeps with him but when they're at her own house the bedroom door must remain open... ;D
But I liked the flashbacks to the 1860s though I doubt that a white man would openly show his fondness towards an Asian-looking woman - in a Confederate State during the Civil War.
Be that as it may, I like how the show is progressing.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 05:10:06 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #122 on: February 06, 2010, 05:00:44 PM »
Smallville 9x11 Absolute Justice
... Martian Manhunter got his powers back...

I suppose that this is some kind of superhero, but somehow it made me think of Veronica Mars. :laugh:

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #123 on: February 10, 2010, 10:29:32 AM »
Smallville 9x11 Absolute Justice
... Martian Manhunter got his powers back...

I suppose that this is some kind of superhero, but somehow it made me think of Veronica Mars. :laugh:


But he doesn't look like anything close to Keith or Veronica. ;)

One question though: Does the leg of the comic guy look weirdly bended to you too?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 10:33:04 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #124 on: February 10, 2010, 02:01:59 PM »
Chuck 3x07 Chuck vs the Mask
This episode has cause quite an Internet Backdraft, for example: Chuck, "Chuck vs. the Mask": Night at the museum, The Double-Edged Sword Of Devotion: 'Chuck' Vs. The Entitled Fan Base.
I agree on the part that Sarah/Clark KentShaw was indeed a bit rushed. But I disagree on the Chuck/Lana LangHannah part. And I think that both couples actually do have chemistry. Maybe that's the reason people are so irritated about it.
I also agree on the assessment of one of the commentators on the first link that Chuck is trying to wear a mask to become a better spy and that he runs the risk of becoming the mask. My prognosis is that the mask is shattered when (and I'm totally guessing here, I have no actual spoiler infos) something happens to Hannah - she's only a guest star after all.
So in sum, I liked this episode because I didn't think it was unbelievable what I saw.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 03:30:24 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #125 on: February 10, 2010, 03:26:38 PM »
One question though: Does the leg of the comic guy look weirdly bended to you too?
It did for a split second, when my brain realized that it must be an illusion and realized it's just an enormous muscle.


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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #126 on: February 10, 2010, 04:04:15 PM »
It did for a split second, when my brain realized that it must be an illusion and realized it's just an enormous muscle.
that's what she said...


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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #127 on: February 10, 2010, 04:18:22 PM »
Chuck 3x07 Chuck vs the Mask
This episode has cause quite an Internet Backdraft, for example: Chuck, "Chuck vs. the Mask": Night at the museum, The Double-Edged Sword Of Devotion: 'Chuck' Vs. The Entitled Fan Base.
I agree on the part that Sarah/Clark KentShaw was indeed a bit rushed. But I disagree on the Chuck/Lana LangHannah part. And I think that both couples actually do have chemistry. Maybe that's the reason people are so irritated about it.
I also agree on the assessment of one of the commentators on the first link that Chuck is trying to wear a mask to become a better spy and that he runs the risk of becoming the mask. My prognosis is that the mask is shattered when (and I'm totally guessing here, I have no actual spoiler infos) something happens to Hannah - she's only a guest star after all.
So in sum, I liked this episode because I didn't think it was unbelievable what I saw.

I thought it was funny that Lana's new love interest keeps running off on her just when she wants to talk  :laugh: But that's the only funny part about it! Lana and Superman need to leave Buymoria and move back to Smallville or Metropolis!  :2cents:

Obviously I'm not going to boycott the show like the one link you posted suggests. I enjoy it way too much. I hope they are renewed for another year. It is one of my favorite shows on TV (might actually be #1 even). I just hope they can properly write themselves out of this one.

In all fairness Kristin Kreuk is definitely nice eye candy and I enjoy her lighter sweeter personality she has in this role compared to the overly dramatic role of Lana (seriouosly... did she practice all those dramatic looks in the mirror every day on the set before filming?!?). I just think Sarah and Chuck need to end up together or apart and lonely. With Sarah falling for Superman it just makes her a bit loose if you ask me. She has now had a thing with her last three partners. She really can't be that hard up to fall for every guy she works with (except Casey of course  :laugh: )

Speakin of Casey...  how bout a love interest for him? I'd love to see what type of girl he would fall for and what it would do to him if he did fall for someone.  :cheers:


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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #128 on: February 11, 2010, 10:45:47 AM »
Speakin of Casey...  how bout a love interest for him? I'd love to see what type of girl he would fall for and what it would do to him if he did fall for someone.  :cheers:

We did


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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #129 on: February 11, 2010, 12:28:45 PM »
Speakin of Casey...  how bout a love interest for him? I'd love to see what type of girl he would fall for and what it would do to him if he did fall for someone.  :cheers:

We did
Thanks! I remembered something about a relationship in his past. I'll have to pop in the disk and watch it.

Apparently Zach Levi was just made aware of the buzz the last episode created last night. He tweetted this: "So what's all this hubbub I'm hearin about the last ep?" Once he read about it he replied "Hmmm, I see. Question: did anyone think that Han would be stuck in carbonite forever at the end of Empire?"  ???

Sorry there Zach, while I do appreciate the geek reference to SW, Chuck and Sarah finding other love interests somehow doesn't seem the same as the ending of the Empire Strikes Back  :laugh:

The whole thing reminds me too much of Lois and Clark in season two where Mayson Drake and Dan Scardino get involved.  :whistle:

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #130 on: February 13, 2010, 11:55:21 AM »
Heroes 4x19 Chapter Eighteen 'Brave New World'
When a friend told me last week that this would be the season finale I was stumped. I couldn't fathom how they could bring all these loose ends together in just one episode. They somehow did but it felt very rushed and in my opinion it fell a bit flat - but that seems to be a Heroes tradition since season one.
I liked it when they started slow, I got a bit bored when it didn't speed up in the middle and then it end abruptly.
To be perfectly honest I wouldn't care if there were never a fifth season - but if there is I'm probably going to watch it anyway in the slim hope that they manage to return to the quality of the first season (excluding the end).
Heroes seems to be the perfect example of a New Year rocket. It rises fast, burns brightly and is burned out even faster.

House M.D. 6x13 5 to 9
That was a great Cuddy episode, it worked really well. From this point of view it's even more astonishing how Cuddy can bear House and his games and habits.
What bothered me about this (and also last(?)) episode is Lucas's behaviour. House is a jerkass (with a heart of gold), he always has been and Cuddy knows that. But Lucas isn't that much better. We saw him threaten House and Wilson over the condo issue and now he's betting with House about his sex with Cuddy?! If he isn't a good person, Cuddy might as well choose the original bad one instead of this copycat...

Human Target 1x05 Run
The show is very predictable; there are no hidden plots or meaning, no surprises: WYSIWYG. For example, it was totally obvious that the D.A. was his daughter. But somehow that is part of the fun. It's like riding a rollercoaster. You know it'll be fast, you'll get two downhills, maybe a looping but in the end you'll get safely back to the station.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 08:37:30 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #131 on: February 13, 2010, 05:25:21 PM »
Castle 2x15 Suicide Squeeze
Parts of the reveal were pretty predictable this time, with Castle's background and all... Apart from that not much else happened either.

Burn Notice 3x13 Enemies Closer
One has to wonder why Michael actually does what he does. The series premise prevents that he actually becomes a spy again or the show would be over. But that is a narrative point of view. But even inside the question stands whether Michael actually wants to become a spy again one day. He has been burned for 2.5 years now and his life has changed. He isn't the man who got beaten up in Africa anymore. So why does he bother himself with Gilroy and his secret agenda?

Cougar Town 1x15 When a Kid Goes Bad
A cool episode again. What's great about this show is that it hasn't two or three distinct plots per episode. Sometime it's even hard to figure out what the plot actually is. Everyone is running into everyone else and taking part in their story. This episode started out with the issue of manscaping and ended up with Christmas decoration on Valentine's Day...

How I Met Your Mother 2x15 Rabbit or Duck
"The Phone from Hell" was great and so was "The Naked Man". It was funny to see this extremely fast-paced episode and it had a heart-warming ending.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 10:21:56 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #132 on: February 13, 2010, 08:52:28 PM »
Leverage 2x14 The Three Strikes Job
It was certainly a very interesting start but I'll hold judgement until I've seen part 2.

Life Unexpected 1x04 Bong Intercepted
I'm afraid this is not my kind of show; it's too happy-worldy-endy for my taste. Nothing against a happy end, but not in every episode after a major blow-out. I'll keep watching for a few more episodes to give it a chance, but I don't think it'll work for me.

LOST 6x03 What Kate Does
This was a bit of a letdown after this superb season opener. Once again it didn't happen much on the island (or off for that matter) and I have no idea where the off-island story is supposed to be going (and not in a Oh!-So-many-clues-and-riddles! way). I hope they know what they are doing and don't deliver a Battlestar Galactica or Heroes ending.

Smallville 9x12 Warrior
This was another really cool episode. It was funny to see Chloe and "Warrior Angel" together and also Clark and Zatanna. I also really liked the ending because it would be another great pairing.
Too bad they didn't show the scene where Lois and Clark went to the Costume Ball, I really would have liked to see this.
I also really liked it when Clark made the typical superhero move and ripped his shirt open. ;D
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 11:00:00 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #133 on: February 14, 2010, 03:00:25 PM »
Supernatural 5x14 My Bloody Valentine
It was a really good and dark episode where one can really feel that the Apocalypse is actually coming. I especially liked Jensen's portrayal of the slowly breaking Dean who becomes ever more "mechanical" and less of a real person - and then having this end of the episode...

The Big Bang Theory 3x15 The Large Hadron Collision
When Penny showed the first signs of sickness I thought Sheldon had something to do with it - but I guess that would be against the mood of the show.
I liked the fact that Leonard openly stood against Sheldon and his ridiculous "roommate agreement" until the end. I think that's good for both of them and the show itself.
Overall I had much fun with this episode.

The Good Wife 1x14 Hi
"Number 12. A judge...." I loved it how Kalinda managed to phrase her statement in a way that "convinced" the judge to stop this kind of questioning. ;D
But I also liked the primary case and how it played out.

The Vampire Diaries 1x14 Fool Me Once
As I've said before I like it that they don't stretch the arcs to all eternity but give the viewer an intermediate result once in a while. OK, so Catherine wasn't in the tomb but at least they opened it now and can get on with it.

Two and a Half Men 7x15 Aye, Aye, Captain
These two episodes were very funny, the second one in particular (when Charlie was drunk) but the downer ending was still fitting. I just hope that this isn't the end because Chelsea has become an important part of the show for me and seeing what's going on in Charlie Sheen's real life there is a chance that this could be the last season...
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 11:28:43 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: [Spoiler] TV Season 2009/2010 Diary
« Reply #134 on: February 14, 2010, 06:40:56 PM »
White Collar 1x11 Home Invasion
I have to admit, I did not recognize her by her face, but when she spoke I knew I knew that voice and suddenly it made *bling*: Smallville's Alicia Baker (aka Sarah Carter).
I enjoyed the episode with Peter's staying at Neal's and the interference of Alex during the undervcover op and all. It's a lot fun to watch.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand 1x03 / 1x04 Legends / The Thing in the Pit
It's still a lot of blood and sex. But apart from that? Not much to be honest.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 11:43:07 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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