Smallville 9x11 Absolute Justice... Martian Manhunter got his powers back...
Quote from: DJ Doena on February 06, 2010, 04:47:41 PMSmallville 9x11 Absolute Justice... Martian Manhunter got his powers back...I suppose that this is some kind of superhero, but somehow it made me think of Veronica Mars.
One question though: Does the leg of the comic guy look weirdly bended to you too?
It did for a split second, when my brain realized that it must be an illusion and realized it's just an enormous muscle.
Chuck 3x07 Chuck vs the MaskThis episode has cause quite an Internet Backdraft, for example: Chuck, "Chuck vs. the Mask": Night at the museum, The Double-Edged Sword Of Devotion: 'Chuck' Vs. The Entitled Fan Base.I agree on the part that Sarah/Clark KentShaw was indeed a bit rushed. But I disagree on the Chuck/Lana LangHannah part. And I think that both couples actually do have chemistry. Maybe that's the reason people are so irritated about it.I also agree on the assessment of one of the commentators on the first link that Chuck is trying to wear a mask to become a better spy and that he runs the risk of becoming the mask. My prognosis is that the mask is shattered when (and I'm totally guessing here, I have no actual spoiler infos) something happens to Hannah - she's only a guest star after all.So in sum, I liked this episode because I didn't think it was unbelievable what I saw.
Speakin of Casey... how bout a love interest for him? I'd love to see what type of girl he would fall for and what it would do to him if he did fall for someone.
Quote from: Rick on February 10, 2010, 04:18:22 PMSpeakin of Casey... how bout a love interest for him? I'd love to see what type of girl he would fall for and what it would do to him if he did fall for someone. We did