While we're on this subject, have any of you seen LMGTFY.com? It's a very clever website. Basically it very quickly helps you create a link you can send to someone who asked for tech support and it demonstrates to them how they should resolve their problem. Works every time.
Please let him do an Android version too!
Does it create a lot of conflict with PHPDVDP? Am I better to wait that Fred update PHPDVDP before installing it? I don't really want to make my online collection useless because of it...
Transform your 3.6.0 XML format back to the 3.5.1 format: http://doena-soft.de/dvdprofiler/3.6.0/Convert360XMLTo351XML.zip
If your XSDs are correct, the new XML output doesn't seem to record overlapping collection types and their properties.