Author Topic: NCIS Marathon  (Read 21639 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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NCIS Marathon
« on: November 29, 2007, 05:42:08 PM »
NCIS Marathon
Season 1 of 6
I have been a long time fan of JAG... so I was thrilled to hear there would be a spin-off. And let me tell you... this series did not disappoint... I am still completely hooked on the series. and was so since the very first episode. I adore all the characters on this show. That alone says something. I have never personally been attracted in any way to Goth women... but I have to admit... Abbey ended up being a first... she is absolutely adorable. Then I found out that she is a real life Goth... and that kinda flipped me out. But anyway... this is a great show I highly recommend.

NCIS: Season 1: Disc 1

A Navy commander carrying the "football" on Air Force One collapses mid-flight and dies.

My Thoughts:
This is a start of an awesome series.  I have been hooked since day one... when this episode first aired. I really enjoyed every one of the main characters from the very first episode. There is not many shows you can say that about. I also really liked how they introduced  Kate. And Gibbs... he is just a trip! I don't know what I would call his type of humor... sarcastic don't seem to fit it right... but what ever you would call it... it is another thing that brings me back episode after episode. In this episode there is an elaborate plan to try to kill the president on Air Force One.

A Marine is killed during a night training jump, and Gibbs (Mark Harmon) thinks it's a murder.

My Thoughts:
This was another really good episode. Talk about a terrible way to die! I couldn't imagine... Of course it would be hard being the couple that was in the SUV as well. I had to laugh on how DiNozzo finally got to try sky diving. That is something that looks awful fun... yet completely scary to me. I myself have never even seen a plane close up let alone fly in one!

A Navy sailor is killed, an apparent casualty of a drug war, but Gibbs and his team refuse to believe the sailor was dirty,

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. I really get a kick out of all the bluffs and such Gibbs pulls on this show. His character is one tough SOB!... but at the same time you can tell he really cares about people.

A young sailor is found drowned In what appears to be a video game gone wrong.

My Thoughts:
OK... I have to admit... I for one have never seen the appeal these online games has. Sure I enjoy playing a video game here and there... but never had the urge to play something online with thousands of other people. Give me a console hooked up to a TV and a one player game that I can play here and there when the mood hits... and that is all I need. and talk about taking the game to the next level... These sailors were right nuts! Pretty cool episode though.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 10:45:53 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 07:12:56 PM »
NCIS: Season 1: Disc 2

When a Navy lieutenant's mummified remains are discovered almost ten years after he was reported missing along with one million dollars from his ship's safe, Gibbs and his team Investigate the death as well as the theft.

My Thoughts:
This was a really good episode. Leave it to Abby to bring up a curse of some sort over such a find. Once again... I have to say... I loved the way Gibbs bluffed his way through to get the confession they needed. Some of the things he comes up with is just too cool.

Two sailors from the same ship overdose on meth, despite their claims of never having touched the drugs.

My Thoughts:
Enjoyed the episode a lot... but is one of those ones that nothing really sticks out to be extraordinary.

Gibbs and Todd (Sasha Alexander) investigate the possibility of an impostor on board a nuclear submarine.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode. The body they found in this episode was less then appealing. This series does have a slight bit of a gore factor when it comes to the remains. I really liked how Gibbs took up for Kate when they were not going to let her on the sub... but was sure to do so without doing it in front of her.

A mysterious death leads Gibbs and the team into the heart of the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

My Thoughts:
This episode is one that never really impressed me much. Nothing really bad about it... and really can't put my finger on what it was that bothered me... but definitely not one I look forward to watching during my marathons.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 10:46:08 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 03:49:15 PM »
Taking a few days of a break from my TV Show Marathon to do a Weekend Movie Marathon. Just not quite sure yet what kind of marathon to have.  :P


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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 04:35:59 PM »
Taking a few days of a break from my TV Show Marathon to do a Weekend Movie Marathon. Just not quite sure yet what kind of marathon to have.  :P

Join us for the Christmas Marathon. You could probably get the mini version completed this weekend! :o

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 04:41:45 PM »
I will be doing my own Christmas marathon... the same one I do every year. (have to do it as I already promised on other sites)... Where I do a 25 Days of Christmas Marathon... in it I watch at least one Christmas Movie, Special, or TV Series Episode per day between Dec. 1st and 25th.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 11:59:40 PM »
NCIS: Season 1: Disc 3

A Marine, purported to have been killed in action, contacts his would-be widow from "beyond the grave."

My Thoughts:
This was another good episode. To be at someone's wake and to have a call from what you believe is him... talk about messing with your mind.

A woman who digs herself out of a grave after being buried alive comes to the attention of Gibbs and his team when she says she remembers something about a bomb being hidden on a Navy ship, even though she has amnesia.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode... another freaky situation... to wake up finding that you were buried alive... luckily in a shallow grave... but still.

A satellite operative inadvertently witnesses a murder while spying on a nude sunbather.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... but not great. what feels to be a basic filler episode.

N.C.I.S. is called in when the leg of a missing Marine is found in a dumpster in West Virginia.

My Thoughts:
This is a good one. The story kept you (or me at least) guessing for a good portion of the episode.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 10:47:03 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 11:50:05 PM »
NCIS: Season 1: Disc 4
Marine recruiters are being killed by a sniper, and the team tries to find the killer before he strikes again.

My Thoughts:
This was a really good episode... I really enjoyed every minute of it.  This episode shows you just how good snipers can be trained to be.

The nude, bound bodies of young Naval officers are being discovered off the roads leading to Norfolk.

My Thoughts:
This was a basic good episode... nothing that really stood out to be special... but enjoyable all the same.

Gibbs' former commanding officer, AWOL from Iraq, enlists Gibbs' help in uncovering a dangerous conspiracy.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode. This one has a decent mystery story to it as well as all the usually you expect from the series.

An unknown terrorist enters the NCIS headquarters and takes several members of the team hostage.
My Thoughts:
This one remains one of my favorites... and it starts what turns out to be a rather long arc for the series... over a season and a half! Even though that sounds like it would get old... it really doesn't. Not only because it is a really good arc.. but because they don't feel the need to constantly focus on it.. instead they will go a up to several episode without hardly even mentioning it You can tell it is still there... but it not only takes the center story away from it... it also only uses the slightest reminders in those episodes.

Season 1: Disc 5

The body of a young officer is found at the scene of an underground rave.

My Thoughts
A good episode... but not one I particularly found to be all that special. Just a good basic episode.

An ex-Navy Seal, convicted of killing his wife, escapes from Leavenworth to pursue the real killer.

My Thoughts
This one was a really good episode... it had me glued to my seat for the whole episode.

An N.C.I.S. team member is found murdered while exploring a cold case.

My Thoughts:
Another episode that was really good.

A Marine is kidnapped and systematically tortured, and the team tries to find him before it is too late.

My Thoughts
This is one of the great episode... another one that I was really glued to my seat while watching it. I have to admit... this one did have me guessing who was guilty the first time I watched it.

Season 1: Disc 6
A Marine is found murdered by an anti-tank weapon, and the investigation leads NCIS to a local militia group.

My Thoughts:
A good basic episode... even though they couldn't resist putting that hard to believe landing of the body in there.. but I have to admit... as hard as it was to believe... I still found it to be a fun aspect of the death. Which I would only image was the point... put a little fun into it.

A Navy SEAL is found dead under mysterious circumstances on the eve of a top -secret mission.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode. Though I do have to admit I figured it all out slightly before they solved the case.

Gibbs' determination to track down the terrorist from 'Bete Noire' becomes an obsession that concerns his entire team.

My Thoughts:
This was a decent episode... though I do have to admit I wasn't completely thrilled with the ending... not for a season finale anyway.

Season 1 Thoughts:
This really was a great start to an awesome series. There is even a nice amount of extras to enjoy along with the episodes. The set was done right. The only real complaint I have is that this is another series that does not have a play all function.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 10:47:26 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2007, 12:59:32 PM »
What with my mother being back in the hospital.. and having it hard right now... I am afraid real life is getting in the way to do a complete 4 season marathon now... so I need to put this series' marathon on hold till a better time.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2007, 01:25:17 PM »
I honestly think no one will blame you for that.

Family comes first.

Hope, she gets well soon.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2007, 01:27:05 PM »
Thanks Karsten


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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2007, 05:23:11 PM »
NCIS is a great show, it is one of my favorites past and present.  I really love the relationship among the characters and their personalities.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2007, 05:48:22 PM »
I definitely agree.... it is one of my favorite series.


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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2007, 02:28:13 AM »
I'm also praying for your mother and hope the best for her and your family this holiday season.  BEST WISHES.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2007, 12:17:30 PM »
Thanks Leo..
 She is in good spirits... but still in the hospital right now working on getting rid of the pneumonia. I am hoping she will be back home before too long.

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Re: NCIS Marathon
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2009, 01:49:24 AM »
After two long years I thought I would pull this marathon out of the moth balls as well. I also have one more season of the series in my collection now as well.

Just like all the other ones I am working on... this will be a slow marathon. I will be watching the episodes here and there and posting my reviews a disc at a time.