Author Topic: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season  (Read 2626 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:12:45 AM »

I picked up The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season when it came out and watched all the episodes over 2 days.  I tend to go on binges with this show.

The show has the same wonderful humor that was established in the first season.  Sheldon continues to say and do most of the things that I find funny, though all of the cast adds humor.  I think the show is so consistently funny that it is hard for me to point out one episode as the funniest.  I do think the episode when the group decides that Sheldon should learn to drive is hilarious.  I also love the Christmas episode and Sheldon’s reaction to the gift Penny gave him.  Sheldon’s reaction when Penny does something different when he knocks on her door is hilarious. 

The show continues to have all sorts of references to other shows and movies, something else that I love about it.  That’s probably because I can be a bit obsessive about the shows and movies too, though I haven’t gone to the extremes that Sheldon has.  The science stuff continues to sound believable while being way over my head.  They continue to play video games at times, and Sheldon even pulls Penny into it by getting her hooked on an online game. 

The characters are still wonderfully entertaining.  Sheldon’s many quirks are still coming out and I still found them highly entertaining.  He just doesn’t think the same way as most people and is befuddled by normal, every day type of things.  I love how he and Penny interact.  Some of the best moments happen when they end up in a situation together.  I still think Leonard seems the most normal, though he still has his own issues.  The characters just work together so well.  Leonard’s mother visits and she isn’t exactly what I expected.  Leslie Winkle pops up again a few times, and she’s always able to get in some funny insults to Sheldon.

There are more extras on this DVD set.  One is focused on the physicist who serves as a consultant on the show.  Another one is more about the characters and how they are funny.  The final extra is a gag reel that is hilarious, especially the bits with Jim Parsons screwing up as Sheldon.  He kept getting almost through the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock explanation and then would mess up and have to start all over.  The gag reel is a decent length, though I have to think there were more bloopers.

This is a must have DVD set for fans of the show.  I don't think people who liked the first season will be disappointed with this one.


I got a review posted on Epinions if anyone wants to take a look.  And I have evidently convinced at least one more person to watch the show based on the first comment. :)

The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season


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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 08:23:49 PM »
I haven't seen a single episode of this, but was always curious about it. Based on your review I may have to get Season 1 and give it a try. ;D


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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 08:26:30 PM »
I love this show, and agree. its great! I cant wait for season 3 :D

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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 09:43:14 PM »
I haven't seen a single episode of this, but was always curious about it. Based on your review I may have to get Season 1 and give it a try. ;D

Many on this board love this show, we even made a community marathon:,3873.0.html

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Offline Dragonfire

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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2009, 09:49:10 PM »
It is well worth watching.  I think it is the funniest show on.  Unfortunately, there is no place to watch the full episodes on line..the CSB website just has clips.  So I try really hard not to miss the show when it airs...I have no DVR. 


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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 09:55:47 PM »
Luckily, its show quite often in the UK, it was shown on Channel 4 and E4 respectively, twice I believe, and E4 has a plus one channel which ment it was on twice some days :p

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: The Big Bang Theory - The Complete Second Season
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2009, 10:08:19 PM »
I would love it if it was on that much here.  I just have one CBS station.  If I had satellite, I would probably have another one that is delayed a few hours or something..but otherwise I'm happy with cable.