Title : Killer Story (2004)OverviewMonty and Fortunato, two old-time writers, get locked away in an abandoned saloon by a mysterious stranger and are prodded into out-duelling each other with their storytelling abilities by a sexy woman, who may in fact be a ghost.My ImpressionCorrect me if I'm wrong but an anthology is usually composed of 3 stories plus a wraparound and this isn't the case here. Certainly not that big of a reproach since I've appreciated it, in fact that looks like something that could be a failed pilot for a serie like "The Ray Bradbury Theater" (wich is not the case at all). Personally I like more the first story who had a better script, acting and vibes. Not that the second isn't good, but it was too predictable since the short Poe's story that had inspired it is well known. The wraparound had a good end and it's always nice to see 2 good actors like William Smith and Joe Estevez in a film like that. Of course the film isn't really frightening since it is based on three Edgar Allan Poe's short stories and, to be honest, it was maybe scary in the 19th century but certainly not anymore.I think you will appreciate this one Pete Rating :