Author Topic: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009  (Read 49415 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« on: September 28, 2009, 02:13:11 AM »
My Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon
I know I am putting this post up a few days early... but I wanted to get the main post taken care of a little early as I am playing with the first post a little trying out new ideas. Suggestions Welcome.

With Halloween being my all-time favorite holiday... I like to celebrate it all month long. So every year at this time I have a month long horror / Halloween marathon. Every year I try to beat my record of most horror movies,  horror or Halloween episode TV Series and now Other (Shorts/Documentaries). Last year I did better then I ever have when I watched 100 Horror Movies, 45 TV Show Episodes & 2 Other. Will I be able to beat last year's record... I really don't know. To be honest I will be surprised if I do. But that is ok... as I plan to give it my all whether it is a win, loose or a draw! And no matter what happens I am going to have a great time!

My Watched Quick Guide:
Here is where you will see a list of everything watched for the month. Each title will be linked to the review. And any title I show in BOLD will be titles I viewed for the first time ever.
Oct. 1st
1. Brotherhood of Blood
2. Dead Set
3. Cadaverella
TV Eps.:
1. The Hunger: The Swords
1. The Hitch
Oct. 2nd
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5. Dead Teenagers

TV Eps.:


Oct. 3rd
6. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
7. Creepy Clips: Girl's Night Out

TV Eps.:
2. Masters of Horror: Family
3. Masters of Horror: The V Word

2. Mr. Eryams

Oct. 4th
8. The Craft
9. Campfire Tales
10. April Fool's Day (2008)
11. Dead Birds

TV Eps.:


Oct. 5th
12. The Haunted Mansion
13. The Haunting in Connecticut

TV Eps.:


Oct. 6th
14. Black Sunday
15. Creepshow
16. Laid to Rest

TV Eps.:
4. Goosebumps: Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns
5. Goosebumps: Vampire's Breath
6. Goosebumps: Let's Get Invisible

3. Frankenstein's Friends
4. Baron Frankenstein

Oct. 7th
17. Fright Night

TV Eps.:


Oct. 8th
18. The Body Snatcher

TV Eps.:


Oct. 9th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 10th
19. Return of the Living Dead

TV Eps.:


Oct. 11th
20. Twilight
21. R.L. Stine's Mostly Ghostly

TV Eps.:
7. Supernatural: Sympathy for the Devil
8. Supernatural: Good God Y'all


Oct. 12th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 13th
22. Black Christmas

TV Eps.:
9. Fear Itself: Eater
10. Fear Itself: Spooked
11. Supernatural: Free to Be You and Me
12. Supernatural: The End


Oct. 14th
23. The Lost Boys

TV Eps.:


Oct. 15th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 16th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 17th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 18th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 19th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 20th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 21st

TV Eps.:


Oct. 22nd

TV Eps.:


Oct. 23rd

TV Eps.:


Oct. 24th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 25th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 26th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 27th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 28th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 29th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 30th

TV Eps.:


Oct. 31st

TV Eps.:


Goal: 101
Viewed: 23
Left: 78
TV Eps.:
Goal: 46
Viewed: 12
Left: 34
Goal: 3
Viewed: 4
Left: I MADE IT!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 04:23:39 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 03:23:32 AM »
Getting a little excited are you? :laugh:

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 03:43:27 AM »
Well... yes.. but the reason for this is I am working out how to do it. Every year before now the first post was my first review. But since I stopped that so it don't show up on the home page (only the reviews shows up on home page) I was trying to think of a way to make the first post more then just a header.


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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 04:09:43 AM »
Are you going to squeeze in any last minute non-horror this week before October officially begins?  Maybe sneak in a few westerns?  You should like The Wild's not a horror western but you do get to see people getting riddled with bullets and bleeding profusely  :laugh:

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2009, 12:51:21 PM »
I definitely going to try... as long as real  life allows it... there is a couple I would like to try to fit in!

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2009, 07:24:08 AM »

Title: Brotherhood of Blood
Movie Count:  1
TV Ep. Count:  0
Other Count:  0
Time Started:  12am

Two horror legends reunite again. After the success of Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects, legendary actor Sid Haig (House of 1000 Corpses, Kill Bill 2) and horror icon Ken Foree (Dawn of the Dead) team up again in Brotherhood of Blood, a claustrophobic thriller about a team of vampire hunters who must infiltrate a nest of the undead to save one of their own.

My Thoughts:
I decided to start my horror marathon with a vampire movie. As most people know I love vampire movies so picking one to start with shouldn't be a surprise. But at the same time I wanted to watch one I never seen before. And this one... even though it didn't have the highest of budgets has 3 stars I enjoy. Sid Haig, Ken Foree & Victoria Pratt.

Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this one as much as I was hoping to. It is only an average movie... maybe even slightly below average. I did like the stars of the movie.. and they did a good job with it. Unfortunately the script is what hurt this movie the most. The main idea of the storyline could have been good... but for some reason they constantly went back and forth with flashbacks throughout the movie. Which really served no purpose other then confusing you. And since when does Vampires use guns? I would have preferred a much more traditional vampire movie over this.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 09:24:52 AM by addicted2dvd »

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2009, 07:33:27 AM »
This didn't take you long. :)

I haven't even heard of this one.  Doesn't sound like I've missed much.

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2009, 07:54:58 AM »
Of course it didn't take long. I started at midnight and it is a hour and half movie... with the last 7 min or so end credits. And nope... not really anything missed here.

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2009, 09:09:07 AM »

Title: Fangoria: Blood Drive: The Hitch
Movie Count:  1
TV Ep. Count:  0
Other Count:  1
Time Started:  2:50am

DVD Plot:
Fangoria Magazine, the world's most popular horror publication for over 25 years, in association with Koch Vision, presents an original compilation of the winning entries from the 'Fangoria Blood Drive' short film competition. From psychotic slashers, to flesh eating zombies, to live finger pets, this DVD has something for every fanatic horror fan! Musician and "House of 1000 Corpses" director 'Rob Zombie' hosts. With over 1 hour of exclusive behind-the-scenes access into the world of legendary director 'Clive Barker' and special effects wizard 'Stan Winston'...more than enough to inspire any amateur filmmaker!

The Hitch Plot:
On a dark and lonely Texas road, a man and his wife pick up a lost young woman. They soon find out she's more than they bargined for as she reveals their sordid past and seeks a grizzly revenge.

My Thoughts:
Fangoria: Blood Drive is a DVD that I won on an internet contest several years ago. And I haven't watched it since so I thought I would pull it out and watch a short here and there. The Hitch is a very good short. It is filled with both great atmosphere and gore. The story is well written and the acting is well done. I think this short alone makes the disc worth getting.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 02:14:07 PM »

Title: The Hunger: The Complete First Season: The Swords
Movie Count:  1
TV Ep. Count:  1
Other Count:  1
Time Started:  7:30am

Show Plot:
Terence Stamp hosts the first season of this spine-tingling horror anthology series from Executive Producers Tony and Ridley Scott, which features a phenomenal cast of familiar faces as you've never seen them before. Inspired by leading genre writers, each episode will draw you into a mesmerizing world of terrifying characters and erotic encounters, where demons feed on the weaknesses of men and temptation consumes reason.

Episode Plot:
When James Chandler arrives in London, a visit to a fetish club leads to a relationship with Musidora, a woman who can survive being pierced with swords.

My Thoughts:
This show was strange... but entertaining. The first thing I noticed on this was the opening credits which was weird on it's own. The next thing I noticed was that it is hosted by Terrance Stamp. This I am not sure how I feel about yet. I will need to see him host more episodes before I decide. The episode itself was more of the same... strange but entertaining. I know this series is a horror anthology series... but I didn't find this episode to contain the elements that I normally associate with horror. This episode I will say is good... but has plenty of room for improvement. As for the series on a whole... I will have to see more of it to decide.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 07:31:55 PM »

Title: Dead Set
Movie Count:  2
TV Ep. Count:  1
Other Count:  1
Time Started:  9:30am

Starring Jaime Winstone (Donkey Punch, Kidulthood), Dead Set is E4's new horror series in which the dead are returning to life and attacking the living. Curiously there are a few people left in Britain who aren't worried about any of this - that's because they're the remaining contestants in Big Brother. Cocooned in the safety of the Big Brother house, they're blissfully unaware of the horrific events unfolding in the outside world. Until an eviction night when all hell breaks loose...

Kelly (Winstone), a production runner working on a fictional series of Big Brother, finds herself trying to fend off the walking dead alongside her producer boss Patrick (Andy Nyman, Severance), boyfriend Riq (Riz Ahmed, Britz) and the remaining Big Brother housemates. Featuring cameos from Davina McCall and severally former housemates, this is a cruel and twisted take on one of TV's biggest game shows.

Dead Set
was created and written by Charlie Brooker (Nathan Barley co-creator and Guardian columnist).

My Thoughts:
This is what appears to be a UK miniseries. I always include miniseries in my movie count since that is how I watch them. I think it is a plus when watching this if you are already at least familiar with the show Big Brother... if not a fan of it. I have been watching Big Brother for a few years now (though not the UK version) so I think that helped my enjoyment some. I will say that if you are not used to the slang that those in the UK use... some of this can be a little confusing at first. Though this is something I am getting used to myself now that I have a handful of shows from the UK. And I will give it to the UK... they don't have the hang-ups about what they put on TV as we in the US do. There is no way something like this could be aired on a regular TV Channel. It would have to be saved for the premium channels. Even though we aren't as strict as we used to be on the violence... they show violence, use bad language (that we would never get away with) and feel free to show some nudity as well. I see a show like this and wonder why we have some of the rules we have here in the US. And I must say... I had a real blast watching this show I think they did a great job with it. Even if there was a couple of things I could have went without seeing. Which I will leave out of this review. And I am not sure I cared too much for the way it ended. But it didn't effect my fun too much at all. The show uses the newer fast moving zombies instead of the slow/barely moving ones that you see in the original Romero zombie movies. Over-all I say this is a must see for any zombie movie fan.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2009, 12:36:11 AM »

Title: Cadaverella
Movie Count:  3
TV Ep. Count:  1
Other Count:  1
Time Started:  5pm

Cinderella gets a make-over in this dark tale of love, murder, revenge and the walking dead.

My Thoughts:
What kind of expectations do you have when going into such a movie? If you are smart none at all! This is one of the low budget movies in the 50 movie boxset I recently got called Mortuary of Madness. So going into this one I was expecting much of nothing... possibly even a new movie to call the worst I ever seen. And it is pretty pitiful that is for sure... but at the same time it is strangely entertaining. The kills are extremely low budget... the acting is only fair at best, a few of the actors had multiple parts... only putting on a wig... maybe a pair of glasses and it seemed to take most the movie before we got the zombie action (if you can call it that). I don't know why... but despite all of that... it was just plain fun to watch and laugh at. It may take a while... but I can see myself watching this one again.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2009, 12:57:32 AM »
Maybe this one will be selected from my marathon also (my database for it countains 164 films) ;D

Pete if you want a challenger for worst movie ever made try Super Hell 1 or 2 in the same set. Just what I've seen while profiling them was enough to see that it's 2 pieces of crap :laugh:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 01:01:35 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2009, 01:31:50 AM »
 :laugh: We will see.. there is a few in this set that I actually WANT to see first!  :P

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Re: Month Long Horror/Halloween Marathon: 2009
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2009, 09:02:06 PM »

Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movie Count:  4
TV Ep. Count:  1
Other Count:  1
Time Started:  1:30pm

Blonde, bouncy Buffy (KRISTY SWANSON) is your typical high school cheerleader – her goal is to "marry Christian Slater and die" and nothing gets in her way when it's time to shop. But all that changes when a strange man (DONALD SUTHERLAND) informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampires. With the help of a romantic rebel (LUKE PERRY), Buffy is soon spending school nights protecting L.A. from Lothos, the Vampire King (RUTGER HAUER), his sidekick, Lefty (PAUL REUBENS), and their determined gang of bloodsuckers. It's everything you'd expect from a teen queen in the Valley.

My Thoughts:
Thought it was about time for me to slip in a Comedy-Horror. I enjoy a good comedy horror now and then. I know a lot of people that prefer the TV Series to this movie... and I agree... I do enjoy the series more... but I do still enjoy the movie as well. The thing is... with this one... I do definitely enjoy it and find myself coming back to it multiple times. But I have no idea why I enjoy watching this movie as much as I do. It isn't particularly that funny... but all the same I still really get a kick out of it.

My Rating
Out of a Possible 5

Note to Jimmy: This is a recycled review... no need to add it to the list.