Author Topic: Gamers  (Read 6818 times)


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2009, 05:45:56 PM »
! I also have an original Xbox! how could I forget that XD and a Pikachu Gameboy colour!

anyway :p I love games consoles! (far too much) I was trying to collect them all decided against it, its hard enough playing games on all these consoles :p

The 32x is kinda sucky, but I really like the CD :p


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2009, 05:48:02 PM »
I tried the demo and couldn't get into it. On the one hand I couldn't warm up to the run or gun mechanic and then I kept hearing the the game is better in co-op as the AI had it's serious limitations.

I agree the gun mechanics are lacking. Games are too advanced these days to still have this kind of shooting mechanics.  :redcard: I think it takes away from the realistic game experience when you can't move and shoot at the same time. I found myself taking unnecessary damage due to this. I also agree that the A.I. is extremely frustrating in single player co-op. Whatever you do don't give your partner the stun rod. They will totally ignore any guns they have and only use the stun rod, and suprise, suprise soon they are dead. :slaphead: I personally think Dead Space was a much better game. I am on my second run through of it. Its very creepy and a lot of fun. :thumbup:


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2009, 05:51:10 PM »
The 32x is kinda sucky, but I really like the CD :p

I remember thinking that Mortal Kombat 2 was better on the 32X than the regular genesis game, but thats about it. All the other games didn't seem any better than the normal genesis games.  :hmmmm: I did play Virtua Fighter and Fred Couple golf a lot on 32X though.  ;D


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2009, 05:54:44 PM »
One of my friends has one of those NEO GEO Pocket Colours. He really enjoys it. I have personally never played it though. :(


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2009, 08:29:57 PM »
32x is ok, but the games arent great, I think they are slow and dont look great. it makes the Megadrive / genesis look like its on life support with all those add ons :p

I like the Neo Geo Pocket Colour, I really enjoyed Sonic Pocket Adventure, although it took me about 2 hours to complete. and a few other games Final Fight and pac man are fun to play! id recommend it as a system, but games are hard to find, especially games that are cheap.

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Re: Gamers
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2009, 08:39:45 PM »
I was not aware of this. I don't know that I like this idea.  :-\ Are any of the older games going to be free? I mean if I updated my PSP to the new version I wouldn't want to have to buy my older games that I like all over again. I probably will not update anyway, just curious.
No, none of the game are free. In fact, some of them are more expensive to download than they are on UMD :stars:

Not sure what kind of way you could have to get your UMD games onto the PSP Go free of charge. Sony might/should have something arranged for that, but since it doesn't apply to me I didn't follow that all too closely.


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2009, 09:46:57 PM »
I was not aware of this. I don't know that I like this idea.  :-\ Are any of the older games going to be free? I mean if I updated my PSP to the new version I wouldn't want to have to buy my older games that I like all over again. I probably will not update anyway, just curious.
No, none of the game are free. In fact, some of them are more expensive to download than they are on UMD :stars:

Not sure what kind of way you could have to get your UMD games onto the PSP Go free of charge. Sony might/should have something arranged for that, but since it doesn't apply to me I didn't follow that all too closely.

I just don't understand how this is supposed to help catch the PSP up with the Nintendo DS. :hmmmm: It seems to me that this whole thing might make gamers not want to upgrade. I mean you can't play your PSP game collection you already have on it without downloading it and paying for it again, and you can't buy used games and cheaper prices since you will always have to download. :voodoo: Hopefully you are correct and Sony has something in place for this already.


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2009, 10:20:18 PM »
One good note on the new PSP Go. I checked a couple of sites online and it seems that the PSN Store price for older titles is very comparable to the normal price of a used UMD of the game. Of course you still will not have a disc and case in hand, but at least the price is close.

I can't find anything online about what Sony plans to do for people that already own the UMD of a game. It seem as if they are not intending it to immediately take the place of the PSP 2000 and 3000 as they are still going to be producing UMD versions of the new games. How long that will last will be the question. :-\


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2009, 10:42:10 PM »
I do hope for PSP Go owner the Sony goes the Microsoft way with DRM instead of Nintendo's

Microsoft = Purchase linked to online account. Get a new console, redownload your stuff, and as long as your online everything is fine. And you can transfer your licences to a new console

Nintendo = Purchases linked to the console itself. Your console breaks, tough luck. You've just lost everything you bought, including Points yet to be spent  :thumbdown:


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2009, 11:28:41 PM »
I do hope for PSP Go owner the Sony goes the Microsoft way with DRM instead of Nintendo's

Microsoft = Purchase linked to online account. Get a new console, redownload your stuff, and as long as your online everything is fine. And you can transfer your licences to a new console

Nintendo = Purchases linked to the console itself. Your console breaks, tough luck. You've just lost everything you bought, including Points yet to be spent  :thumbdown:

Thats a very good point. I just bought a new 360 and transferred all my downloadable content without any issue. :thumbup:

I wasn't aware that Nintendo had it set up that way.  :thumbdown:


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2009, 12:17:15 AM »
Man you all have so many consoles I'm jealous. I have a ps1, ps2 and a Wii. As well as several old gameboy colours. I do a lot of my gaming on PC though.


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2009, 09:39:05 PM »
Never got into PC gaming that much. I grew up playing Atari 2600 and the NES, so I became accustomed to consoles with controllers. I have bought a few PC games along the way like Sim City, Star Wars: Empire at War, and Might and Magic. For some reason I just never got into the keyboard and mouse way of playing games. :shrug: I know a lot of people who love it though.  :tomato:


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2009, 12:07:22 AM »
I received 3 video games in the mail yesterday...I didn't order any, they were sent as a gift from a fellow gamer I know at a different message board.  He sent me a game for the original Playstation (Mega Man X4) and a pair of PS2 games.


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2009, 08:14:41 PM »
I have never played any of the Mega Man X series. I have played, and loved, the Mega Man series on NES.  :thumbup: I have probably played through Mega Man 2 at least 4 times.


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Re: Gamers
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2010, 07:27:08 PM »
So all you console collectors, just how many do you have? Check 'em off here! I can even see the Phillips CDi... ;D