Author Topic: My John Wayne VHS Archives  (Read 861 times)


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My John Wayne VHS Archives
« on: October 11, 2009, 06:14:34 PM »
Lately I've been getting rid of a lot of VHS tapes...most of them were easy because I have upgraded on those films to DVD.  No need to keep a VHS tape when I have a better quality DVD of the same film.  But I do have about 4 VHS tapes of John Wayne that I've had forever.  I may give these one last look before I decide whether to keep them (meaning they'd be among my only couple of VHS tapes left) or pitch them as well.  Here's what I have...

Riders of Destiny--This is the one actual film I have, one of Duke's "B" westerns.  It came out in 1933 and is the one true "Singin' Sandy" movie he made (yes, even John Wayne was briefly a singing cowboy!).  This is a no-name brand tape...maybe I bought it from Movies Unlimited?  I got a number of movies from them in the old days or it could be from someone else.

John Wayne: The Duke Lives On, A Tribute--This is from Turner Home Entertainment and was obviously made after Duke passed away.  The programming was made in 1980 but the packaging copyright is from 1989 so it must've originally aired somewhere else first.  So this tape is still 20 years old. 

John Wayne: American Hero of the Movies--Though the front cover calls this a documentary, I think this is really just a collection of movie trailers.  This came from Goodtimes.

John Wayne Previews, Volume 1--Despite the title, I don't recall there ever being a volume 2.  I got this from a home video mail order place called Captain Bijou.  Yes, it's another collection of movie trailers.  I seem to recall that either this or the previous one had some previews in black & white despite the fact they were originally in least I remember Rio Bravo's being like that.

John Wayne Scrapbook--This is another I don't know where I got it from...the label doesn't I think this may also have come from Movies Unlimited.  The packaging says this includes outtakes and clips from his films, "long-lost" theatrical trailers and it even includes at least one commercial he did for Great Western Bank.

So that's what I I said, I'll start watching them and then I'll decide what to do with them.  It's either keep them or say adios to them, I guess.