Author Topic: What Was Your First?  (Read 4908 times)


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What Was Your First?
« on: September 22, 2009, 05:41:03 AM »
I don't know if anyone has ever asked these questions before but what was your first?  Specifically...

Can you remember what the first movie you ever saw was?  (Probably not...the earliest I can remember is Mary Poppins but I was already 12 when that came out)

What was the first movie you paid your own way into seeing?  For me, Big Jake (1972) which was a western (of course) starring John Wayne (who else?), Maureen O'Hara and Richard Boone.

What was the first movie you ever bought for as many systems as you can recall?  For me...

Betamax (yes, I was one of those guys)--M*A*S*H (back when movies took 2 cartridges because most tapes had a 1-hour recording limit)
VHS--I have no idea
Laserdisc--I bought two to start with...not sure but I think they were E.T. and Major League.
DVD--Contact with Jodie Foster

No, I don't have a Blu-Ray machine...yet.

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 06:56:55 AM »
First movie I've paid to watched in a "theatre"
At 12 years old an horror triple bill with An American Werewolf in London, Dead and Buried and The Funhouse

First movie rented on VHS
Class of 1984

First movie bought on VHS
I Spit on Your Grave

First TV series bought on dvd
Lance et compte 1 (French Canadian serie that had really badly aged)

First Film bought on dvd
28 Days Later (I think)

First dvd bought from the web
Evil Dead Trap

Watch on TV
The oldest that I can remember is the '76 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, because I've got nightmare for weeks after this :laugh:

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 06:57:48 AM »
Hmmm, tough questions, some guess work will be required:

Can you remember what the first movie you ever saw was?
No. When I grew up we had TV and in no way could I say what movie I saw first. I seem to remember that the first film I saw at the movies was a fairy-tale movie, Hänsel & Gretel I believe.

What was the first movie you paid your own way into seeing?
That might have been Octopussy.

What was the first movie you ever bought for as many systems as you can recall?

Betamax (yes, I was one of those guys)--  :tease:
VHS-- I only had a few, The Fly or Dawn of the Dead could have been the first.
Laserdisc-- I cannot even narrow it down :bag:
DVD-- Small Soldiers
Blu-ray-- Planet Earth

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 07:00:45 AM »
Let me think here.

First movie I remember seeing in the theater...umm..I can't remember which on specifically.  It is either Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, or Cinderella.  I think I was around 4.  I can't remember seeing the entire movies, but I do still remember bits from going.    

First movie I paid my own way into seeing...I have no idea now.

First VHS movie was either a used copy of Tequila Sunrise or Who Framed Roger Rabbit..both of which I now have on DVD. :)

First DVD was Miss Congeniality.

First TV Show on DVD was Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1.  That was also the first show that I got the entire season on DVD for.

I don't have a Blu-ray player, so no Blu-ray movies...yet. :)

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 09:04:43 AM »
My first VHS was Back to the Future II back in 1992/1993.

May first DVD was in 2000 or early 2001 and it was Braveheart.

My first season was Star Trek TNG Season 1 in 2002.

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2009, 10:55:53 AM »
First movie in cinema
JAWS - My older cousin sneaked me in  8)

First movie bought on VHS
Long Good Friday (possibly)

First TV series bought on dvd
Men Behaving Badly s1

First Film bought on dvd
Rain Man

First Film bought on BluRay
Casino Royale

First DVD bought from web
River Wild


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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2009, 11:48:19 AM »
Nice idea for a topic!  :thumbup:

Possibly first film on TV worth remembering: Superman. Interesting, I've never seen this on the big screen, but regard it as one of the most perfect cinema films.

First film in a cinema: I can vaguely remember my mum taking me to see Snow White. I know she's since said I was an excuse for her to go! But still, it's an abiding memory. In fact I just tried to see what year it would have been via IMdB, but they don't have a re-release for the 70s or 80s. Well I definitely saw it! :P

First on VHS: My aunt bought me Asterix, but it was awful (my first book to film adaptation!) and we swapped it for Top Gun. First one I bought myself I think was Robocop or Aliens...

First on CDi:  :tease: Yeah, I bought into Video-CD! Queen's Greatest Flix I & II. I could list When Harry Met Sally as first film, but it came with the player and I've never watched it to this day. I think the proper first one that I actually intended to watch was Forrest Gump.

First on DVD: L.A. Confidential. And it was a region 1 import. Back in the days of using a PC as a DVD player, with a Creative kit! Turned out to be a faulty disc though.   :slaphead:

First on Blu-Ray: Casino Royale. Who copied who, Rich?  ;)

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2009, 03:52:30 PM »
I clearly remember going to 2 movies. My grandmother took me to see Dr. Zhivago and and Mary Poppins. For some reason I always thought of Dr. Zhivago as being the first movie I saw but when I checked the year they came out Mary Poppin was first (1964 vs 1965).

I know I paid to see Young Frankenstein (more than once!) but I have no idea if that was the first.

VHS - I have no idea. I do own all the Disney movies on that format but I have hundreds of others so I can't be sure.

I don't remember what DVD I bought first but I do know what was the last one I bought! It's scary when I can remember a movie from 45 years ago but not recently!

Blu-Ray still holds no interest for me. I can't see buying one DVD in Blu-Ray when I can get three or more in the regular format.


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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2009, 04:45:38 PM »
The first movie I ever saw has to be Annie

The first movie I ever in the theater.. Well the one I remember is Terminator 2, but it seems late. I would've been 12, and it's almost impossible that my parents didn't take me to anything else before.

The first movie I paid to see in theater... has to be the Star Wars released in 1997

The first movie I bought for VHS is Star Wars Trilogy, and the second one being the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition, and both being the only VHS I ever bought  :laugh:

On DVD it was both X-Men and The Replacements sometime around 2000-2001, can't remember exactly.

First TV show on DVD was Lexx

First Anime was Steel Angel Kurumi

and like Kathy:
Blu-Ray still holds no interest for me. I can't see buying one DVD in Blu-Ray when I can get three or more in the regular format.

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2009, 05:59:32 PM »
The first movie I saw at the cinema was "The Jungle Book".

I don't remember which was my first VHS.

My first DVD was "Cruel Intentions" which was bundled with my first DVD Player (June 2000 if I remember correctly).

My first TV series season:
If Profiler is to be trusted (I didn't track my purchase dates in the beginning, but entered them later on. Guess work except where I still had the receipt):
Black Adder Series 1.
The first US series seems to have been Buffy season 1 in Nov 2000 (UK release).

My first Blu-ray: I ordered a few at once, but the first one to arrive was "The Incredible Hulk".

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2009, 07:00:23 PM »
I really have no idea what the first movie was. As a kid, I sometimes sneaked into the living room to watch a late night movie on TV. I still have a very vivid memory of being completely creeped out by seeing "Welt am Draht" (World on Wire) that way. It certainly was the most memorable movie experience of my childhood, even if it wasn't the first.

I never had any VHS or Laser Discs and I didn't start buying DVDs before 2003.

First DVD ever and first TV series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer S1
First DVD movie: Hamlet (Almereyda)
First imported DVD movie: Things I Never Told You (R2-FR)
First imported TV series: My So-called Life (R1-US)


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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2009, 07:58:20 PM »
Some pretty interesting replies, guys.  One thing many have listed but which I forgot to include myself was what their first TV show on DVD was.  I'm not absolutely certain but it might have been Friends...a "Best of" set back before they started doing full season sets.  I also bought some Twilight Zone discs way back then so it was probably one of those two.


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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2009, 09:49:20 PM »
I think the first movie I ever saw in the theater was Return of the Jedi.

The first movie I ever paid my own way into was The Fugitive. (Me and my friend were supposed to see Free Willy, but went to The Fugitive instead)

The first movie I ever saw completely on my own due to no interest from my friends was Spawn. (Boy was I disappointed)

My first VHS: Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

My first DVD: Starship Troopers (Bought this just to see if my DVD ROM on my old desktop worked. Didn't have an actual player yet)

My first TV series on DVD was Batman: The animated series

My first Blu Ray: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I never had any laser discs or Beta. :weep:
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 06:11:09 PM by Boomstick98 »


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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2009, 12:11:59 AM »
My first cinema trip: I have memories of seeing Jungle Book at the pictures, so I think that was it.

My first film I paid for I think was Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome

My first VHS rental was Ghostbusters, I know that, but can't remember what my first purchase was.

My first DVD was Armageddon, and it didn't bode well cause it was an f-ing flipper disc!

My first TV show on DVD: it wouldn't surprise me if it was Buffy. I certainly can't think of a show I've had longer. UPDATE: Ok, that was a surprise, turns out the Simpsons came out 4 months before Buffy.  :hmmmm:

My first blu-ray was Salo - chocolate mousse in hi-def...  :devil:
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 12:25:47 AM by northbloke »

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Re: What Was Your First?
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2009, 04:45:27 AM »
The first movie I rented on DVD would be either What Lies Beneath or Hollow Man - both rented at the time.  I do remember that What Lies Beneath is the first movie I watched on DVD. that I think about it, maybe I got the first season of The Simpsons before Buffy.  Hmmm.  And I think I got The Mummy before Miss Congeniality..but that was still one of the first ones I bought.

I have no clue what the first movie on VHS that I saw was.