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Topic: Grey's Anatomy Marathon (Read 24087 times)
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Grey's Anatomy Marathon
September 02, 2009, 07:16:55 PM »
Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Season 1:
Meet Meredith Grey, a brilliant first-year surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. Together with her fellow residents in training, Meredith navigates her way through the daily traumas and social landmines of life inside the hospital and out in the real world. Grey's Anatomy is a smart and witty look at young people struggling to be doctors and doctors struggling to stay human.
Main Cast:
Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey
Sandra Oh as Dr. Cristina Yang
Katherine Heigl as Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev
T. R. Knight as Dr. George O'Malley
Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey
James Pickens, Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber
Isaiah Washington as Dr. Preston Burke
Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd
1. A Hard Day's Night
Meredith Grey reports for her first day as an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, only to find that her new boss is Dr. Derek Shepherd, the man she had a one-night stand with the previous evening. As they meet the hospital staff and patients, Meredith and her fellow interns slowly begin to realize exactly what they are up against. They may have been students yesterday, but today they are doctors facing a world where on the job training can be a matter of life and death.
My Thoughts:
This is a good opening to the series. It introduces all the characters nicely. Most all the interns (well except one) is really likable. And what a way to meet your boss! On a plus side... This is a good way to curb my craving to see horror... without watching anything in the horror genre! There is a decent amount of blood in a medical drama.
My Rating:
2. The First Cut Is The Deepest
The surgical staff tries to be optimistic as a young woman clings to life after a brutal attack. Meredith puts her career on the line to save a newborn baby in the hospital nursery. New assignments teach the interns that it takes more than just medical knowledge to be good at their jobs.
My Thoughts:
This is a great episode! I enjoyed this one more then I did the pilot episode! The main case in this episode really makes you feel for that rape victim while at the same time cheer for her for how she got back at him!
(click to show/hide)
OMG! She bit off his penis! and then it got lodged in her throat or something.. it was hard to tell. But not only that but we find out they can not reattach it when the rapist finally does show up at the hospital. As the doctor said they need a straight edge to reattach... and besides that digestive fluids had done damage to his penis anyway. So as I said... you have to feel bad for the rape victim at the same time you hae to cheer for her!
My Rating:
3. Winning A Battle, Losing The War
A no-holds-barred bicycle race brings an assortment of injuries into the hospital, causing the interns to compete for the most severe cases. A flirtatious patient sends George into a panic, and the competition heats up between Derek and Burke over the chief of surgery position.
My Thoughts:
Another episode I enjoyed a lot. That bicycle race was nuts! Though I wouldn't be surprised if such races really do occur as people are nuts! The on main racer that was a patient looked so familiar to me but just couldn't place him. Checking the credits after the episode it turns out it was Callum Blue (Mason on Dead Like Me). And I must admit that I got a kick out of George's reaction to a VIP patient (a gay man) hitting on him.
My Rating:
4. No Man's Land
Cristina's encounter with a former nurse, now a patient at Seattle Grace, becomes an unexpected learning experience. Derek and Meredith treat a construction worker who has miraculously survived an injury but is now faced with tough decisions about his future. A patient recognizes Izzie from a lingerie ad, which makes her the subject of hospital gossip.
My Thoughts:
Another very enjoyable episode. George has a bit of a problem adjusting to having 2 women as a roommate (they walk around in their underwear... come in the bathroom while he is showering... is expected to pick up tampons from the store)... seems like minor inconvenience to me! And how in the world is the first one a problem at all?!?!?!? The main patient in this episode was amazing... a construction worked falls down the stairs with a nail gun and ends up with 7 nails in his skull... and not only is he still alive when he arrives at the hospital... but he is talking and seems to be in good humor. In this episode we get to see Izzie (Katherine Heigl) in her underwear in more then one occasion. I definitely am enjoying this series!
My Rating:
5. Shake Your Groove Thing
An exhausted Meredith thinks she may have made a mistake during surgery, which could jeopardize her career. Izzie's plan to throw a party for her new boyfriend goes completely awry, and Alex deals with a patient who is addicted to painkillers.
My Thoughts:
A decent episode... though not quite as good as the previous ones. This episode show a lot on the trials and tribulations of being a doctor. It covers everything from the fear of making a mistake to the fact that the interns has no life of their own outside the hospital. The episode has interesting cases... and longer story lines are advanced... just that the episode seem slightly on the blah side.
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #1 on:
September 06, 2009, 12:23:06 AM »
6. If Tomorrow Never Comes
Alex gains the trust of a nervous patient with an extraordinarily large tumor, only to humiliate himself in front of her later. Derek chooses Meredith to assist with a grouchy Parkinson's patient who may need surgery but Bailey, who disapproves of their relationship, is determined to make Meredith suffer. Tensions escalate between Burke and Shepherd.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. The one doctor I do not like in this series (Alex) ends up with his foot in his mouth. Hopefully that will teach him something and he will change his attitude a bit in the future.
My Rating:
7. The Self-Destruct Button
Meredith and Derek's relationship causes friction with the other interns. George suspects a fellow doctor of drinking on the job but is reluctant to speak up about it. Alex treats a former wrestler from his college days who has turned to self-mutilation. Izzie must deal with a patient who won't let go of his girlfriend - literally, and Cristina worries that what had seemed to be stomach flu might be something else entirely.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this one as well. That guy swallowing the key's of his (ex)girlfriend so she couldn't leave is just plain nuts... should have refered him to the psych ward!
My Rating:
8. Save Me
Meredith grows increasingly frustrated with the unknown details of Derek's life. Alex treats a patient whose religious beliefs jeopardize her chances for recovery. Izzie contemplates reconciling with her mother. A pregnant cancer patient disagrees with Cristina's medical advice, and a patient who claims to be psychic mystifies the interns.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this one also. It was interesting to see the doctors scrambling to come up with an alternative treatment do to the paitent's religious beliefs. And I kinda got a kick out of the guy that was claiming to be psychic.
My Rating:
9. Who's Zoomin' Who?
An outbreak of a sexually transmitted disease that has affected several members of the hospital staff prompts Chief Webber to call a meeting despite some medical concerns of his own. Izzie and Cristina must deal with a patient's wife and daughter who are at odds over his care. Bruke treats an old friend who is carring a huge surprise, and Meredith and Derek go on their first official date only to get a shocking surprise at the restaurant.
My Thoughts:
This is a good ending to a too short first season. It was funny to see how much the Syphilis outbreak spread through the hospital. But I guess when you work at a place so much like that it is hard to meet anyone outside of work. Even after seeing this series once before I liked the surprise at the end of the episode.
My Rating:
Over All Season 1 Thoughts:
I really enjoyed revisiting this series... I actually forgot how good it is. After watching this handful of episodes I not only can't wait to start season 2... I can't wait for my copy of season 3 to arrive!
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #2 on:
September 06, 2009, 09:35:18 PM »
Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Season 2:
Life gets even more intense for the doctors and interns of Seattle Grace Hospital in year two as Meredith and Derek's relationship goes from odd to downright insane with the arrival of Derek's wife, and Alex lets his Izzie obsession out of the bag.
Main Cast:
Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey
Sandra Oh as Dr. Cristina Yang
Katherine Heigl as Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev
T. R. Knight as Dr. George O'Malley
Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey
James Pickens, Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber
Isaiah Washington as Dr. Preston Burke
Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd
Kate Walsh as Dr. Angela Sheperd
1. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Meredith attempts to work with Mrs. McDreamy, the headstrong Dr. Addison Shepherd, while Dr. George O'Malley is pegged as the group's gossip hound – after a long day, Meredith and fellow intern Dr. Cristina Yang share a few drinks, as well as their experiences dating residents at Seattle Grace.
My Thoughts:
While this is a good episode... I was expecting more from the first episode of the season. The main case they had to work on was of the bartender at the bar across the street from the hospital. So they make a big deal out of it and how everyone there knows him and is worried for him. Unfortunately we never see much of this character in previous episodes so it is hard to care about him the way they expect us to. But I blame the fact that season 1 only had 9 episodes to work with.
My Rating:
2. Enough is Enough
Predictably, tension mounts between Meredith and Addison, which becomes odd when Meredith finds herself warming to the surgeon. While all the interns work to save an injured family, the truth is revealed as to why Addison and Dr. Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd divorced.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this one. A teen boy has the hard decision on whether or not to save his abusive father... and I must say I like the decision he came up with. Then there was the case where some guy got off on swallowing doll heads.
My Rating:
3. Make Me Lose Control
Cristina and Meredith wrestle with whether to tell Dr. Preston Burke that Cristina is carrying his child while Dr. Alex Karev and Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens start to catch each other's attention. Meredith's mother becomes a patient, with George put in charge of her care.
My Thoughts:
A very interesting...and enjoyable episode. Secrets are revealed...and new friendships starts to bloom. They have a patient that can not control her blushing so she has an operation to fix it even though there is some pretty big possible complications and side effects.
My Rating:
4. Deny Deny Deny
Cristina, unhappy with being on the sidelines, re-exhausts herself in an effort to prove she's worthy of being a doctor. To make matters worse, Cristina's mother comes to stay with her to help her recuperate. The arrival of Dr. Ellis Gray sends Seattle Grace spinning.
My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode. While Cristina makes for a very good doctor... she is not very good at being a patient. She just could not sit back and relax and heal. And I definitely got a kick out of Meredith's mother, who is patient with alzheimer's, keeps getting out of her room reliving her days as a surgeon.
My Rating:
5. Bring the Rain
Derek and Meredith work to convince a devoutly religious man that his daughter needs a life-saving procedure while Meredith makes a shocking discovery about her mother's past and George and Alex find themselves trapped with a patient who needs emergency surgery.
My Thoughts:
Good episode. Dr. Grey and Dr. Sheperd must find a shaman before they can treat a patient. And 2 of the interns gets trapped in an elevator with a police officer that was shot in the chest...giving them no choice but to operate right there in the elevator.
Jimmy... I thought of you while watching this episode
... There was a guy in this episode in chronic pain but alergic to all pain medication... so what does he do? He watches porn 24/7. Supposedly the porn releases indorphans that makes the pain more managable. Could you imagine having a medical excuse meaning you had to pretty much always have porn on no matter where you were or who was around. Your vacations to your mother's house would really be interesting, huh?
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #3 on:
September 07, 2009, 01:18:03 PM »
6. Into You Like a Train
A catastrophic train wreck floods Seattle Grace with victims while Izzie is forced to choose between friendship and career advancement. Alex questions his choice of profession as the outcome of Derek and Meredith's relationship is revealed.
My Thoughts:
This is an excellent episode. Extremely powerful and emotional. The ER was flooded with casulties from the train wreak... including 2 people that was skewered together when a pole shot through them. Definitely one of my favorite episodes of the first 2 seasons... and wouldn't be surprised if it made it into my favorites for the entire series once I do get caught up.
My Rating:
7. Something to Talk About
A male patient named "Shane" is pregnant, which confuses Cristina, Meredith and Izzie – while helping a very shy young patient, Alex realizes his lack of intimacy with Izzie.
My Thoughts:
A good... but somewhat standard episode. I mean it was entertaining enough... but just not as exciting as I thought it could have been. The pregnant male thing while entertaining just could have been done a lot better.
My Rating:
8. Let it Be
George tries to figure out why a fall survivor isn't happy about living after plunging five stories and an elderly man makes a heartbreaking decision. Derek and Addison spar over the visit of longtime friends seeking a radical surgery.
My Thoughts:
This one is really just another standard episode that not much exciting happens. While it is worth watching... don't expect too much from it.
My Rating:
9. Thanks for the Memories
Thanksgiving arrives at Seattle Grace, as George endures another year of O'Malley family tradition while Meredith tends to a coma patient awake after 16 years.
My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode. It is of course Thanksgiving so it is definitely a bit different then what you normally expect. Not surprisingly most the interns ends back at the hospital... but for me the most entertaining reason is George. He is out hunting turkey with his father and two brothers... and his brother accidentally shoots their father in the ass.
My Rating:
10. Much too Much
A one-night stand comes back to haunt Meredith when the man shows up needing odd medical help; Izzie is frustrated by Alex's faults and a women bearing quintuplets is confused by the chaos surrounding her high-risk pregnancy.
My Thoughts:
This episode was really good... I liked the whole quintuplets storyline... which if I remember correctly continues on into the next 1 or 2 episodes. Alex really messed up with Izzie... which I am ok with since I didn't like them two together anyway.
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #4 on:
September 08, 2009, 01:33:28 AM »
11. Owner of a Lonely Heart
Izzie reaches a breaking point with Alex, while Addison teaches her a painful lesson – a female prison inmate risks it all to escape solitary confinement, while premature quintuplets keep the staff busy.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. It continues where the last episode leaves off with the quintuplets. Izzie really learns a hard and painful lesson concerning the baby she was caring for. Then there was the female prisoner that decides to get a break from prison by swallowing four (taped) razor blades. The things people get in their heads to do sometimes is unbelievable.
My Rating:
12. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
Cristina and Burke squabble over a young boy's heart transplant, as the interns pitch in to help Alex pass his upcoming exam and Meredith reminds Izzie about the spirit of the season.
My Thoughts:
A good Christmas episode. I like how they made it Cristina that gave the boy the will to live... what with her being so anti-holidays. I also liked the idea of how the doctors have to be careful of what is said while a patient is asleep and they are doing surgery (in this case brain surgery) because you do not know what will find it's way to the subconscious and effect a person in a personal way.
My Rating:
13. Begin the Begin
A new patient named Denny Duquette (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) helps Izzie get over Alex, as George finds his hands full treating a teenage hermaphrodite.
My Thoughts:
Denny is introduced in this episode. I always liked Denny. And I realized today I actually know him from another series... as he played the father of the Winchester Brothers on Supernatural. I also liked how the whole teenage hermaphrodite was handled. Probably not good as a doctor... but I would have been just like George in that situation.
My Rating:
14. Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
George has difficulty discharging an older patient who refuses to leave Seattle Grace and Alex finally learns the results of his exams. Meredith and Cristina vent to each other about the state of their relationships.
My Thoughts:
This is a very standard episode. The cases were kinda bland... the personal life stuff was a little on the boring side. Most of the stuff in this episode I really didn't care to much about. Though there were a couple saving grace scenes that pushed this episode to a rating of
My Rating:
15. Break on Through
The doctors must fend for themselves as the nurses' union goes on strike; while treating a young patient, Meredith makes a mistake that the patient's friends catch and Izzie treats a young pregnant girl.
My Thoughts:
A good episode. I liked the storyline of the strike. Though I think they ended it a little too soon. We hear about it at the end of the episode before this one. And it is over by the end of this episode. I would have probably had it not end till maybe the next episode... as I think they probably could have done a little more with it. We also get to learn a little bit more about Izzie. Dr. Bailey is now out on maternity leave... so the interns gets a replacement teacher. When I saw her she immediately looked familiar to me... but I just couldn't place it. After the episode I checked DVDP to see what else I had with her in it... and no wonder she looked familiar. She was in a few episodes of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
as Helfrak.
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #5 on:
September 08, 2009, 08:14:23 PM »
16. It's the End of the World
Meredith wakes up feeling as though it's going to be a bad day – and she's right. Seattle Grace must contend with a highly explosive situation.
My Thoughts:
This is part one of an outstanding two part episode. Definitely one of my favorites of the 2 seasons I have seen of this show so far. It is a very powerful and emotional episode.
My Rating:
17. As We Know it
A dangerous situation escalates despite the hospital's "code black" and the local bomb squad's determined efforts. Meredith must team up with the bomb squad while Derek performs an intense surgery under excruciating conditions.
My Thoughts:
This is second part is just as powerful and emotional as the first. It really was a great continuation of the storyline. The paramedic that had her hand in the patient holding the unexploded missile looked very familiar to me... but I was really drawing a blank. Then I felt like a total idiot when I looked in DVDP to discover it was Christina Ricci that I didn't recognize! How is that even possible? Sit there watching her for 2 episodes and never realizing who it was. Unbelievable!
My Rating:
18. Yesterday
A visitor from the past, Dr. Mark Sloan (Eric Dane), stirs up Derek and Addison's lives, while Meredith explores her family's dirty laundry and Cristina's secret makes its way to Burke.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode with some interesting cases...including a woman that has spontaneous orgasms and a teen boy with bony tumors in his skull making him look somewhat disfigured. As he put it he looked like he had the face of a lion. And then the doctor that Addison cheated on Derek shows up in the hospital.
My Rating:
19. What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Dr. Sloan's appearance has Derek and Addison experiencing some tension while Meredith and George wrestle with the morning after consequences – Denny also returns, causing a rift in Izzie and Alex's relationship.
My Thoughts:
Pretty much a standard filler episode case wise... but there is advancements in the drama of their personal lives. It is good to see Denny back... as I always liked that storyline.
My Rating:
20. Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole
Izzie bails on Alex in favor of Denny as Meredith attempts to deal with the fallout from sleeping with George and Bailey attempts to circumvent maternity leave.
My Thoughts:
This one is more or less just a continuation of the last episode. So it is a pretty standard episode with nothing big happening in the hospital... and is putting the storyline more to the private lives of the patients.
My Rating:
Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #6 on:
September 09, 2009, 06:21:36 PM »
Some nice artwork for your gallery on s3 I thought you might like pete (click on full size)
Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 06:23:36 PM by Rich
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #7 on:
September 09, 2009, 06:40:20 PM »
Very nice indeed... Thanks Rich
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #8 on:
September 10, 2009, 02:16:53 AM »
21. Superstition
The staff becomes highly superstitious after a string of deaths at the hospital – Dr. Richard Webber treats an old friend while Cristina and Burke fight over a new roommate.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. It was fun seeing all the different superstitions that the doctors as well as a patient or two had.While it does advance some of the storylines this episode is done more for pure entertainment then anything else.
My Rating:
22. The Name of the Game
George overstays his welcome at Burke's apartment as Meredith learns a troubling secret about her father. Alex learns about bedside manners from Burke and Bailey worries that the staff won't cower in fear after she becomes a mother.
My Thoughts:
We are still rather heavy into the personal lives of the doctors more then concentrating on the patients. Which isn't really bad... but a more even combination of two makes for a much better episode. This episode has a guest star of Laurie Metcalf (Jackie on Roseanne)... her story was pretty good... and she had a real emotional scene with her daughter in this episode.
My Rating:
23. Blues for Sister Someone
Izzie interrogates George about his personal life and Addison slams Alex about a sensitive case, while Burke feels pressure as he treats his musical hero.
My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good episode. We are still strongly into the personal lives of the doctors. But in this episode the medical cases are interesting as well.
My Rating:
24. Damage Case
Derek lets his emotions get the best of him as the interns deal with a family involved in a car accident and Izzie works to save Denny's life.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this episode. It had a good storyline with the family in the car accident. Then the story of Denny continues as Izzie gets much closer to him then she should.
My Rating:
25. 17 Seconds
Meredith is paired up with Dr. Callie Torres as George is teamed up with Derek; Burke and Izzie frantically search for a heart for Denny.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. Izzie risks everything in this episode. I swear... love makes this woman nuts! In this episode we also get the ER flooded with gun shot victims when a guy shoots up the place he just got fired from. The way this episode ends... you just can not wait to put on the next one!
My Rating:
26. Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response / 27. Losing My Religion
The first episode of the two-part season finale finds Cristina, much to her amazement, in charge of the ER as it becomes clear that Denny doesn't have much time left, a realization that shatters Izzie.
Dr. Webber grills the staff about a patient's condition while Callie confronts George about his feelings for her and Meredith and Derek have a moment.
My Thoughts:
I am not sure how this originally aired... but the book that came with the dvds lists it as 2 separate episodes... but on the DVD itself it is done as a single long episode. It is a good strong finish to the season. I enjoyed every minute of it.
My Rating:
Season 2 Thoughts:
The second season... while a very good season as a whole... I do feel concentrated a little too much on the doctor's personal lives then it should have. I would have liked to seen it a little more evenly done between the personal lives and the medical cases. I have really gotten to like most the characters. My favorite has to be Izzie. But I still do not like Alex at all.
My Season 2 Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #9 on:
September 10, 2009, 02:18:41 AM »
Now that I have finished off the second season I am pretty much stuck until the 3rd season arrives. It shipped yesterday... but I ordered it with the free shipping so it could be a while before it shows yet. But hopefully it won't take too long to get here. Especially with how the second season ended!
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #10 on:
September 12, 2009, 05:31:41 PM »
Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Season 3:
They are doctors, lovers and friends. Join the staff of Seattle Grace Hospital as they learn there are no easy cures for life's challenges and that each choice comes in shades of grey.
Main Cast:
Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey
Sandra Oh as Dr. Cristina Yang
Katherine Heigl as Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev
T. R. Knight as Dr. George O'Malley
Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey
James Pickens, Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber
Isaiah Washington as Dr. Preston Burke
Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd
Kate Walsh as Dr. Angela Sheperd
Sara Ramirez as Dr. Callie Torres
Eric Dane as Dr. Mark Sloan
1. Time Has Come Today
Izzie faces life after Denny with the help of Meredith and Cristina. George and Derek are quarantined together after operating on a dangerously contagious patient. Alex searches for the mother of an abandoned infant, while Richard's wife makes an appointment with him in order to deliver an ultimatum. The interns reminisce about the first time they met.
My Thoughts:
This is a great episode. I enjoyed every minute of it. It starts up right where season 2 left off. Izzie is a wreck. Meredith is trying to figure out what happened that night means. George has to figure out if he loves callie. And along with all of this a plegue threat. I also liked all the flashbacks that showed how they all first met... even before the pilot episode of the series.
My Rating:
2. I Am A Tree
Three unique patients have unforeseen effects on the interns. Cristina has an awkward first meeting with Burke's family. A pair of panties on the lost-and-found board leads to trouble for George and Callie. Derek makes an important decision on his future, but Meredith is having trouble making a decision of her own.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. I was really interested in the medical care in this episode where the teen boy got impaled on a tree branch. Unfortunately they didn't spend too much time on the case. Instead they opted to stick with the doctor's personal lives. Which I normally don't care for... but I am really into the stories right now.
My Rating:
3. Sometimes A Fantasy
Meredith finds that juggling two suitors is not as easy as she thought. Izzie heads to Seattle Grace to ask for a second chance. Cristina takes action when she thinks that Burke has given up. George is having second thoughts about his relationship with Callie, and Alex treats a young girl who believes that she is a superhero.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. I really liked the case of the little girl who don't have the ability to feel pain. So what does she think? she is some kind of superhero and keeps it to herself. Except to show off a little for other kids. Ending up being seriously hurt internally without realizing it. Izzie is scared of the idea of asking for another chance.
My Rating:
4. What I Am
Izzie gets a visit and surprise gift from Denny's father. Meredith faces an emergency appendectomy and has a heart-to-heart talk with Addison while under the influence of morphine. Mark Sloan joins the Seattle Grace staff, and Derek is not happy about it. Burke is cleared to return to work but is hiding a potentially disastrous secret. Meredith finally makes her choice between Derek and Finn, her dog's veterinarian
My Thoughts:
Another good episode... though this one for the most part is all personal life. Though they do touch on a couple decent medical cases... not only Meredith with appendicitis... but also a man that actually thought it would be a good idea to light a cigarette in the hospital room... while wearing his oxygen. Smart man... huh? The ending on this one has me a little up in the air... not sure if I like it or not.
(click to show/hide)
The whole idea of Denny leaving Izzy over $8million just somehow don't feel right... like it really don't fit in with what this series is... if that makes any sense to you.
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #11 on:
September 13, 2009, 08:22:35 PM »
5. Oh, The Guilt
The interns are invited to a "Morbidity and Mortality" session, which leads to guilty feelings among the staff. Derek and Addison outline the terms of their divorce while Izzie tries to decide what to do with her newfound wealth. Cristina and Burke work out a signal to keep his shaky hands a secret. A divorced couple who are "still stuck on each other" prove to be a challenge for the doctors.
My Thoughts:
This is a good, dramatic episode. And we have Izzy slowly making her way back into the hospital which I am glad to see since I always liked her on here.
My Rating:
6. Let The Angels Commit
When Izzie is cleared to return to work, she and Bailey are both challenged to prove themselves. Derek's visiting sister causes problems with Meredith. Alex is jealous when George is chosen to work with Addison on a very unique case, and Cristina's continued efforts to keep Burke's condition hidden create resentment with the rest of the interns.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode. Once again dealing mostly with the personal lives though it seems the series has gravitated to that being the main plot of the series.
My Rating:
7. Where The Boys Are
Derek invites Burke to accompany him on a camping trip, which leads to nearly every male at Seattle Grace coming along. George and Alex decide to settle their differences like men, which ends up putting Burke on the spot. Bailey confronts Cristina and demands to know what is being covered up. Izzie avoids meeting with her peer-counselor Sydney. Meredith and Mark treat a transsexual with breast cancer, and Addison deals with a difficult pregnant patient.
My Thoughts:
This is a good... but different type of episode. We see most the men doctors taking a camping/fishing trip. So it was kinda strange seeing these characters out in nature. But they did it well as they made it obvious that not all the characters were not that comfortable in this element.
My Rating:
8. Staring At The Sun
George is overwhelmed when his father is admitted as a patient, while Meredith is having an equally hard time with her mother. Alex and Izzie bond over a patient who refers to himself in the third person. Richard makes an important decision about his marriage, and Burke's condition becomes harder and harder to keep secret.
My Thoughts:
And once again... another good episode. I like where they are going with George's father in the hospital. It is a good character going through a tough time. I also like how he caught on to Dr. Burke's "secret". The doctors takes care of a little girl that got hit by an SUV that was backing out of a driveway. A good story... but I hate when stuff happen to little kids!
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #12 on:
September 14, 2009, 03:10:56 PM »
9. From A Whisper To A Scream
A traumatic car accident brings dozens of patients to the emergency room. Izzie is disappointed that, due to the terms of her probation, she is not allowed to help out. George is not happy that Burke has been assigned to perform his father's surgery. Richard makes a surprising announcement, and a pair of emergency surgeries brings Cristina and Burke's situation to a head.
My Thoughts:
A good episode. What with the car accident there was plenty of medical stuff going on in this one.
My Rating:
10. Don't Stand So Close To Me
Bailey is adamant that Burke and Cristina should be punished for their cover-up. Burke blames Derek for the problems with his hand, which shakes Derek's confidence before an important operation. The stress of his father's impending surgery causes problems for George, and Meredith finds herself questioning the meaning of family.
My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode. Not only advancements in the personal life stories... but also a couple good medical cases when George's father has his operation... and not only that... but a pair of adult adjoined twins gets separated.
My Rating:
11. Six Days - Part One
Meredith is flustered when her father visits the hospital. George's father asks the doctors to keep his condition a secret from his son. Burke and Cristina stubbornly refuse to break the silence between them. Izzie wants to assist on an operation to help a teenage girl, Heather, live a more normal life, but must first do something to prove to Bailey that she is ready. Derek surprises Meredith with information about her that she was unaware of.
My Thoughts:
This is a good start to a 2-part episode. George's father really has a heck of a fight ahead of him. But it seems he is strong enough to fight. Now that we know where the storyline of Izzie's inheritance is going I can enjoy that storyline as well. When it first came up I didn't feel it fit in this series... but they did make it work.
My Rating:
12. Six Days - Part Two
An anonymous donation allows Heather's surgery to take place. Callie finds out why Addison is depressed today, while Meredith gets advice on her problem with Derek from an unexpected source. Derek gets an update on Burke's condition, and George faces a tough decision when his father takes a turn for the worse.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this episode. It concludes the previous episode well. It is a very emotional episode... and deals mostly with the personal lives of the doctors.
My Rating:
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Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #13 on:
September 15, 2009, 03:25:52 AM »
13. Great Expectations
With Richard stepping down, the doctors at Seattle Grace begin jockeying to replace him -leading to harsh words and hurt feelings. George's method of dealing with his father's death is taking a toll on Callie, and Richard is surprised by his wife's reaction to his retirement plans. The plight of a young Amish girl inspires the staff to push for a free clinic. Cristina and Burke finally speak to each other, and what Burke has to say shocks Cristina.
My Thoughts:
A good episode. I really enjoyed the whole Amish girl storyline. And this one ends with a bit of a surprise.
My Rating:
14. Wishin' And Hopin'
George and Callie return from a trip to Las Vegas with huge news. Meredith gets some big news of her own when her mother wakes up free from the effects of her Alzheimer's disease, but her excitement is short-lived when her mother is as critical of her as ever. Cristina worries that having a personal life will have a negative effect on her career, and Izzie frets that her money has gone to waste. The entire staff must pitch in when a patient's toxic blood endangers the hospital.
My Thoughts:
This is another one I really liked a lot. Especially the whole toxic blood thing. I also liked seeing Meredith's mother free from the effects of her Alzheimer's for a while.
My Rating:
15. Walk On Water
Derek worries that Meredith has let her mother's criticism affect her. Burke and Cristina discuss how best to tell the others about their engagement. Triage drills at the hospital are interrupted by a real-life emergency - a ferry has collided with a container ship in dense fog, resulting in multiple casualties. As each member of the Seattle Grace team deals with their own emergencies, Meredith finds herself in over her head.
My Thoughts:
Wow! What an episode! I absolutely loved every minute of it! This one definitely dealt more with the medical aspect of the show more then anything else. Which I dedfinitely love to see! And wow... the way this one ended! I was planning on making this one the last episode of the night... but after how this episode ended I had to see where the next one goes from here. Definitely one of my favorite episodes of the series that I have seen so far!
My Rating:
16. Drowning On Dry Land
Meredith is pulled from the water, unconscious and unresponsive. Izzie continues to fight for the life of the patient trapped between two vehicles on the ferry. Alex is put in charge of notifying friends and family members about the status of the patients, and George races to find a missing boy before his mother wakes up from surgery.
My Thoughts:
An excellent continuation to the last episode. Very dramatic and thrilling all at the same time. Probably for the first time in this entire series so far Alex actually impressed me. If this episode has a downside at all... it is the final moment of the episode. I think the episode would have been even more powerful if they didn't go where they did. But at the same time it was not so bad to take away from my enjoyment of the episode. The story will be continued on into the next episode. And as much as I really want to see it... it will just have to wait till tomorrow.
My Rating:
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Posts: 17685
Re: Grey's Anatomy Marathon
Reply #14 on:
September 16, 2009, 08:54:39 PM »
17. Some Kind Of Miracle
As Burke, Richard and Bailey feverishly work to revive her, Meredith interacts with some ghosts from her past. Alex's pregnant patient awakens, unable to remember anything and under the impression that Alex is her husband. Derek angrily confronts Meredith's mother, Ellis, who may be the only person in the world who can save Meredith.
My Thoughts:
This episode pretty much concludes the disaster storyline. And once again... an excellent episode. I still don't know for sure how I feel about the whole after-life/dream-type thing they did with Meredith... but I must admit... it was better then what I expected from the end of the last episode... so I guess it did work. Though it did seem pretty obvious how it would end up early on into the episode.
My Rating:
18. Scars And Souvenirs
Burke is troubled when Cristina's old flame Marlowe, a renowned surgeon, visits Seattle Grace. Richard relates to a Korean War veteran with some shrapnel still lodged in his shoulder. A fuse is blown when Meredith invites her father and his wife to dinner. Callie kicks George out after a huge argument and he awakens to a surprise the next morning.
My Thoughts:
This is really an average episode. It seemed a bit slow to me. Nothing special about the medical cases and even the personal life stuff was kinda blah. Felt like no more then a filler episode to me.
My Rating:
19. My Favorite Mistake
A hungover George has no memory of the night before, and must pull himself together to meet his new father-in-law. With Marlowe on board at Seattle Grace, the staff goes all out to impress him in hopes of getting Richard's job. Alex helps his Jane Doe pick out a new face for her reconstructive surgery, and luie and Cristina volunteer to work at the free clinic to avoid seeing George and Burke.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. Once again mostly centering around the personal lives of the surgeons.
My Rating:
20. Time After Time
Alex finds himself becoming more attached to Jane Doe. Izzie faces her past and finds comfort in George, while Meredith and Derek question their own relationship status. Cristina resolves to fight for her relationship with Burke - despite her past with Marlowe.
My Thoughts:
Pretty much more of the same as the above episode. Though I must admit I do like this new storyline about the daughter of Izzie's that she has been keeping secret from most of her friends.
My Rating:
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