Author Topic: Mesrine: Killer Instinct  (Read 1350 times)


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Mesrine: Killer Instinct
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:07:45 PM »

I am not good at writing reviews. I usually go awesome, amazing, good, ok, bad or frakking awful when describing a film. So trying to write something as in depth as Marie is capable of isn't going to happen. General because I tend to go off at a tangent and ramble kinda like now.

But suffice to say, Vincent Cassel does what he normally does, give an amazing performance.

Before I saw the trailers for this film I had never heard of Jacques Mesrine, so I can't say whether this is an accurate portrayal of his life of crime in France or Quebec. But he did seem a bit of a bastard though, which was something that I found with this compared to say The Krays or Bronson, where they made them seem like decent people that were a little misunderstood and just happened to be a little naughty, this didn't shy away from what he did without glorifying it.

Looking forward to seeing part 2 in a couple of weeks though.