Author Topic: Veronica Mars Marathon  (Read 13025 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2010, 12:13:58 AM »

Veronica Mars: The Complete 3rd Season
Hearst College, jewel of the Pacific. A citadel of higher education set amid rolling lawns and swaying palms. But since Hearst is in Neptune, California - and since Veronica Mars is among its incoming freshmen - you know it's also a noir netherworld of lies, betrayal, secrets and (of course) murder.

Veronica, Logan and more of your VM favorites join cool new characters for a Season 3 of seething mystery and sardonic wit. College is indeed a learning experience as Veronica aces a crime class led by a hunky prof, solves the case of on-campus rapes that began in Season Two, and gives a grad seminar in sleuthing when two faculty members take sudden, eternal early retirements. Frosh year is gonna be freaky!

1. Welcome Wagon
2. My Big Fat Greek Rush Week
3. Wichita Linebacker
4. Charlie Don't Surf
5. President Evil
6. Hi, Infidelity
7. Of Vice and Men
8. Lord of the Pi's
9. Spit & Eggs
10. Show Me the Monkey
11. Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves
12. There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill
13. Postgame Mortem
14. Mars, Bars
15. Papa's Cabin
16. Un-American Graffiti
17. Debasement Tapes
18. I Know What You'll Do Next Summer
19. Weevils Wobble
20. The Bitch is Back

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2010, 02:33:22 PM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 1

1. Welcome Wagon
Campus crime stopper: Veronica solves a classroom murder game in record time, then takes on a case for Wallace's roommate Piz, whose move-in stuff was boosted by a nonexistent Welcome Wagon Committee.

My Thoughts:
This is an excellent start of Veronica Mars: The College years (or year as it ended up :( )I really enjoyed every minute of this. From before the open credits even come on she shows what she is made of by solving the "mystery" in her criminology class... to the episode mystery that she has to solve. Not to mention an interesting multi-episode arc that we actually got a taste of in season 2.

My Rating:

2. My Big Fat Greek Rush Week
Veronica, a sorority girl? She dons a floral frock to rush Zeta Theta Beta, searching for clues to the identity of the campus rapist. Wallace and Logan are guard and inmate in a disturbing prison experiment.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. I liked the side storuy will Wallace and Logan as much as I did the main story of finding out what was going on in the sorority house. And Verronica inches further in the rape cases as well.

My Rating:

3. Wichita Linebacker
Out of bounds. The team playbook "borrowed" by a Hearst College football player goes missing...or gets stolen. And Veronica recommends an unlikely candidate to take her place at Mars Investigations: Weevil.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... though not quite as good as the previous two. I did like how they managed to add Weevil to the college campus. The weekly mystery could have been better... but was entertaining enough.

My Rating:

4. Charlie Don't Surf
It's tough to be a trust-fund baby without the trust fund: Logan thinks his business manager is skimming his inheritance. Dick is suddenly Veronica's bestest pal. And Keith meets a very attractive woman.

My Thoughts:
Much like the one before it... not the best of epiosde... but still entertaining. While it did have the episode mystery it took the back seat to the rapist storyline.

My Rating:

Disc 1 Thoughts:
Over all the first disc is a good start to the 3rd (and final) season. Unfortunately there is no extras what so ever on this disc.

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2010, 08:14:51 PM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 2

5. President Evil
Bad news for the thugs who hold up an illegal campus casino: Veronica's among the victims. And she is seriously ticked off when they score the necklace Lilly gave her.

My Thoughts:
A good episode. It is not what I would call a Halloween episode... but they do let on that it is Halloween time and do see a scene with them in costumes. I liked the weekly mystery here as well as the side story with Keith Mars.

My Rating:

6. Hi, Infidelity
"I want someone like you in my program." Veronica's hot-shot criminology professor is wowed by her term paper...until a classmate accuses her of plagiarism. Wallace gives up hoops to focus on his studies.

My Thoughts:
This is another one I liked. I like the hunt veronica was on to see how her "A" paper got on the net.

My Rating:

7. Of Vice and Men
When the men in Veronica's life let her down, she takes refuge in Wallace and Piz's empty dorm room. But wouldn't you know, the guy next door is missing and his girlfriend wants Veronica's help finding him.

My Thoughts:
Another right good one that I enjoyed quite a bit. I especially liked the turn the ending took.

My Rating:

8. Lord of the Pi's
Frat rats. Fakers. A keester egg. A missing heiress. And a chubby Theta Beta stepping off the sorority house roof. They all figure in a trustee vote that may end the Greek system at Hearst.

My Thoughts:
Not a bad episode... though it could have been better. I found I just didn't care too much about the whole missing heiress storyline.

My Rating:

Disc 2 Thoughts:
Over all this disc was right gfood... I really enjoyed most the episodes. Unfortunately once again this is a DVD with no extras.

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2010, 05:10:20 PM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 3

9. Spit & Eggs
The coaster isn't clear: A coaster treated with a date-rape drug indicator leads Veronica to the campus rapist. Logan makes a decision about his relationship with Veronica. And Dean O'Dell discovers his wife's infidelity.

My Thoughts:
What an episode! An excellent conclusion to the rapist storyline... and the start of the next multi-episode mystery. I loved every minute of this one!

My Rating:

10. Show Me the Monkey
O'Dell's "suicide" may be patterned after the murder Veronica devised for her criminology class. And Mac is attracted to the leader of a campus animal rights group accused of nabbing a lab monkey.

My Thoughts:
A good episode. Though I got to say... I never cared much for Logan. And I especially never cared for him with Veronica. in this season I always wanted her to get with Piz. In this episode.... so close yet so far.

My Rating:

11. Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves
Comic-Con, prime spot for babe action! Max asks Veronica to find his one-night-stand soul mate, a 'Battlestar Galactica' fan who turns out to be a hooker. Meanwhile, Keith follows up on Dean O'Dell's death.

My Thoughts:
A pretty good episode... though not one of my favorites. Going nuts over a hooker you didn't know was a hooker is one thing. But after you find out... going to the extremes this guy did is just unbelievable.

My Rating:

12. There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill
Someone slips Tim's squeeze (who's also Dick's squeeze) RU486 to make her miscarry a baby she didn't want to lose. Can Veronica discover the who and the how? Her investigation crosses paths with the O'Dell case.

My Thoughts:
This is another episode I liked quite a bit. It ha a good weekly mystery. And I must say I had to laugh when Keith and Veronica Mars went undercover together... and they said their names were Carson Drew and his assistant Nancy. For those that don't know... Carson is the name of Nancy Drew's father.

My Rating:

Disc 3 Thoughts:
Another disc I really enjoyed. I liked all the episodes to some degree. Once again there is no extras on this disc.


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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2010, 07:04:35 PM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 1

1. Welcome Wagon
Campus crime stopper: Veronica solves a classroom murder game in record time, then takes on a case for Wallace's roommate Piz, whose move-in stuff was boosted by a nonexistent Welcome Wagon Committee.

Here's a fun bit of trivia.  For me anyway! :laugh:

Piz says he's from Beaverton Oregon.  I live and work in Beaverton OR.  Typing this in Beaverton in fact!

Like I said, probably not as much fun for everyone else, but I loved it!

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2010, 07:11:34 PM »
 :laugh: That is pretty cool.

I like the actor that plays Piz is now in the show Private Practice. Hard to believe how such a few years has changed him.

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2010, 10:44:44 PM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 4

13. Postgame Mortem
Game over. Hearst's basketball coach is found murdered. Logan, depressed over his breakup with Veronica, turns his attention to another young lady. He plays big brother to a little girl left in his care.

My Thoughts:
This one I liked quite a bit. It is one of the few times that the weekly mystery is spread out to two episodes.

My Rating:

14. Mars, Bars
One down, one to go. Veronica solves the Coach Barry case, but the O'Dell murder just gets more and more complicated. And guess what Logan finds on a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt: a new love interest.

My Thoughts:
This is the only episode of this set that I have seen recently. It is one I watched for Valentines Day. While the entire episode is very good... I especially liked the scavenger hunt scenes... they were just plain fun. It also has the conclusion to the last episode's mystery, a good continuation to the multi-episode mystery and has Keith Mars getting his old job as sheriff back.

My Rating:

15. Papa's Cabin
Who killed Dean O'Dell? The odd-couple detective team of Veronica and Tim wants to know. A taped phone call, two disappearances, one corpse and a few strippers later, they find out. Then...

My Thoughts:
much like all the episodes that has the big reveals... this is an excellent episode! Though I must admit... I would have liked to seen a little of what happened between the time of Veronica figuring it all out in class and the next scene of her home cooking dinner and seeing the outcome on the news. But that is a minor thing.

My Rating:

16. Un-American Graffiti
Not what they expected. An Arab-American (emphasis on 'American') family is the victim of a hate crime. Sheriff Mars targets off-campus bars that have served minors for years. Veronica's love life takes a surprising turn.

My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode. An interesting mystery. And I enjoyed Keith going up against the local bars. And I really like how it ended.

My Rating:

Season 3 Disc 4 Thoughts:
Over all another good disc. The series seems to be pretty even on each disc so far when it comes to number of episodes I find awesome, really like or just enjoy. Only one more disc of episodes to go... and as of yet I am not finding any episodes I really do not like. Once again we have another disc that has no extras on it what so ever.

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Re: Veronica Mars Marathon
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2010, 03:07:00 AM »
Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 5

17. Debasement Tapes
An ex-rock star living off nostalgia and his deceased partner's talent arrives at Hearst -- but his backing tapes don't. Mac's romantic relationships become almost as tangled as Veronica's.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... as I liked the mystery.... but not one of my favorites. What with my dislike of music and this being about a rock star really is wasted on me.

My Rating:

18. I Know What You'll Do Next Summer
Veronica's new case involves a fellow student, a Ugandan who authored a memoir about his heart-rending experiences as a child soldier. Everybody's making summer plans, from internships to jobs to surfing.

My Thoughts:
An interesting episode. The mystery wasn't that hot in my opiniion. But I liked that this episode started telling us what is happening in the future for some of our favorite characters.

My Rating:

19. Weevils Wobble
A bum knee and a bum rap. Weevil injures his knee on the job, then is fingered as the mastermind of a campus fraud ring. Luckily, he knows this smart blonde who just got her PI license.

My Thoughts:
This is an awesome episode. I enjoyed every minute of it. From beginning to end Weevil proves to be the same old Weevil from beginning to end.

My Rating:

20. The Bitch is Back
When someone starts circulating a compromising video of Veronica, she gets mad, she gets even and she gets a harrowing blast from the past.

My Thoughts:
Another excellent epsiode! Personally I would have liked to seen some more of the video that was talked about... but that is neither here nor there. But I enjoyed everything about this episode. Well everything except the ending for Keith Mars... while it is the ending that had to be for the episode... it is not the ending I would have preferred to see.

My Rating:

Season 3 Disc 5 Thoughts:
What a great ending to an awsome series! I am so sorry that this series ended after only 3 seasons. Just like all the discs beforfe it... the 5th disc has no extras what so ever but there is a 6th disc with all the bonus material... see that info below.

Veronica Mars
Season 3 Disc 6

Bonus Material:
Season 4 Presentation - This is the idea they had for the fourth season. It is a jump into the future... and Veronica Mars is an agent in the FBI. It is not the length of a full episode... it is only about 12 minutes long. But I really enjoyed where they were planning to go... I would have loved to of seen it!

Pitching Season 4 - 18 minute featurette about the hopeful 4th season. I only watched a portion of this tonight.

Going Under Cover with Rob Thomas - a 9 part featurette for the third season. Once again... only watched a portion tonight.

Webisode Gallery - pretty self explanitory... there is 5 different web features here.

Additional Scenes with Introduction by Show Creator Rob Thomas - several deleted scenes for season 3. Some of which I wish stayed in the show... some I can see why they were cut.

Gag Reel - One of my all time favorite DVD extras... I just think it is a lot of fun seeing the actors goof off or messing up their lines. This one lasts 7 minutes.

Not bad collection of extras... but I would have liked to have seen a bit more... maybe a few cast commentaries or something. I must say my favorite of the extras has to be the Season 4 Presentation followed by the Gag Reel.