Author Topic: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon  (Read 19724 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2009, 06:33:58 AM »
I didn't like the frog eating clone thing that well either...I was greatly annoyed by all the things done to keep Lois and Clark apart.  I wasn't overly fond of Lois's short hair either.

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2009, 11:56:14 AM »
Lex's dark plot to win Lois could mean Eternal amnesia for her... and disaster for the citizens of Metropolis.

My Thoughts:
This one is definitely better then the last one. I still don't care for this story line but it is improving.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Hoping to regain her memory, Lois enters a clinic where patients die at on alarmingly rapid rate.

My Thoughts:
This one I liked a little more the the previous few. I like where it is going with the amnesia story. At least the way they are getting between Lois and Clark now makes sense... somewhat.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Back to work... and back to square one. As work partners only, Lois and Clark track down a mind-altering machine.

My Thoughts:
This is the last episode of the amnesia storyline... while not bad storyline I am glad it is over.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

High school reeked - at least for one of Lois's old classmates, who hatches a diabolical plan for revenge.

My Thoughts:
This one is a silly but fun episode. I had to laugh when a shrunken Superman compared himself to Mighty Mouse. That is a cartoon I haven't thought of in many years!

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

The Krypton connection. Alien vistors with a secret objective create chaos for superman.

My Thoughts:
This is the first part of a 2 part seasons finale. And this is much... much better. Even though I was disappointed in this season for the most part... at least lit is ending on a very high note. This episode has a guest star of Justine Bateman... who played Malory on Family Ties.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Destiny. Krypton is in peril, but to save his home planet Superman must forsake friends, family - and Lois.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed the two-part season finale this season. Matter of fact after watching these I remembered when they originally aired it was this 2-part episode that gave me hope for season 4... as I felt the show went down hill so bad this season.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

My Season 3 Thoughts:
While this season still had some decent episodes... for the most part I was disappointed. Too many storylines that I just didn't care for. But towards the end of the season it really picked back up and once again became the series that I knew and loved.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5


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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2009, 11:59:45 AM »
I didn't like the frog eating clone thing that well either...I was greatly annoyed by all the things done to keep Lois and Clark apart.  I wasn't overly fond of Lois's short hair either.

Yeah... the frog eating clones is the one that bothered me the most. The amnesia storyline pretty much sucked at the beginning... but then got better towards the end once she got better and was in that hospital place. But I did like the whole going away to help save New Krypton storyline.

As for Lois' hair... while I still didn't care much for it... it did grow on me a little towards the end.

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #48 on: July 30, 2009, 05:29:06 PM »

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman: Season 4
LOIS LANE and CLARK KENT saved the best for last. In their final season, they finally get married. There are a few roadblocks along the highway to marital bliss: a worlds-at-war battle with Lord Nor; an adventure-packed encounter with the Wedding Destroyer, who believes folks are better dead than wed; and even wedding-night interruptus compliments of time-traveling H.G. Wells. But before or after the shoes and rice, all 22 fourth-season episodes zing with Lois & Clark's action/comedy blend. A multitude of baddies - ghosts, aliens, deranged scientists and bizarre criminal geniuses - power up the excitement. A multitude of guest stars - Drew Carey, Harry Anderson, Delta Burke and more - power up the laughs. Time to fly... and say goodbye!

A world without Superman. Clark leaves Earth to rule New KRYPTON... and Lord Nor arrives to institute a reign of terror.

My Thoughts:
This is a very good start to the final season of Lois and Clark. Clark comes back to earth when he finds out that Lord Nor has come to take over the world... starting with Smallville. It is part 1 of a 2 part episode.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

The world's military gives Superman Just 48 hours to defeat Lord Nor, or they'll take on the "wacko Martian" themselves.

My Thoughts:
This is a good conclusion to the Kryptonian storyline... and the last episode to guest star Justine Bateman as Zara.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

They're getting married. Really. Unless the nutty Wedding Destroyer breaks out of confinement to break up the nuptials.

My Thoughts:
And we finally make it to Lois and Clark's wedding. An enjoyable... but somewhat silly episode that guest stars Delta Burke as the Wedding Destroyer... as well as David Doyle (Bosley on Charlie's Angels).

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

It's Lois and Clark's wedding night, the newlyweds are in a clinch... and H.G. Wells pops up with connubiality-busting news.

My Thoughts:
This is another good time travel episode. This time traveling to a couple different times as we learn that Lois and Clark has been in love through-out time. I really enjoyed this episode... as I have all the episodes with Tempus and H.G. Wells.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5


Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2009, 10:27:14 PM »
I really like the episodes with Tempus too...they were so entertaining.

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2009, 10:35:24 PM »
I liked the Tempus as well, of course. But "Soul Mates" was my least-favorite of those.

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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2009, 10:58:14 PM »
Jimmy's boyhood pal comes staggering into the newsroom - white-haired, wrinkled and old.

My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode. For more then one reason. I enjoyed the storyline. Especially seeing Lois panic about her mortality. Seeing and old Lois with a still young Superman was pretty comical. I also liked that they had the guest star of Jack Larson playing the old version of Jimmy Olsen. For those of you that don't know that name. His is the guy that played Jimmy Olsen in the Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves. So it was cool seeing him reprive that role (well some what) after all these years.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

The D.A. has an airtight case against a suspected killer; the crime and film and a city full of eyewitnesses. The accused: Lois Lane.

My Thoughts:
This is a very good 2 part episode. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Will Lois get the chair? Not with Superman around! One prison break later, Lois and Clark hunt for the real killer.

My Thoughts:
While a very good conclusion... I think I liked the first part a little more. I didn't care much for how Lois looked in that wig she wore in a couple of the scenes in this episode.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Lois and Clark's new best buddies Bob and Carol seem too good to be true. And they are: Bob is the cold-blooded assassin Deathstroke.

My Thoughts:
This one is enjoyable... but really no more then a filler episode. I thought it was kinda funny to have Deathstroke use the same glasses technique for a secret identity as Clark does... but over all while enjoyable I think it could have been better. Some of the acting by the guest stars was a little on the stiff side.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5


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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #52 on: August 05, 2009, 12:50:00 AM »
A-haunting we will go. A plus-sized ghost decides she'll take Lois' body.... and Lois' husband, too.

My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode. It guest stars Drew Carey and Kathy Kinney (Mimi) from The Drew Carey Show. It is definitely a light-hearted episode.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Perry's promoted, and the new editor of the DAILY PLANET is... Lois! Think Clark will get along with his new boss?

My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good episode. I enjoyed it... though not as much as the previous one. It was interesting seeing Clark deal with his wife being his boss.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Christmas again? Where did the time go? MR. MXYZPTLK, on imp from the fifth dimenssion, makes every day Santa's day.

My Thoughts:
This is probably my favorite of the 3 Christmas episodes in the series. I thought that Howi Mandel did a very good job as Mr. Mxyzptlk. And I enjoyed the storyline... was like a Christmas version of the movie Groundhog Day.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Daddy's boys. Perry's ex-con son and Mr. Godget's cop son bring their own brands of evildoing to Metropolis.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... in it we once again see Red Kryptonite. We also meet one of Perry's sons in this one. Even though this is a good episode... it is also a pretty standard one.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5


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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #53 on: August 06, 2009, 12:39:47 AM »
Photo finish? A cuddy shot of Superman with a married woman (Lois!) destroys the MAN OF STEEL's wholesome image.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. Definitely entertaining. It is basically a story that had to be told the moment that Lois and Clark got together.... an obvious storyline.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Dirty politics gets a new layer of slime when fugitive-from-the-future Tempus runs for president.

My Thoughts:
As always... the Tempus episodes are good. This is the first of a 2 part episode. Ends in a very good cliffhanger... especially the first time you see the episode.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

One Tempus, one H.G. Wells, two Clark Kents. add them up and you have time-warp adventure aplenty.

My Thoughts:
A very good conclusion to the last episode. And good to see the character of H.G. Wells in it to come help Lois and Clark. I thought they did a good job bringing the alternate universe's Clark over... but it did almost feel... I don't know... just not quite right on how Clark's parents took the news and accepted him. You would think there should have been plenty of tension there... and that just didn't come through in the episode. But it didn't take away from the story too much.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

A pretty coed with the hots for Superman is sure she's discovered his secret identity - Jimmy Olsen!

My Thoughts:
This one is a pretty good episode... but somewhat standard. And a 97% match of Jimmy Olsen to Superman?... Come on... you got to be kidding me!

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5


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Re: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Marathon
« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2009, 05:00:33 PM »
New in Metropolis: Superpowered crimefighter Vixen and Leslie Luckabree, who's purchased the Daily Planet.

My Thoughts:
I never cared that much for the Leslie Luckabee episodes. I mean they were ok... but nothing thrilling. Though I did find the side story about Vixen very entertaining.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Hmm: Leslie Luckabee - L.L. - LEX LUTHOR?! Is Luckabee Lex's son? And does he want what Daddy wanted: Superman dead and Lois as his bride?

My Thoughts:
While not bad... I still don't care too much for the current storyline... though I do find it interesting after all this time that Lex Luthor has been gone they still found ways to make him be the cause of problems for Superman. The side story of the shadow guy was never a favorite of mine either.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Leslie Luckabee, the twisted Mr. Smith, a killer shadow. All the pieces come together for thrilling adventure.

My Thoughts:
While I never much cared for the whole Leslie Luckabee storyline... I must admit that they did a good job with closing that storyline out. I enjoyed this one quite a bit.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Gangsters are after a dopey lowlife. So he uses magic to switch bodies with Clark Kent - who's now superpowerless against the mob.

My Thoughts:
Not a bad episode... definitely entertaining... although somewhat silly. Seemed to be little more then a filler episode.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Must like Elvis: Forlorn Perry places a lonely hearts ad. Meanwhile, Lois and Clark search for kidnapped orphans.

My Thoughts:
This one is a fun but average episode. The main story was entertaining... and I liked that they brought Perry and his ex-wife back together.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

The final Lois & Clark episode includes a real surprise. It's not that. Nope, not that either. You'll have to watch and find out!

My Thoughts:
As a stand alone episode this is a good, entertaining episode. But as a series finale I would have preferred something more. I don't know exactly what... but some big way to send the series off. Instead they gave us a normal episode plus just a surprise ending that left you wanting and expecting a bit more. I mean they gave you a good idea where they were going with the storyline... but just felt like it needed more closure. Maybe if they made it a 2 hour finale instead of a normal episode it would have been better.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5

Season 4 Thoughts:
After a mediocre season 3 they brought the series back up to a very good show. So much so that I would have liked to have seen at least one more season. This is one time I am glad I didn't give up on a show after it looked like it was going down hill. Definitely worth every cent I paid to get the entire series on DVD.

My Rating:
Out of a Possible 5
