Has anyone ever seen this TV series? They have the first two seasons of it at Big Lots for $6 apiece and wonder if I should pick them up.
Can't recommend it highly enough. A very intelligent and brillantly written network series that takes a serious (albeit idealistic) look at high-level politics in the U.S. The serious matter is well balanced with a sharp and clever humor.
The series was created by Aaron Sorkin (Sports Night, Studio 60). He left the show after the 4th season. I only have seen the "Sorkin years", but the general opinion is that the quality of the show dropped after that, although not to the levels of embarassement provided by, let's say, "Commander in Chief".
BTW, I can't believe they throw it away at $6 a season. I paid about 40 EUR for each, which at the current exchange rate equals $60 a season.