Author Topic: Laptop advice please  (Read 2753 times)


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Re: Laptop advice please
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2009, 07:57:09 AM »
Yes, I can install programs, but I don't know the password of Administrator account. Can we establish a local account to log on to?

As with anything in Windows, there are 20 different ways to do the same thing. Each is right, just a matter of how you were taught to do something and what you prefer. I am also writing this without assuming what you do or don't know. Some steps might be covering ground you already know.That being said, here is how I create a local admin account:

Right click on My Computer and select Manage.
In the Computer Management window, expand Local Users and Groups then select Users.
Select Action/New User
Select a User name, I usually use Admin.
Type in a password and confirm the password.
If your company has any conventions for passwords, yours must follow them.
Uncheck User must change password at next logon, check Password never expires.
Select Create, when the window clears, the account is created, select Close.
You should see the account in the window now.
Now select Groups under Local Users and Groups and double click on Administrators.
Especially if your company uses domains, you will need to know the machine name.
Right click My Computer, select Properties and click on the Computer Name tab.
Here you will see the Full computer name. If it has several parts seperated by periods, you will only need the first part.
After double clicking on Administrators, select Add.
In the Select Users window, type in <machine name>/<local user> and select OK.
If everything went well, you should now see your local admin name on the list of administrators.
Close out of all the windows you have open and reboot the computer.

Depending on if your computer is joined to a domain or a workgroup, you will have 2 or 3 windows to enter logon information in. Local account name in the first window, password in the second window and, if joined to a domain, the machine name in the third window. Fill them in and select OK. You should now be logging in as a local admin.

Do not proceed until you have copied and verified your data and are ready to delete whatever is left of your old profile. You will not be able to undo and retrieve anything if you make a mistake.

If your company uses a domain, it will be bet to do this at work, connected to the network. If not, the Domain\User Accounts will show up as a long string of alphanumeric characters and you won't know which one to select.

When logged on with the new admin account, right click on My Computer and select Properties.
In the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab.
Select the Settings button for User Profiles.
You will see a list of accounts, either Machine Name\User Account or Domain\User Account.
Select the entry that is for your work account and select delete. Confirm and your account will be deleted.

Since we didn't remove your account from the Administrators group, just deleted the profile, you can reboot and logon like you normally would to a new, blank account with default settings and none of the data or programs you have added. Shut the computer down and walk it over to your IT guy with the knowledge that he may know what and how you did it, but he will not be 'peeking'at your data.

Hope this helps and sorry for being long winded. I just wanted to be sure I covered everything. If anyone else spots anything I missed, feel free to add it. I am usually doing this myself rather than instructing someone.


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Re: Laptop advice please
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2009, 04:46:29 PM »
Laptop here, and a few teething problems.
When i try and restore my dvdp backup, I am getting this error message -  out of memory while
 expanding memory stream

although I have plenty of ram remaining.
Has anyone seen this before?